Into the Sixth Year IV


Ava's year of kindergarten is winding up, and one of the end-of-the-year events was an evening's performance where the kids all sang a different song for each letter of the alphabet. 


Ava and the two boys next to here sang a special song about the letter F ("Finny Fish"), hence the hats here.


"This is my happy face!"  Ava was upset that she didn't choose to leave the car and go in with Mommy to pick up Alec from daycare one afternoon.  After Mommy had gone inside, she realized that she was stuck with me in the car, and this is only expression that I could get out of her for about ten pictures.


June 1:  Joining Brother Alec in a game of "Let's Attack Daddy While He's Lying on His Back in the Grass."


A double self-portrait on the front steps in early June.


Feeling the spray from the fountain on campus with Alec the same evening.


Practicing the final part of this year's recital routine, the third one she's done now.


The same part of the routine a few days later during the dress rehearsal.  After the final performance on Saturday night, it was home to bed and then early to rise  for the much-anticipated trip to Disney World.


One of the first pictures from the first day of the vacation.  We didn't have to ask her to look happy here.


One of the many, many pictures we have of Ava meeting characters.  Daisy Duck adds to Ava's ever-growing book of autographs.


A special meeting with Pocahontas, Snow White, and Mulan.

Certainly the most important meeting of them all...the elusive and pink-clad Aurora, who Ava chose to dress up as for the special Lunch with Princesses on this day.


In the 95 degree heat at Epcot with Mommy later that day, listening to the drummers in the Japanese pavilion area.



The first picture of anyone in the new house, the first evening that we got to have it all to ourselves.  I want to see it kept this clean all the time, OK?


In a pensive mood on a late July afternoon.


Papa Don helps Ava paint her room.  The Pepto-Bismal pink was her choice, most definitely, and we obliged.  And, we got a lot of help from family members painting different rooms of the new house over the course of two weekends.


Handling it all by herself for a moment.


Walking the nature path that is part of the park that's in our new neighborhood, just a short walk from our house.  She's smiling here, but the many sightings of spiders caused some concern.  Ava's not a fan of spiders, or most bugs.


At her favorite playground, one that's now a much shorter drive away.  This was right around her sixth birthday.


Her birthday party was at home for the first time, because we finally had a place that could host it.


Playing with Cousins Morgan, Megan, and Jessie after the gifts were opened.

