Andrew G. Kotulic, Ph.D.

Publications and Presentations

Dissertation Topic

The Security of the IT Resource and Management Support: Security Risk Management Program Effectiveness. May, 2001.

Refereed Publications-Journal Articles

R. Al-Gharaibeh, W. Acar, A. G. Kotulic, and T. J. Froehlich. “Discussing Issues of Information Technology in Country Development. “ Communications of the International Information Management Association 4(01), 2004.

A. G. Kotulic & J. G. Clark. “Why There Aren't More Information Security Research Studies.”Information and Management-The International Journal of Information Systems Applications. 41(5), 2004

"Rationality in Strategic Decision Processes, Environmental Dynamism and Firm Performance." R. L. Priem, A. Rasheed and A. G. Kotulic. Journal of Management. 21(5), 1995.

(This paper won the 1996 Distinguished Professional Publication Award Honorable Mention, College of Business Administration, University of Texas at Arlington.)

Proceedings & Presentations

R. Al-Gharaibeh, W. Acar, A. G. Kotulic, and T. J. Froehlich. “Discussing Issues of Information Technology in Country Development. The 15th Annual International Information Management Association (IIAM) conference. Chicago, Il October 2004.

J. G. Clark, N. Beebe, and A. G. Kotulic. "Integrating Security and Privacy Issues in System Design”, Proceedings of the 2nd. International Workshop on Security in Information Systems, WOSIS 2004, Porto, Portugal, April, 2004 pp. 33-46.

“.Net” Substitute presenter at the Ninth Annual Government/Not-for-Profit Accounting Conference sponsored by the Department of Accounting and the College of Business Administration with the College of Continuing Studies at Kent State University, October 18, 2001. Dr. G. Steinberg authored the presentation.

"The Security of the IT Resource and Management Support: Security Risk Management (SRM) Program Effectiveness." 2000 IRMA International Conference-Doctoral Symposium

"Security Risk Management (SRM) Program Effectiveness: The Realities of Information Security Research." 2000 IRMA International Conference.

"Security Risk Management (SRM) Program Effectiveness." 8th USENIX Security Symposium 1999.

"Rationality in Strategic Decision Processes, Environmental Dynamism and Firm Performance: A Test of Competing Theories." R. L. Priem, A. Rasheed and A. G. Kotulic.1992 Academy of Management National Meeting.

Works in Progress

"Security and Privacy Governance: Criteria for System Design.”

"The Lack of Information Security Research Studies: A Case for Case."

"Scenario-Driven Information Security Risk Management using Comprehensive Situation Mapping (CSM)"

"Do Information Security Programs Really Foster Risk Mitigating Cultures?"

Working Paper Topics

"The Realities of HIPAA Compliance: Privacy and Security Tradeoffs"

"Critical Transportation Information Infrastructure Protection: The FAA"

"K-12 Cyber Drivers: learner Permits to Class A Licenses"

"The Alphabet Soup of Security and Privacy Requirements"

Invited Address

“Internet Predator” seminar sponsored by the Office of the Stark County Prosecutor, Alliance City Schools, and the Alliance Police Department (Alliance, OH, October 06, 2004). I was the primary speaker and made a presentation titled “Tools for Teaching Cyber Smarts” The presentation was focused on security awareness training for high school teachers, parents and students in grades 9-12

Panels and Forums

"Forum on Information Security Education-Panel Member." 2000 IRMA International Conference.

Author: Andrew G. Kotulic.