Into the Fifth Year II


After dance class on the evening of Thursday, November 16th, things suddenly became..different.  Mommy had some minor complications with her pregnancy and Ava and I had to take her to Akron City Hospital that night.  Here, Ava talked to Mommy about what was going to happen next when we were all in Mommy's room--a delivery room, even though "Bruddery" (Ava's name for her Brother-to-be) wasn't due for more than three more weeks.


Aunt Sessie was summoned to collect Ava and take care of her for a while.  We had to wait for over an hour for her to arrive, though.  Here, Ava occupies herself by pretending to be a waitress.  She asked me what I wanted for dinner, and I answered her.  It was about 11:00pm. here but our princess was holding up pretty well.


Aunt Sessie and Cousin Valerie finally arrived, but they wanted so see Mommy for a little while, so we had to wait for them.  Here, Ava demands that I go through the doors that were by that point unfortunately restricted for her.


At last, Aunt Sessie is ready to take Ava to her house.  Rumor has it that Ava talked all the way there for the next hour and didn't get to sleep until going on 1AM.   

The next afternoon, "Bruddery" was here, way ahead of schedule!


Here is Brother Alec's first appearance on Ava's page!  I haven't figured out how to manage posting both of their pictures online--obviously they'll be doing lots of things together and I could combine all of their activities on one page.  For now I'll keep things separate with her site here and his site here.  It's a problem, but it's a pretty nice one to have, as problems go!


When we visit the library, Ava likes me to call up the search page so that she can type in the search box.  And what has she typed here?  Let's move in for a closer look....


I've never heard of him, either.


Brother Alec watches Ava open the one present that she got to open on Christmas Eve. 


Ava and I trying out the new camera by doing a self-double-portrait on the couch a few hours earlier on Christmas Eve.


Locating a large present with her name on it on Christmas morning.


Helping me try out the different settings on the new camera (a Fuji FinePix F30 that I had to get in a pinch when my trusty Canon SD550 turned out to be anything but trusty after about 14 months of duty and 11,000 pictures).  This picture was taken on a rather dark day using a rather high 3200 ISO setting, yet the usual problems of graininess and brownish colors are absent.  It actually reveals more color and detail in low light than you can see with the naked eye.


Reading a book about how Dora handled the mighty task of becoming a Big Sister.  I didn't pick this book for Ava...she came across it on her own.


Posing with her very own Christmas tree that is in her room.  The decorations are all in her favorite color range of pink and purple.


At a local park the first weekend of the was very cold, but Ava thought that it would be fun to pretend that it was summertime as best as we could.


Giving Brother Alec his daily kiss.


Then, a little later, helping me outside by shoveling the grass in the front yard.


An eyeball-high icicle from the side of the house.  We smashed it right after this to ensure that it wouldn't get anywhere near her actual eyes.


Holding Brother Alec the following weekend.  This happens only when Ava asks on her own...we never force her to hold him.


In her car seat on the way to Thursday dance class.  That's as far as a zipper goes up with Ava.  She hates zipping her coat up all the way, even on days like this when it was 3 degrees and windy.  Makes for a cuter picture though, dudinit?


Ava's drawing of (L to R) Sleeping Beauty, Prince Philip, and Sleeping's Beauty's friend "Shalessa," an Ava-made character.

