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WEEK XV  Spring 2019

MW 11-12:15  room 302 Purinton


Exam questions : Final Exam Question - TBA NEWIn a thoughtfully written paper following guidelines in The Survival Manual. Explain the common theoretical (Functional, Conflict, Interactional) ideas in whatever TWO sections you have found of interest including ONE  idea from the current lectures. Include: 1. definition of the problem 2. the agenda groups involved 3. what is the undesirable social state 4. actors 5. how is the undesirable social state handled 6. is the problem resolved 7. what is your position?
 FINAL EXAM DUE  Monday, My Office, 10AM  



Monday 29 May 2019: Screening - DON'T COUNT STARS.
Wednesday 1 May 2019: Review for Final:  

Week of 22 April 2019  Social problems are always of a variable nature. What is a problem to one, is not necessarily a problem to another. Then too there are times that a problem is obvious, but those around do not get involved nor they simply feel it is none of there business. The human being is not altogether monistic in their evaluations of what is going on with others. People judge their involvement in a social problem according the the sum-loss idea. Sometimes something has to be done about a social issue, but the risks to one's position or economics causes them to ignore what is going on. Many times one can not blame someone for this because to enter into a solution may endanger their vested interests as, for example, the safety of their family and loved ones. One can not really blame them and in today's economy often the resolution of social problems may be too much to take on for many. Often too the real difficulty is that to get significant and true information about the social world is dissed by politival and vested interest groups. The truth sometimes is hard to come by and, even if one is informed, often they simply wish to interpret the world in their capricious terms. 

Week of 15 April 2019: Online learning for those that WERE NOT THERE!!!: Drug dependence is generally looked at from two standpoints: One is that a person is born with a dependent personality that influences them to being drug dependent while (2) there are people not as such and are not prone to dependency. This does not mean to imply an irrevocable predisposition to being dependent nor non-dependent. It simply means that atavistic tendencies make one more susceptible than others. Genetic dependency traits do have their difficulties because the medical field has taken over here and considers "alcoholism" as The opinion of many is that it is a mixture of both and should be approached that way. Nevertheless, it has been found that treating it as a disease with 12-step programs have failed and that similar programs simply make the person dependent on something else. Dependency, socially, is more a situation where one strives for a certain goal in society and fails. This being the case, the person wants to abandon (some people) their efforts, but to no avail because the goal is still there. In many instances, the best approach to such is simply escape, but "escape" is not seen as a profound behavioral attitude.  That can be problematic because the difficulty is still around so they then turn to escape from escape and this generally involves some form of dependency as drugs. Of course, it is argued that everyone is born with some sort of dependent personality. I would argue that, but have to have my morning coffee or the rest of the day is just not right!

Week of 8 April 2019  Review and Exam Three

Week of 1 April 2019  3rd Exam due Tuesday 10 April 2019.  The topic is EDUCATION. Write on 1. What education is supposed to be. 2. What education does. 3. What education does not do.

Week of 18 March 2019  THE CULTURE OF POVERTY If one ispoor or hungry in American culture they are judged as something has gone amiss WITH THEMbut maybe it is more a problem with the structure of society. This attitude has often led those judged as falling into a deprivation of opportunity by their dismay or by the attitude of others. People who are socially deprived do not think in terms of going to the opera or making good grades, they are interested in surviving and subsequently have a deprivation of opportunity. There has been a trend for the poor and homeless to move from urban to suburban areas because there are less homes in the inner city today, yet urban poverty is hard to see. Poverty is much more than one can imagine and, in truth, is a epidemic. Many assume that the poor do not work and this is not so. Their problem is a lack of money due to inadequate jobs! The US culture is based on individuality and opportunity. his compounds the problem. People who are poor are considered under achievers because they did not work hard enough and persevered long enough. This ina way stigmatizes them and continues their inability to get good work through demeaning their personalities and reflected in how they approach life. Another reason for the poor is the minimum wage and increasing skilled jobs. Machines also are taking over and this too increased the likelihood of more on the poverty rolls. Poverty fostes attitudes that do not look forward to long range goals and the poor will seek immediate gratification by taking public assistance and unemployment checks which many resent. Then too, the "haves" in society intentionally or unintentionally keep the poor in their place to protect their place through economic exploitation. The upper class pretends to help the lower classes but they are just posing to keep the lower classes in such a position as to keep them in their class!

Week of 11 March 2019  In terms of education, it has been postulated that The Factory System is antiquated and that another should be put in its place. It has been suggested that more of a campus atmosphere should replaced the present high school paradigm because that is the social scenario the future student will move into. Many suggest that it has been too long that the student has been considered a "product" similar tio the factory metaphor and more should be looked at as an emerging person. Of course, this tends to be subsumed by the fact of online learning which has no consideration for the individual needs of the student and dictates its procedures more to a perceived money making aggregate.

Week of 4 March 2019  2d Exam

Week of 25 February 2019
  The "swimming meet" situation revealed another aspect of social problems. Using Eric Hoffer's concept of Innovator, advocate, etc.. we followed his schemata and understood the difficulty from the school's point of view. However, one could also make up a theoretical scheme in the same manner for the mother and child! This points out how difficult finding a clear analysis. In other words, if the two processes are similar, who is right in this instance? This is always the difficulty with social problems. Each side comes up with an evaluation and solution that becomes difficult to judge which has the more stable and logical ideas on the issue. Actually, most social problems are of this nature and the answer lies not in some Platonic Truth but simply who convinces the collectivity of their argument. Not this may mean whoever wins the ppublic's imprimatur does not mean that concept is "right" or even beneficial to everyone!

