Into the Sixth Year III


A shot using the zoom from across the room when Ava accompanied me to the doctor's in early February on one of several snow cancellation days for her.


Inside the playroom at the supermarket.  You have to be three years old to use the playroom, so Brother Alec still has many months ahead of him like this, where he has to watch Sister Ava through the glass.  One of the ladies who works there was trying to get Alec's attention with a toy horse.


Back at the same supermarket a few weeks later to see the Easter Bunny, who, Ava pointed out to us, was not the real Easter Bunny because it had tennis shoes on under the costume.



Sunday morning breakfast....Ava stopped by Alec's high chair to give him a hug...I scrambled for my camera to catch the moment before it was over, and it soon was, a second or so after taking this.


Waiting for the bus on a cold March morning just before Spring Break.


Ava an I both took care of our dentist appointments together during Spring Break when Mommy was at work.  Since it was just the two of us, Ava had to sit patiently and watch me get my teeth worked on.  She did a nice job.


Spring Break week also meant that Ava went into daycare a few times while I got some work done, and she met up with some of her old friends there, plus she got to see this guy during the day.


Just like a year ago...the first daffodils of spring, at last!


Helping Alec run down the driveway before her bus arrived on a sunny April morning.


And with him on park bench the following weekend.


Another one from the same evening.


Ava's Fifth Hanami Picture, by my count.


An attempt to re-do the static-electricity picture that we did on this spot a year-and-a-half ago, but to lesser effect.


I have two right-handed children, which is fine by me--they'll never smear ink or have to move a computer mouse to the other side of the keyboard.  I'll stun them both with such details of my tragic privations one day...


He ain't heavy, he's my......wait, he is kinda heavy.  Or maybe it's the big box of Cheez-Its that's slowing things down.  We were headed to campus to see the fountain.


Posing in front of the fountain a few minutes later, much like she'd done several years ago (such as this picture, and this one), and looking a lot like her Opa as she did.

