The Gens Publicia

List of Families

Father: Sex Publicius Maior

Mother: Rubria Caecilla


T. Publicius Malleolus (married to Flora Epurepia) - Marucco, Morgan

M. Publicius Octavianus (married to Veturia Vara) - Simko, Megan


Publicia Narcissa (married to Q. Nonius Nerkulus)

Publicia Tyche (married to T. Caecilius Magnus)


Publicius 1 (Father: M. Publicius Octavianus; Mother: Veturia Vara; wife: Sergia 2)

Publicius 2 (Father: T. Publius Malleolus; Mother: Flora Epurepia; wife: Terentia 1)


Publicia 1 (Father: M. Publicius Octavianus; Mother: Veturia Vara; husband: Hostilius 2)

Publicia 2 (Father: T. Publius Malleolus; Mother: Flora Epurepia; husband: Calpurnius 1)


Slaves of the Publicia Family

a manuensis - Cyriacus (secretary; Roman Male; 40 years old)

arator - Speratus (gardener; Roman Male; 28 years old)

atriensis - Proteus (household steward; Greek Male; 43 years old)

coca - Chryseis (cook; Greek Female; 27 years old)

medicus - Agathon (doctor; Greek Male; 45 years old)

nutrix - Orbiana (wet-nurse/nanny; Roman Female; 18 years old)

paedagogus - Lateranus (Tutor/caretaker of children; Roman Male; 37 years old)

pistor - Ennodius (baker; Roman Male; 48 years old)


                                                             Semester Awards

Total Award Points in the Family (2 students): 67 points

Family Members:

        T. Publius Malleolus and Flora Epurepia (Marucco, Morgan): 41 points

                   Highest Status in Town: 28 points (38th place: 28 points)

                   Highest Venator Point Value: 72 points (3rd place: 8 points)

                   Highest Final Grade: 98.4% (7th place: 4 points)

                   Most Money Spent on Amphitheatrical Slaves: -18400 denarii (10th place: 1 points)

        M. Publicius Octavianus and Veturia Vara (Simko, Megan): 26 points

                   Highest Status in Town: 18 points (55th place: 18 points)

                   Most Money Spent on Criminals: -4950 denarii (5th place: 6 points)

                   Highest Criminal Point Value: 57 points (10th place: 1 points)

                   Highest Prop Point Value: 106 points (10th place: 1 points)


Event Schedule: the Gens Publicia

Event 1 (30 minutes): Parade of animals

Event 2 (45 minutes): Large beast hunt of edible animals (for later crowd consumption)

         Water Buffalo (Impressiveness Rank 3; 6 pts)

         Wild Boar (Impressiveness Rank 2; 4 pts)

         Wild Boar (Impressiveness Rank 3; 6 pts)

         Crocodile (Impressiveness Rank 2; 3 pts)

         Crocodile (Impressiveness Rank 2; 3 pts)

         Rabbit (10) (Impressiveness Rank 5; 5 pts)

         Rabbit (10) (Impressiveness Rank 5; 5 pts)

         Rabbit (10) (Impressiveness Rank 5; 5 pts)

         Rabbit (10) (Impressiveness Rank 5; 5 pts)

         Acacius (Greek Male) trained as a Rank 1 Venator (3 pts)

         Móric (Dacian Male) trained as a Rank 1 Venator (3 pts)

         Ragnar (German Male) trained as a Rank 3 Venator (9 pts)

         Witold (German Male) trained as a Rank 5 Venator (15 pts)

         Large pool of water for criminal lake battle (30 pts.)

         Very large scene with trees covering arena floor (30 pts.)

