A Sample Mid-Term Exam

The first mid-term exam is approaching (Tuesday, October 11th), covering material taught  through Thursday, October 6th.  This is an in-class, closed-book and closed/notes exam, designed to be completed in class.  Here is a sample mid-term to help you prepare for the kind of questions that will be asked.  This is not the mid-term I will be giving you, but is typical of the format and is drawn from the same materialBy preparing for the mid-term using this sample, you should be prepared for the midterm I will be giving you.  If this gives you a bit of a jolt, then it is time to get busy and prepare!

I.    Definitions

 1.  THE TIME SCALE! SPELLING COUNTS! Please write out the geologic periods  in the time scale in order, including dates for the boundaries between the Archean and Proterozoic Eras of the Precambrian, the Proterozoic Era and the Paleozoic Era of the Phanerozoic Eon, between the Paleozoic and the Mesozoic Era, and between the Mesozoic and the Cenozoic Era.  Spelling CountsNote-"in order" means in stratigraphic order, oldest on the bottom, progressively younger towards the top! and Yes, you need to use Mississippian and Pennsylvanian instead of just "Carboniferous"! 20 points

2.  Please give brief definitions (one to two sentences) of any 6 of the following terms (5 points ea.): (Think about what you are doing here-tell me what it is, when it is if its time related, and why it is significant).

Rule of Facies, Walther’s Law
Phyletic Gradualism

Punctuated Equlibrium


Natural Selection

Genetic Drift
Geologic System (e.g., the Jurassic System)



Homeobox genes

Banded Iron Formations (BIFs)



Supergene Enrichment

Jack Hill zircons

Milankovitch or Orbital Cycles


Index Fossil


II. Short Answer:   Please choose any 2 of these 4 questions and answer with a short (1 paragraph) response.  15 points ea.

1.  What  role do Homeobox genes play in the difference between microevolution and macroevolution?
 2.  What is the significance of the Jack Hill zircons for late Hadean Earth conditions?

3. Why is isolation important in speciation?

4.  What are two scientific  hypotheses currently under discussion about the origin of life on Earth ?

III.  Essay Answer:  Please choose 1 of these 3 questions and answer with a one page essay response.    20 points  Based on your readings and class lectures:

1.   Genetic diversity tends to be increased by natural selection, but reduced by genetic drift.    Why?  Use an example.
2.  What is the link between Precambrian ore deposits and microbial activity?
 Use an example.
3.  One of the Nick Lane book discussion questions will be chosen for an essay answer option.


Frequently Asked Question:

How can I do a good job answering an essay question under a time constraint?

The best way to approach this problem is to take 2 minutes to carefully read the question, and plan in your mind what you want to say, and realistically gauge the amount of time it will take to answer (Plan on this essay consuming about 20-25 minutes).  Figure you will need an answer that has:
1) an introduction, in which you can repeat the question to help guide you,

2) your main points or examples

3) a brief summary and conclusion statement

Many people who are very successful at this jot down in the margin a quick outline of the essay they are going to write, and use it to guide them as they write.  The biggest problem in essay tests is that in all the flurry of test-taking, the writer loses track of the topic.  You can avoid this by coming up with an outline and sticking to it.