Into the Second Year III


A picture from who knows when...maybe during this three month period.  I only got the 35mm film developed in May, and it had been sitting in the camera since late last year.  I still like the soft focus effect that only this camera can do, but, the camera doesn't fit in my pocket!


The morning light was bouncing off of Pico (her purple bear stuffed animal) and onto her face.  And, since it was first thing in the morning, she allowed me to experiment like this without complaint.


With Daddy a few days after her 18 month mark.


In the same location--at the computer.  This 11-second video (6 mb avi) shows Ava's precocious abilities with Motocross Madness 2, and her willingness to share the controller with Daddy.


On the verge of sleep one evening with a trusty book in hand (frosty effect added) .


Taking our toddler for a walk down the dirty, muddy sidewalk in her clean coat and pants....What were we thinking?


Ready for more action a few minutes later.


On the way to day care at 7:45am.  Her hair was a bit unruly, so I did what I could with it and put her hood over it. She's also holding her brush in case she wants to work on it on the way...


Her coat is on for Saturday morning chores around town, but she's still glued to the screen watching what Wallace and Gromit will do next in The Wrong Trousers.  We have Finding Nemo, too, but she's not into that as much, yet.


Feathers McGraw and Gromit's first encounter....


Singing for Mommy and Daddy with nice form and voice.  We gave her a 10.


The next day, Ava switches back to Aunt Leslie's piano.  The occasion was Cousin Valerie's Confirmation.


In the kitchen with Mommy later that day.  Note a familiar picture or two on the refrigerator....


Playing catch with Grampa John during another visit.


It's haircut time again, obviously...


Ava has a conversation with Opa, whose name (and Grammy's) she can now say, even when not asked sometimes!


Saying goodbye to Grammy and Opa on a sunny day in late March.  Ava did get a haircut (I cut her bangs) by this time, although it's not that noticeable...


She's usually a little quiet and droopy (and perhaps rather sweet) in the 8 o'clock hour.  And, on Saturdays like this, I get around to combing her hair (and mine) eventually, maybe minutes before Mommy gets home.  Also, as you can see, one of her original green blankets is never too far away.  These are the same ones that she was swaddled in over 19 months ago.


The next Saturday Ava helped the KSU baseball team steal the other catcher's signs.  Here she lets me know that there's a curveball coming next.


Coloring eggs all by herself at Aunt Leslie's on Easter Sunday.


Ava's impressive oeuvre d'oeufs.


And looking for hidden eggs outside.


There's another one!


She found all of hers pretty quickly...Maybe she's practiced this at daycare.


Opening the eggs with Mommy later on.


The center of attention once again...


A week after Easter, and Ava's Hanami tree still isn't ready.


As usual, Ava is not scared...not by the characters in the Monsters, Inc. movie that she's watching here or by the monster that is attacking her.


I'm still enjoying the digital camera, some 7600 pictures later.  You can take a bunch and then choose the one you like the best...


... in this case #7592.


On the way to daycare on a very chilly April morning...looking a lot like her mother here, as she often does.  I wiped her nose once we got there....


At last, new blossoms for Ava's Hanami day, but, she's in the same yukata, which still fits her, although just barely!




Yay, Spring!


Back at home, still in the yukata.


Ready for another morning at daycare, with her trusty bear and green blanket, which she refers to as "Mine" ever since she started watching Finding Nemo...


...and this scene in particular, where "Mine!" is the only word that the seagulls say.


On to the Next Three Months