Grading Policy and University Regulations

Sedimentology and Stratigraphy 


Grading Policy: Sedimentology and Stratigraphy is required of Geology BS majors at Kent State University. Class assignments, and in particular Midterm #3, will require you to employ and integrate concepts from the class prerequisites (Earth Materials II and Invertebrate Paleontology) with the material covered in this class. Students are thus expected to attend all class sessions, keep up with the reading, consult the online resources provided by the instructor, and complete all of the exam and class assignments.

Grades will be determined as follows: 

Three Midterms (each worth 15%)                                                                     45%

Average Grade on Lab Assignments                                                                   15%

Grade on Field Guide/Report                                                                             15%

Cumulative Final Exam                                                                                      25%

Total                                                                                                                  100%

Grading may be on a curved scale at the discretion of the instructor, but each student has the potential to succeed in this course.

Exam Dates: Please contact the instructor immediately if you have a conflict with the exam dates as listed in the class schedule attached to the syllabus or as listed on the website.

Assignment due dates, group activities, and late policy: Lab and Field Assignments are due at the beginning of the lab period following the one in which they were handed out unless otherwise specified. Lab assignments for reading and discussion days will be typed, critiques of the reading handed in at the beginning of the lab session, and active participation in the class discussion. Many lab assignments will be conducted in groups. Each group should turn in one copy of their group assignment with each member’s name listed. All group members are expected to contribute equally to all components of the assignment. You are required to know all of the material assigned as part of the labs and readings. If there are any concerns regarding your lab group, please contact the TA or instructor as soon as possible. Unexcused late assignments will be docked 1/3 grade per day (i.e., A =>  A- =>  B+   =>  B…).

Make up Exams: Students who miss an exam must provide written documentation in order to receive a make up assignment. Legitimate excuses include the following: your own illness, a death in the family, military or official university athletic commitments. If you are involved in military or official university athletic activities, review the exam schedule at the beginning of the term and consult with the instructor prior to the exam if you have a conflict. If an illness, personal crisis, or family tragedy causes you to miss an exam, you must contact the instructor by phone or email no later than 48 hours after the scheduled start time of the exam. It is very important that you provide your full name, email address, and a telephone number where you can be reached in your phone or email message.

Field Trips: At least two weekend field trips are required for this course. We will discuss proper report organization and professional writing in lab. Please contact the instructor immediately if you have a conflict with the dates for the field trips as listed in the class schedule attached to the syllabus or as listed on the website. Please note that weather is often quite variable during spring term. We usually camp during the extended field trip, but we will stay in hotels if the weather does not cooperate. Please plan ahead in terms of your finances in the event that we need to change our plans on short notice.

University Policies: The following University policies apply to anyone enrolled in this course:

1. University Calendar: The official university calendar, which provides information on deadlines for university-related transactions can be found at:

Enrollment Status: The official registration deadline for this course is 01/26/2014. Courses can have different scheduling deadlines depending on their mode of instruction. University policy requires all students to be officially registered in each class they are attending. Students who are not officially registered for a course by the published deadline should not be attending class and will not receive credit or a grade for that course. Each student must confirm enrollment by checking his/her class schedule (using Student Tools in FlashFast) prior to the deadline indicated. Registration errors must be corrected prior to the deadline. You can look up your course using the Kent State University Self Service Scheduling tool. Enter the information needed to find the course for which you are searching. The add/drop/withdrawal dates can be found from the link in the final column.

3. Academic Honor Code:
All students in the course are expected to abide by the academic honor code, as specified in the University's Policy Register.. The use of other's intellectual property without giving them appropriate credit is a serious academic offense. This includes copying answers, misrepresenting the source, nature or other conditions of your academic work to get undeserved credit. At a minimum, students caught cheating on an exam will receive a midterm grade of zero, which will count for 50% of their overall average midterm score, and the incident will be reported to the university. It is the University's policy that cheating or plagiarism can result in receiving a failing grade for the course or other more serious disciplinary action depending on the nature of the offense. Repeat offenses can result in dismissal from the University. For complete information see Kent State University Policy Register, Chap. 3, section 3-01-8

4. Drop and Withdrawal: The last date to drop this class is 01/26/2014. The last day to withdraw from this class is 03/23/2014. No approval is required to withdraw from a course prior to the drop/withdrawal deadlines. Student who stop attending the course, but who do not drop or withdraw from it will receive a grade of “SF”. Student who enroll in the class, then never attend and who do not drop or withdraw from it will receive a grade of “NF”. Students should be aware that receiving a grade of “SF” and “NF” could result in a financial aid audit and a loss of financial aid. Dropping or withdrawing from a class may also affect a student’s financial aid status or academic eligibility for athletics. If a student is unable to complete a class or all classes in during a semester because of extreme circumstances, which first occur after the deadline, he or she should consult their college or campus dean's office. Any course withdrawal processed after the withdrawal date will appear on the students' academic record with a grade of "W". If you have questions about the impact that a drop or withdrawal will have on your academic record or financial aid, you should consult a university academic advisor or the financial aid office. Courses can have different scheduling deadlines depending on their mode of instruction. For information on add/drop/withdrawal dates, you can look up your course using the Kent State University Self Service Scheduling tool. Enter the info needed to find the course for which you are searching. The add/drop/withdrawal dates can be found from the link in the final column. For more info see:

5. Students with Documented Accommodation needs:
In accordance with University policy, if you have a documented disability and require accommodations to obtain equal access to this course, please contact the instructor at the beginning of the semester or when you are given an assignment for which an accommodation is required. Students with disabilities must verify their eligibility through the Office of Student Accessibility Services (SAS) on the Ground Floor of the DeWeese Center (330-672-3391 or If you have any questions regarding a potential accommodation need, please contact the instructor as soon as possible.

6. Final Exam Dates: Please check the final exam schedule for the classes in which you are enrolled. This can be found on the web at: In the event that you have two exams scheduled at the same time, the instructor will make suitable arrangements. Students who have conflicts or more than three examinations on the same day should consult with the Dean of his or her college at the earliest possible time for assistance in making alternative arrangements.

7. Notice of my Copyright and Intellectual Property Rights: Any intellectual property displayed or distributed to students during this course (including but not limited to power points presentations, notes, quizzes, examinations) by Dr. Joseph D. Ortiz remains the intellectual property of the Dr. Joseph D. Ortiz. This means that the student may not distribute, publish or provide such intellectual property to any other person or entity for any reason, commercial or otherwise, without the express written permission of the Dr. Joseph D. Ortiz.

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