Office Hours:

1 pm - 2 pm MW

(or by appointment)

Educational Psychology Lab

1100 E Summit St

Current Projects:

Gamification and Digital Credentials


The gamification movement in educational research is a growing trend in identifying effective tools for motivation and achievement in the classroom. Studies have shown that gamification techniques have increased student motivation, enjoyment, and engagement in tasks. The utilization of badges, leaderboards, scores, and other achievement-based outcomes has since been implemented in online classroom environments. Recent research has highlighted the advantages and disadvantages of implementing online badges as rewards for achieving skills and goals. However, existing research has yet to detail whether the students are actually learning. To examine the influence of badges on learning, the current research will also assess the motivational orientation (goal orientation) of the recruited students because this is predictive of academic achievement.




Knowledge Monitoring Accuracy and ESL Students


A significant amount of research has been done on knowledge monitoring and different academic skills such as reading comprehension and mathematics, as well as having focused on young children, high-school students, university students, and children with academic disabilities while accounting for multiple different variables (Hartwig et al., 2012; Isaacson & Was, 2010; Nietfield, Cao, & Osborn, 2006; Tobias & Everson, 2009; Was, Beziat, & Isaacson, 2013). Given the amount of research into metacognitive processes on different populations of students, one thing that is immediately clear is that there seems to be lacking a body of research regarding calibration in students who are English Language Learners (ELLs) and whether they are as accurate at prediction in their second language (L2) as they are in their native language (L1).