No digests May 30 or 31

the-landing-digest        Tuesday, June 1 1999        Volume 02 : Number 123

                               Today's Subjects:
  Kat's show pic's.                     ["Ryan Sargent" ]
  Official Site Update                             ["T" ]
  BFF on NPR.                           ["Ryan Sargent" ]
  tv for this week                        [Jessica Brandt ]


Date: Mon, 31 May 1999 12:53:38 PDT
From: "Ryan Sargent" 
Subject: Kat's show pic's.

You can see some really good pictures of Katharine Whalen's Jazz Squad when 
she did that radio show. There are three pic's, one of Kat waiting outside 
on the curb before the show, and two of the squad playing.

You can go right to them through these links:

Kat outside:

Kat singing:

The Squad:

Or just go to (

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Date: Mon, 31 May 1999 14:00:40 -0700
From: "T" 
Subject: Official Site Update

Things have been pretty quiet the last couple days, haven't they?
Anyway, I usually don't look at the official site ( until
somebody on the list says it's been updated, but this time I did, and it's
updated, so I'll be the one to tell y'all.  Are we all excited about



Date: Mon, 31 May 1999 19:53:11 PDT
From: "Ryan Sargent" 
Subject: BFF on NPR.

Ben Folds Five was on NPR over the weekend with Ken, Tom, and Je. You can go 
to the official NPR page and see pictures of that BFF session and listen to 
the whole thing in real audio. Here is a quote from the page (note how they 
spell Tom and Je's name):

"For the first song of the session, Army, The Folds brought in a North
Carolina stronghold of brass for support. These extra players are: Ken
Mosher on baritone saxophone, Thom Maxwell playing tenor saxophone, Jay 
Widenhouse on trumpet, and John Painter played trumpet on two songs."

Here is the link:

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Date: Mon, 31 May 1999 23:44:27 -0500
From: Jessica Brandt 
Subject: tv for this week

taking a holiday break from posting, eh? yeah yeah...

Sorry i missed monday. y'all were too busy eating ribs to watch tv anyway,

You know, VH1 has taken this Diva thing and smashed it to the ground. i
wonder when Miss Katherine is going to be a "diva"... sure to check out the shrubbery this week. not like i won't make a
big deal out of it TOMORROW :P

All times eastern, and check for more

(check listings, Syndicated) (Rosie O'Donnell) Harry Connick Jr.

8 pm on TNN (century of Country) The Bakersfield CA scene
12:35 am on CBS (craig kilborn) Quincy Jones

8 pm on TNN (life of owen bradley) country music pioneer
9 pm on A&E (biography) Frank Sinatra

Nothing Zipperiffic. Who's going to Katherine's show today?

Nothing zipperiffic today either. did you write your letter to the nut

8 pm on A&E (biography) Dean Martin
12 am on A&E (biography) Dean martin

          *     --+-READ  THE SHRUBBERY-+--        *      
     --New Every Month- -Humor, Music, News and More--


End of the-landing-digest V2 #123

the-landing-digest       Wednesday, June 2 1999       Volume 02 : Number 124

                               Today's Subjects:
  Blah Blah.                            ["Ryan Sargent" ]
  HERETIC BLUES.                        ["Ryan Sargent" ]
  big news?                               [Jessica Brandt ]


Date: Tue, 01 Jun 1999 08:51:25 PDT
From: "Ryan Sargent" 
Subject: Blah Blah.

Ken updated the official page with:

"Look at my interview with the web's premier music mag! The Shrubbery The 
longest Squirrel Nut Interview Ever! Thanks to Jess. Also look at the great 
interview last month with Ben Folds."

I'm really excited because i'm going to the first of my two Jazz Squad shows 
Wednesday. Then i'm seeing the second one next wednesday. I already got a 
photo pass for the first show, so i'll be right up there in front taking 
some good pictures (and maybe use it as a backstage pass like last time).

>(Rosie O'Donnell) Harry Connick Jr.

Doesn't he have a big band now? Atleast he did on letterman.

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Date: Tue, 01 Jun 1999 18:30:46 PDT
From: "Ryan Sargent" 

I just want to tell everybody that the Kevin O'Donnell's Quality Six cd 
"Heretic Blues" is out. Quality Six contains all members of Bowl of Fire, 
and is led by BOF's drummer. You can hear sound samples at and , make sure you check out "Girl From New York City". (Andrew 
Bird does 95% of the vocals.)

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Date: Tue, 01 Jun 1999 22:22:20 -0500
From: Jessica Brandt 
Subject: big news?

Well let me just mention that you all should read With
this "hiatus", ken seems to have a lot of extra time on his hands and
updates it almost daily, sometimes twice a day. 

about that "big news" he WAS going to be something else, and
I jokingly asked him if it would be the release of the June Shrubbery, and
he said that since the "real" big news didn't pan out, that we would be it.
So sorry for the let down (?)

