Into the Seventh Year II


Dodger Bean is one of the only non-pink items in Ava's new room.


Opening presents with Mommy on Christmas morning.


And playing with one of the presents with three of her cousins in our living room a few hours later.


Ava wanted to ride her bike the first week of January.  It was sunny enough, but only in the 30s, so she only did a few laps around the driveway, pausing for some portraits.


After a year and a half, Ava got to see Opa again when we visited for Cousin Susie's wedding in January.


By that afternoon, we were in our hotel room above Times Square in New York City.


Seeing the sites with me that night.


At the Top of the Rock, where it was a bit breezy, obviously, but not too cold, really.


Ava and Mommy rode in the Barbie-themed car that was on the ferris wheel that is inside of the Toys-r-Us store in Times Square.


Petting Billy the horse after he took our carriage through Central Park.  Ava truly enjoyed meeting Billy and was upset to leave him and let him get back to his working day.  She overlooked the fact that he tried to eat her mitten.


An impromptu portrait in Mommy and Daddy's bedroom one afternoon.  The light looked nice, I got my camera out of my pocket, Ava posed for a three shots for in a matter of seconds, and that was that.  This was the first shot.  I asked her to tilt her chin down and took two more, but they didn't look as good.  She had the right shot in mind at the start.  Here's the full version.


Ava has great fun playing peek-a-boo with Alec, covering and uncovering his eyes.  He likes it, too.


The rush of chocolate hits the brain at Dairy Queen.

