Into the Second Year


Still catching up on sleep two days after her big birthday party.


Outside a few hours later, and looking more grown up every day.  She looks a little worried.  Can it be because she knew that day care was to start in a few days?


Petting a little brown lamb at the Randolph Fair.


Her favorite game at Grammy and Opa's...Taking paper napkins out of their basket.  Note the concentration.


Oh yeah, Ava took her first steps on August 26th, 12 days past the one year mark!  We haven't gotten any good pictures yet, as she only lasts for a few steps before hitting the ground.  Here, she is a few days before the event, standing with the Activity Walker that Uncle Mark and family gave her for her birthday.


Visiting again with Great Grandma Stella on the last day of August.


Investigating the ceiling fan in Great Grandma's kitchen, with Grampa John.


Talking to Grammy on the phone.  Ava's lost her shyness about talking on the phone and will say "Hi!" most of the time.  Give us a call and find out!


Looking out the doorway at Aunt Leslie's house on Labor Day.


Ava's audience for whatever she was doing later that day.


She was very interested in the new kittens at Aunt Leslie's, and they treated (endured?) her quite well.


Ahoy!  Kitty spotted a twelve o'clock!


In her stroller at the KSU Family Appreciation Day.


On the same day, a view through the window at the top of the stroller canopy.


Later that day, listening to music on the computer with Daddy.


Not long after coming home from day care, she's on her way back with both of us for an Open House.


At the Open House we got to see a number of things that Ava does during her days there....She has a whole other life there that we didn't know much about!


On the front porch with Daddy, waiting for Mommy to get home from work.


During another visit, Opa gets on the floor to play with his guest, but she's off too soon to investigate something else.  She's a full-fledged toddler now, getting herself to another room in a matter of seconds.


But he caught up with her later on.



Time to get a bigger house!


And time to get her first haircut?


Yes!  Cousin Bunny gave Ava her first haircut at 13½ months, getting rid of that stringy hair in the back.  Thanks, Bunny!

In the picture behind Ava, note that Grampa John is holding something in his left arm.  What is it?  It's so small, you can't tell from this far away....Is it a newspaper?  Perhaps a cat?  No, wait, he's allergic to cats.  So what is it?


It's a three week old Ava, with very skinny legs!


Before and after pictures.


Fall is here!



She has rather long and involved phone conversations using her toy phone, with lots of emphatic words and hand gesturing, as you can see here.


Entertaining Mrs. Cooper (Uncle Chip's Mom) during a trip to Berea.


Relaxing on the floor of Grammy and Opa's apartment the same afternoon.


The next day, playing piano at Aunt Leslie's with cousins Morgan and Megan.


Playing solo for Uncle Mark.


Nice form, playing steadily with the left hand and ragging it with the right, just like Scott Joplin.  Aunt Leslie makes sure the maestra won't fall off the stool.


A blue fairy was spotted in Aunt Leslie's neighborhood at Halloween.


But only for a moment....It vanished into the night.


...only to be spotted again the next morning outside Daddy's office...


...and in the halls of the School of Art...


Watching the Browns lose on TV while eating out on A Sunday afternoon.


Making a silly face...something she can do on command if you say "Woo Woo.."


On to the Next Three Months