If you haven't been to The Shrubbery yet, please go! I decided to put up
all of the interview i did with Ken, even though it's rather long. It reads
like a conversation because it IS a conversation....look for me to have an
interview with Mr. Tom in August as well.

Also, i'm running a contest through The Shrubbery to win a 17-track Live
SNZ cd. it's bitchin' (ask Emily, she's heard it too!) and by entering the
contest you also help the band out. Most of you, i assume, already quallify
(see the rules for details)

Things are going well with this campaign to save the Zippers. i've read a
TOn of super letters from you guys and other fans, as well as other people
who are sending me copies of their support letters that barely know the
band! This lawsuit is a crusade not just for us, but for music integrity.

So please check out, as well as!!!

PS if you checked the shrub this morning and it was still the May issue,
try again now! the June issue is UP!

          *     --+-READ  THE SHRUBBERY-+--        *      
     --New Every Month- -Humor, Music, News and More--


End of the-landing-digest V2 #124

the-landing-digest       Thursday, June 3 1999       Volume 02 : Number 125

                               Today's Subjects:
  Re: HERETIC BLUES.                  [ (Peter Destructo!)]
  "The Immortal" soundtrack?          [ (Peter Destructo!)]
  Kat's Jazz Squad.                       [Ryan Sargent ]
  Le Opening Grande of the SNZ Discography  [ (Peter Destr]
  Re: "The Immortal" soundtrack?                   ["T" ]
  Re: "The Immortal" soundtrack?      [ (Peter Destructo!)]
  RE: "The Immortal" soundtrack?          [Dawn Carr ]
  Promo cover                                 [Matt Fisken ]


Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 09:28:32 GMT
From: (Peter Destructo!)

On Tue, 01 Jun 1999 18:30:46 PDT, you wrote:

>I just want to tell everybody that the Kevin O'Donnell's Quality Six cd 
>"Heretic Blues" is out.

That's news?!

...anyway, be sure to look at as well -- I got it there
for, I think, twelve bucks.

- -Peter Destructo - The Ghost Quasar
Space Ghost reviewed links, icons, fanfic, pictures

"The fuhrer was a good man, a kind man, and the fuhrer could dance the
PANTS off Churchill! He was a better PAINTER than Churchill! He could
paint an entire apartment, one afternoon, two coats!" -Franz Liebkind,
"The Producers"


Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 22:50:21 GMT
From: (Peter Destructo!)
Subject: "The Immortal" soundtrack?

I'm still working on that SNZ discography. I'm making "buy" links to
CDNow,, and whatever other site may be selling the albae
(feh on americanization of latin words! feh!) and NEITHER major music
site stocks this soundtrack! Could it be that this is an abbreviation
of a longer title? Not even "Danny Diamond" was found on either server
outside of The Inevit.! WHAT THE HELL?!

(This was listed in J Brandt's posting a while back and confirmed by
Sean Smackal.)

- -Peter Destructo - The Ghost Quasar
Space Ghost reviewed links, icons, fanfic, pictures

"The fuhrer was a good man, a kind man, and the fuhrer could dance the
PANTS off Churchill! He was a better PAINTER than Churchill! He could
paint an entire apartment, one afternoon, two coats!" -Franz Liebkind,
"The Producers"


Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 16:00:58 PDT
From: Ryan Sargent 
Subject: Kat's Jazz Squad.

Well, i'm off to the Jazz Squad show in Baltamore. I'll let everyone know 
how it was and show you pic's as soon as I get back (digital camera).

Get Free Email and Do More On The Web. Visit


Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 23:53:35 GMT
From: (Peter Destructo!)
Subject: Le Opening Grande of the SNZ Discography

OK all, I finished the discography. It actually looks pretty cool. I
spent a long time getting all the CSS and Javascript to work, so
please view the site with it on! And e-mail me if it don't work on
your browser; I only tested it on Netscape 4.06. I also included links
to buy from NOT ONLY CDNow and Amazon, but also sites that don't pay
me (generally Mammoth and Can you believe it? I know I
can't. if you like ads; if you don't.

Arrevoir, mon sewers!

- -Peter Destructo
The Ghost Quasar: Space Ghost links, images, fanfic, icons
Squirrel Nut Zippers discography and catalog

"My hatred for you... is delicious." -Lokar


Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1999 18:46:37 -0700
From: "T" 
Subject: Re: "The Immortal" soundtrack?

> albae
> (feh on americanization of latin words! feh!)

Ah, wouldn't that be alba? datum/data as opposed to alga/algae.
Bah on improper Re-Latinization of americanized latin words! Bah!



Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 02:27:33 GMT
From: (Peter Destructo!)
Subject: Re: "The Immortal" soundtrack?

On Wed, 2 Jun 1999 18:46:37 -0700, you wrote:

>> albae
>> (feh on americanization of latin words! feh!)
>Ah, wouldn't that be alba? datum/data as opposed to alga/algae.
>Bah on improper Re-Latinization of americanized latin words! Bah!