Event 3 (15 minutes): Trained bear tricks

         Bear (Impressiveness Rank 3; 9 pts)

         Bear (Impressiveness Rank 3; 9 pts)

         Bear (Impressiveness Rank 3; 9 pts)

         Bear (Impressiveness Rank 3; 9 pts)

         Bear (Impressiveness Rank 3; 9 pts)

Event 4 (30 minutes): 2 Tigers vs. 2 lions

         Lion (Impressiveness Rank 4; 10 pts)

         Lion (Impressiveness Rank 4; 10 pts)

         Tiger (Impressiveness Rank 3; 7.5 pts)

         Tiger (Impressiveness Rank 3; 7.5 pts)

Event 5 (45 minutes): Wolves vs. deer then wolves vs venatores

         Wolf (Impressiveness Rank 2; 4 pts)

         Wolf (Impressiveness Rank 3; 6 pts)

         Wolf (Impressiveness Rank 3; 6 pts)

         Wolf (Impressiveness Rank 5; 10 pts)

         Deer (Impressiveness Rank 1; 1 pts)

         Deer (Impressiveness Rank 1; 1 pts)

         Deer (Impressiveness Rank 1; 1 pts)

         Deer (Impressiveness Rank 1; 1 pts)

         Deer (Impressiveness Rank 1; 1 pts)

         Deer (Impressiveness Rank 2; 2 pts)

         Deer (Impressiveness Rank 2; 2 pts)

         Aeson (Greek Male) trained as a Rank 5 Venator (15 pts)

         Alexius (Greek Male) trained as a Rank 5 Venator (15 pts)

         Mózes (Dacian Male) trained as a Rank 5 Venator (15 pts)

         Niraemius (Roman Male) trained as a Rank 5 Venator (15 pts)

         Very large scene with trees covering arena floor (30 pts.)

Event 6 (15 minutes): 4 snake sisters and boas

         Boa Constrictor (Impressiveness Rank 1; 3 pts)

         Boa Constrictor (Impressiveness Rank 2; 6 pts)

         Boa Constrictor (Impressiveness Rank 3; 9 pts)

         Boa Constrictor (Impressiveness Rank 4; 12 pts)

         Boa Constrictor (Impressiveness Rank 5; 15 pts)

Event 7 (15 minutes): Rhino vs. bull

         Bull (Impressiveness Rank 1; 2 pts)

         Rhinoceros (Impressiveness Rank 5; 15 pts)

Event 8 (30 minutes): Tigers and flaming hoops of criminals

         Tiger (Impressiveness Rank 3; 7.5 pts)

         Tiger (Impressiveness Rank 3; 7.5 pts)

         Momus (Male Roman) charged as a Petty Arsonist condemned Ad Ignes (2 pts)

         Leptis (Male Roman) charged as a Petty Deserter condemned Ad Ignes (2 pts)

         Sita (Male Roman) charged as a Famous Arsonist condemned Ad Ignes (8 pts)

Event 9 (15 minutes): Wolverine vs. Crocodile

         Wolverine (Impressiveness Rank 5; 7.5 pts)

         Crocodile (Impressiveness Rank 3; 4.5 pts)

Event 10 (30 minutes): Wild bull riding

         Bull (Impressiveness Rank 1; 2 pts)

         Bull (Impressiveness Rank 4; 8 pts)

         Bull (Impressiveness Rank 5; 10 pts)

Event 11 (15 minutes): Intermission

Event 12 (1 hour): Posting of crucifixion victims

         Crescentius (Male Roman) charged as a Petty Kidnapper condemned Ad Crucem (2 pts)

         Orpheus (Male Greek) charged as a Serious Kidnapper condemned Ad Crucem (3.5 pts)

         Klio (Female Greek) charged as a Notorious Brigand condemned Ad Crucem (6 pts)

         Tertius (Male Roman) charged as a Notorious Kidnapper condemned Ad Crucem (6 pts)

         Comitinus (Male Roman) charged as a Famous Kidnapper condemned Ad Crucem (8 pts)

         Cross (2 pts.)

         Cross (2 pts.)

         Cross (2 pts.)

         Cross (2 pts.)

         Ornate cross (6 pts.)

