Paleo Essays:  Examples of Titles from  Previous Years

Patterns of Biodiversification in the Paleozoic
Making a Shell:  Different Ways of CaCO3 Shell Formation

Ancient DNA Preserved in the Fossil Record

Cretaceous Climate Change

The Recovery of Ancient DNA and What it Means to Us

What Causes Ice-Age Climate Oscillations?

Factors Contributing to the Decline & Extinction of Trilobites

The Use of Fossils to Prove the Existence of Gondwana

The K-T Mass Extinction

Stable Isotopes of Oxygen in Fossil Remains as Indicators of Ancient Climate

The First Evidence of Life on Earth

Was a "Global Killer" Responsible for the Mass Extinction Among Marine Organisms at the Tr/J Boundary?

A Look at a Few Cambrian Trilobites

Radiation of Thought (Overview of the Cambrian Explosion)

Using the Fossil Record to Characterize the Last Interglacial

Ancient DNA-the Key to Our Past?

Tracing Evolution Through the Fossil Record

What Caused the K-T Extinction?

The Permian - Triassic Extinction

North American Orogenies and Their Effects on Trilobite Species

Effects of Vulcanism on Paleoclimate

Experiments of Stanley Miller and Harold Urey & Evolution of Multicellular Life

Coral Reef Cycles

The Importance of Konservation Lagerstatten and Archaeopteryx

Coral Reef Extinctions

The Cryptic Conodont as a Tool for Geology

DNA and the Key to Unlocking Man's Link to the Neanderthal

Effects of Past and Present Global Warming

La Brea Tar Pits

Ammonite Extinction versus Nautilus Survival

What Keys Do We Use to Unlock the Door to Paleoclimate?

Causes for Mass Extinction of Trilobites

Dinoflagellate Cysts: Recreating the Past

The Chicxulub Impact Event as the Cause of Mass Extinctions at the End of the Cretaceous

The Separation of South America and Africa

Human Ancestry

The Benefits of the Use of Echinoderm Ossicles in Paleontological Research

Coral Extinctions in the Permian

Cretaceous/Tertiary Extinctions

The Importance of Hexactinellidae Sponges in Jurassic Communities
Ammonite Extinction at the K/T Boundary
Post-Permian Nautiloids:  A Peculiar Evolution
The Life & Times of Globorotalia truncatulinoides
Data Collecting in Scientific Studies: The Ordovician Cincinnatian
The Insects are in the Amber, but is the DNA in the Insects?
Advanced Phacops Eyes
Fossilized Bones: The Key to Unlocking the Secret of Ichthyosaur Evolution
Change in Reef Community:  Ascendence of Tabulate Corals
Glossopteris:  The Key to Understanding the Past
Evidence from Ammonites of a Global Cooling Event at the end of the Cretaceous
Crinoid Evolutionary Changes and their causes during the Paleozoic
Cold Climates, Warm Climates:  How can we tell past temperature?
Rugosa, Ancestor to Modern Corals?
Foraminifera as they relate to evidence for the Cessation of Thermohaline Circulation
The Age of the Conodont
Implications of Isotopic Evidence found in Extinct Proboscideans' Bones and Teeth
Nummulites:  Protist Dinosaurs of the Eocene Ocean
Glossopteris: another victim of the Permian/Triassic Mass Extinction?
Understanding the Paleoenvironment with Microfossils
Graptolites:  Writing on Rocks
Evolutionary Possibilities of Arthropods
Leaping Lepidodendrons
The Reliability of Foraminifera as Paleoclimate Indicators
Rugose Corals Used to Determine the Number of Days Per Year During the Devonian
The Role of Stromatolites in the Accumulation of Atmospheric Oxygen
Why Proetida?
Stromatolites-a Key Component to the Formation of BIFs and the Origin of Life
Darwin's Barnacles and Wallace's Insects