You make my head hurt!
A thousand curses on overzealous nit-pickers of improper overzealous
nit-picking! Oy shlecht!

- -Peter Destructo
The Ghost Quasar: Space Ghost links, images, fanfic, icons
Squirrel Nut Zippers discography and catalog

"My hatred for you... is delicious." -Lokar


Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1999 22:38:48 -0400 
From: Dawn Carr 
Subject: RE: "The Immortal" soundtrack?

that's good, "Oy shlecht!", is good.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent:	Wednesday, June 02, 1999 10:28 PM
> To:
> Subject:	Re: "The Immortal" soundtrack?
> On Wed, 2 Jun 1999 18:46:37 -0700, you wrote:
> >> albae
> >> (feh on americanization of latin words! feh!)
> >
> >Ah, wouldn't that be alba? datum/data as opposed to alga/algae.
> >Bah on improper Re-Latinization of americanized latin words! Bah!
> You make my head hurt!
> A thousand curses on overzealous nit-pickers of improper overzealous
> nit-picking! Oy shlecht!
> -Peter Destructo
> The Ghost Quasar: Space Ghost links, images, fanfic, icons
> Squirrel Nut Zippers discography and catalog
> "My hatred for you... is delicious." -Lokar


Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 02:30:36 -0400
From: Matt Fisken 
Subject: Promo cover

Who was it again that wanted the cover of the promo release of Perennial 
Favorites? I have those now in 100K .jpgs for whomever that was. 



End of the-landing-digest V2 #125

the-landing-digest        Friday, June 4 1999        Volume 02 : Number 126

                               Today's Subjects:
  Immortal Link!           ["SHAUN SMAKAL" ]
  Interview!!              ["SHAUN SMAKAL" ]
  Katharine interview.                    [Ryan Sargent ]
  Re: Promo cover                     [ (Peter Destructo!)]
  PBS.                                    [Ryan Sargent ]


Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 15:17:52 +0000
Subject: Immortal Link!

This links ya to Permanent Records' Mail Order site.  You'll find the 
Immortal CD here.

the SILLY immortal BOY,
SHAUN SMAKAL	--not Sean Smackel--


Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 15:26:55 +0000
Subject: Interview!!

Read the interview...  It was great Jess.  The thing that got me 
though, other than Ken's band 'The Bottles,' was the fact that Jimbo 
once owned a NOVA!!  I need to know what year, engine, make, etc.  
Same with the Mustang!  I currently own a Nova and I'm seriously 
lookin into buying a '66 Mustang too!  

I hope to God and on everything holy that the mustang Jimbo has isn't 
any older than 1974 cause I WILL have to hate him for the rest of my 
life (or his, which ever ends first).  May God have mercy on his soul 
if it's from the 80's...  If he owns a 5.0 L 80's Mustang that'll be 
the WORST thing that has ever happened in my entire life and, 
unfortunately since I consider myself a man of honor, my oath to kill 
every owner of an 80's mustang no matter what will have to stand.  

the SILLY immortal BOY,
Shaun Smakal

Like I said, if it's an 80's mustang may God have mercy on his 


Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 12:42:20 PDT
From: Ryan Sargent 
Subject: Katharine interview.

When I was at the Jazz Squad show last night they said Kat was backstage 
doing an interview for some magazine. I can't think of the name now, but if 
I remember it i'll post. In the mean time everybody keep a look out.

P.S: If you want to see a picture email me at

Get Free Email and Do More On The Web. Visit


Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 19:44:02 GMT
From: (Peter Destructo!)
Subject: Re: Promo cover

On Thu, 3 Jun 1999 02:30:36 -0400, you wrote:

>Who was it again that wanted the cover of the promo release of Perennial 
>Favorites? I have those now in 100K .jpgs for whomever that was. 

::raises hand::

I wanted it for the discography

- -Peter Destructo
The Ghost Quasar: Space Ghost links, images, fanfic, icons
Squirrel Nut Zippers discography and catalog

"My hatred for you... is delicious." -Lokar


Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 19:30:01 PDT
From: Ryan Sargent 
Subject: PBS.

I was just wondering if anybody else had really good stuff on their PBS???? 
Mine didn't have the SNZ live thing, but made up for it with tons of great 
movies/shows. Tonight they had Live In Swing City 'Swingin' with Duke' which 
is an hour and a half show with Wynton Marsalis and the Lincon Center Jazz 
Orchestra playing and talking about Duke. After that, was a really old black 
and white movie called "Hi-Di-Ho", a great movie staring Cab Calloway and 
'Minnie'. Cab and his orchestra play lots of songs and Cab has gangster 
fights and women trouble (that movie made me notice how much "Minnie the 
Moocher" sounds like "St. James Infirmary").

Then they had the movie 'St. Louis Blues', staring the one and only Bessie 
Smith. They also show an old Duke Ellington movie, 'Black and Tan' (named 
after the song), and an old show about the history of the blues hosted by a 
young BB King (and it was mostly about the great delta blues).

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End of the-landing-digest V2 #126