Event 13 (1 hour): Maze of ad bestias criminals and beasts

         Bear (Impressiveness Rank 3; 9 pts)

         Bear (Impressiveness Rank 3; 9 pts)

         Bear (Impressiveness Rank 3; 9 pts)

         Jackal (Impressiveness Rank 5; 7.5 pts)

         Jackal (Impressiveness Rank 5; 7.5 pts)

         Leopard (Impressiveness Rank 3; 7.5 pts)

         Leopard (Impressiveness Rank 3; 7.5 pts)

         Lion (Impressiveness Rank 4; 10 pts)

         Lion (Impressiveness Rank 4; 10 pts)

         Panther (Impressiveness Rank 2; 5 pts)

         Panther (Impressiveness Rank 3; 7.5 pts)

         Tiger (Impressiveness Rank 3; 7.5 pts)

         Tiger (Impressiveness Rank 3; 7.5 pts)

         Wolf (Impressiveness Rank 5; 10 pts)

         Cobra (Impressiveness Rank 5; 10 pts)

         Cobra (Impressiveness Rank 5; 10 pts)

         Cobra (Impressiveness Rank 5; 10 pts)

         Cobra (Impressiveness Rank 5; 10 pts)

         Rat (10) (Impressiveness Rank 1; 1 pts)

         Rat (10) (Impressiveness Rank 3; 3 pts)

         Rat (10) (Impressiveness Rank 3; 3 pts)

         Martial (Male Roman) charged as a Petty Cattle Rustler condemned Ad Bestias (2 pts)

         Ajax (Male Greek) charged as a Petty Rapist condemned Ad Bestias (2 pts)

         Buccio (Male Roman) charged as a Petty Violator of a Tomb condemned Ad Bestias (2 pts)

         Quiriac (Male Roman) charged as a Serious Cattle Rustler condemned Ad Bestias (3.5 pts)

         Candidus (Male Roman) charged as a Notorious Chicken Rustler condemned Ad Bestias (6 pts)

         Arsenios (Male Greek) charged as a Serious Extorter condemned Ad Bestias (3.5 pts)

         Titillus (Male Roman) charged as a Notorious Extorter condemned Ad Bestias (6 pts)

         Cletus (Male Greek) charged as a Serious Murderer condemned Ad Bestias (3.5 pts)

         Constans (Male Roman) charged as a Serious Pig Rustler condemned Ad Bestias (3.5 pts)

         Florus (Male Roman) charged as a Notorious Violator of a Tomb condemned Ad Bestias (6 pts)

         Litumaris (Male Roman) charged as a Notorious Cattle Rustler condemned Ad Bestias (6 pts)

         Scipio (Male Roman) charged as a Notorious Kidnapper of a Child condemned Ad Bestias (6 pts)

         Magia (Female Roman) charged as a Notorious Murderer condemned Ad Bestias (6 pts)

         Maximus (Male Roman) charged as a Famous Extorter condemned Ad Bestias (8 pts)

         Very small raft (2 pts.)

         Small pool of water (10 pts.)

         Large maze (30 pts.)

         Large maze (30 pts.)

Event 14 (15 minutes): Intermission

Event 15 (30 minutes): Parade of gladiators

Event 16 (30 minutes): Rank 2 fight: hoplomachus and murmillo

         Apollinaris (Greek Male) trained as a Rank 2 Hoplomachus (8 pts)

         Mehrdad (Syrian Male) trained as a Rank 2 Murmillo (8 pts)

Event 17 (30 minutes): Rank 3 fight: provocator vs. thrax

         Kofi (African Male) trained as a Rank 3 Provocator (12 pts)

         Ivmarus (Roman Male) trained as a Rank 3 Thrax (12 pts)

Event 18 (30 minutes): Rank 4 fight: Retiarius vs. secutor

         Donatus (Roman Male) trained as a Rank 4 Retiarius (16 pts)

         Stig (German Male) trained as a Rank 4 Secutor (16 pts)

Event 19 (30 minutes): Rank 3 fight: eques vs. eques

         Superstes (Roman Male) trained as a Rank 3 Eques (15 pts)

         Ulrich (German Male) trained as a Rank 3 Eques (15 pts)

Event 20 (30 minutes): Rank 3 fight: murmillo vs. provocator

         Arkadios (Greek Male) trained as a Rank 3 Murmillo (12 pts)

         Sevtonius (Roman Male) trained as a Rank 3 Provocator (12 pts)

Event 21 (30 minutes): Rank 4 fight: Essedarius vs. essedarius

         Apollo (Greek Male) trained as a Rank 4 Essedarius (24 pts)

         Süleiman (Arabian Male) trained as a Rank 4 Essedarius (24 pts)

Event 22 (30 minutes): Battle of champions: rank 5 fight: murmillo vs. thrax

         Bedros (Parthian Male) trained as a Rank 5 Murmillo (20 pts)

         Anatolius (Greek Male) trained as a Rank 5 Thrax (20 pts)

Event 23 (30 minutes): Battle of champions: rank 5 fight: retiarius vs secutor

         Surus (Roman Male) trained as a Rank 5 Retiarius (20 pts)

         Benjamin (Dacian Male) trained as a Rank 5 Secutor (20 pts)

Event 24 (30 minutes): Battle of champions: rank 5 fight: hoplomachus vs. hoplomachus

         Fawzi (Egyptian Male) trained as a Rank 5 Hoplomachus (20 pts)

         Nikandros (Greek Male) trained as a Rank 5 Hoplomachus (20 pts)

Bestiarii for the Games

         Marius (Dacian Male) trained as a Rank 3 Bestiarius (6 pts)

         Aquila (Roman Male) trained as a Rank 4 Bestiarius (8 pts)

         Jan (Sarmatian Male) trained as a Rank 5 Bestiarius (10 pts)

         Lázár (Dacian Male) trained as a Rank 5 Bestiarius (10 pts)

         Sandu (Dacian Male) trained as a Rank 5 Bestiarius (10 pts)

Total Length of Schedule: 12 hours (Full Schedule!)


Family Members

T. Publius Malleolus and Flora Epurepia (Marucco, Morgan)


Member of the Worshippers of Hercules Guild

Benefaction Totals

Grants of Wheat to the Emperor - 6606 units

Grants of Wheat to Ostia - 6282 units

Farms Owned and Agricultural Production

25 acre farm in Northern Italy producing 1250 units of Olives

27 acre farm in Southern Italy producing 2700 units of Wheat

20 acre farm in Southern Italy producing 2000 units of Wine

3 acre farm in Syria producing 300 units of Wheat

Burial Information

Monument Type: Small Marble Monument with Chamber

People Buried in the Monument: T. Publius Malleolus and Flora Epurepia

Burial Method: Cremation

Burial Container: Marble Urn (Ornate Decoration)

Total Cost of the Monument: 6580 denarii


M. Publicius Octavianus and Veturia Vara (Simko, Megan)


Record Keeper of the Worshippers of Hercules Guild

Benefaction Totals

Grants of Olives to the Emperor - 1050 units

Grants of Olives to Ostia - 1050 units

Grants of Wheat to the Emperor - 1200 units

Grants of Wheat to Ostia - 1200 units

Farms Owned and Agricultural Production

20 acre farm in Greece producing 1500 units of Wine

30 acre farm in Spain producing 1500 units of Wheat

20 acre farm in Syria producing 1500 units of Olives

Burial Information

Burial Society: Porta Marina Necropolis, Niche 64

People Buried in the Monument: M. Publicius Octavianus and Veturia Vara

Burial Method: Cremation

Burial Container: Marble Urn (Ornate Decoration)

Total Cost of the Monument: 2500 denarii