Week of 18 February 2019 and Snow Day  To end the discussion of the family, one has to look at an empirical analysis of its commonly conceived structure and postulate those areas of difficulty in its interaction. One could suggest that the family follows the theoretical concepts of Eric Hoffer in that there are three main elements; The Innovator, Advocate and true believers with resisters at the side. The innovator is that person who sets the standard of collective behaviour in the family. This is generally a parent whose job it is to build the structure such that it produces good citizens and ones that have a positive social identity. This is not as easy as it seems (unless there is one parent) because two parents (adults) will most generally have some diverging ideas. Here is where difficulty can occur and the two have to come to some common agreement as to the accepted behaviours. If this is not the case, then one can foresee some difficulties if not the demise of the union. What the innovator(s) do is also a predicate for the advocates and true believers. An advocate could be another parent or the children. It is always the case that advocates )children) in this scenario do not have a great deal to say in the building of accepted behaviour. This is not a bad thing if the dynamics of innovator(s) is realistic and manageable. In fact, If the tandem of innovator and advocates is a highly positive one, then they all may become true believers in that they develop a genuine ethnocentrism and feel this is the best place to socially be. Unfortunately this will or may become a negative value when the children leave home and find out that others may not share the same values they learned. Actually, the family is a unique situation and NEVER is there a corresponding other situation so the graduate has to learn to accept certain values they are not often comfortable with to establish their own personal familial situation. Families become anti-dynamic when the innovator or any member becomes a resister to its values through ego control, drugs and/or laconic economics. A functioning family has to share the predominant social idea of positive behaviour. If this is not the case, then problems arise and if they are not compromised or solved, the family no longer exists and this situation must be changed or the social order must be abandoned. t makes no sense to live in a negative social environment for it only perpetuates the demise of its inhabitants. Sometimes it is better to abandon than to maintain one's character being obliterated when it need not be.

Week of 11 February 2019 Exams returned and discussed. The discussion on family problems was a isturbing one because of the nature of how relationships are contemporarily defined. It s difficult to say what exactly is a family in today's social scenario. Families range from the traditional to same sex with variations in between. This places a great deal of stress on students to determine which is the appropriate family situation for specific cohorts and it makes everyone's notion of the beneficial familial arrangement shaky at best. Divorce, drugs, bad sexual maneuvering and other difficulties impede the understanding of "family" situations not to say what is a model for examining these factors in relation to a family unit especially if children are involved.

  Week of 4 February 2019 1st Exam. Discussion of the "wall" problem in concert with an article in Rolling Stone magazine that there is ni immigration problem in the U>S>/Mexican border and the notion that ElPaso has its problems corrected recently, yet the mayor says it never has!

Week of 28 January  2019  Follows directions on e-mail for 1st Exam. The three theoretical ideas on explaining social phenomena are:

1. FUNCTIONALISM- how each part contributes to the whole.
2. CONFLICT THEORY- all social experience comes from conflict between groups/people/cultures. Generally the foundation of feminism and social rights protests. 
3. INTERACTIONISM- more personal, i.e., people have a background of psychology that explains what they do sociologically.
  Lecture for a Snowy Day: Problems of a political economy...functionalism looks at the political system as a complex mechanism whose parts may or may not run together. If one part slows down and others do not, then someone or some group may be left out of the system's running. That is to say often the political machine emphasizes "parts" to the disadvantage or overlooks other parts or services to its citizens. Sometimes the parts may become outdated as racism and sexism preventing the participation of certain people in government and it has to be corrected. This was seen in the last election. Conflict people take a different approach and do not see society as a unified whole. The conflict people believe that the political system benefits some to the disadvantage of others and this must be corrected, not put into a "balance". In other words, balance is not the goal, but social equality is through the elimination of exploitation. The real political problem is that one group is trying to take advantage of the other groups. Generally it is a fight between the haves and the have nots and, for example, this is why unions were formed, but one sees this was an advantage for the worker, yet in the late 20th century unions lost their power and so too did the common person in terms of jobs and the minimum wage.  Interactionism looks at the political system as its impact on the person and the person's impact on it. Interactionism is more a singular emphasis   and really does not address large social problems, although the singular problems may be the result of these. Capitalism, with its competitive orientation, often is the cause of deep anxiety in the individual and lessens the internal quality of life not only for the person, but also for those around as the family and near relatives. This milieu is not easily corrected because in a capitalist economy everyone wants to have and be like those who have accumulated such leading to a more than comfortable life style. Keeping up with the Joneses is hard to ignore when the "Joneses" live next door and flaunt what they have!

Week of 21 January 2019 Discussions centered on the individual's concept of what exactly were specific reasons for some common social problems in the immediate area. One of the axioms that applies to this was the concept that, in areas of regressive economic activity whereby cultural capital is either minimize or lost, it is expected that the behavioral emphasis will be on sex and drugs. This was generally affirmed by some experiencial examples of students. We will progress from there next time with some problems with the government it self and then on to family issues.

Week of 14 January 2019  A social problem is an undesirable social state. This is a succinct definition, but the elaboration of such has many difficulties as seen in today's discussion concerning aspects of the abortion question. It was determined that both sides have a reasonable argument, so who is correct? Generally, there is no solid "truth" to a resolution of a social problem because of the subjective nature and, most often, the solution comes from those that have the greatest social power, whether they are right or wrong often makes no difference. One has to know the nature of the stakeholders and their agenda to be accurate in assessing a social problem.

  14 JANUARY 2019 Read Chapter 1 - text.  

The stages in writing an objective analysis of a social problem are:
1. Define the problem the best you can and as clear as you can.
2. What is the undesirable social state?
3. How is this handled?
   a. elimination
   b. compromise
   c. minimization
4. Is the problem resolved?
5. Identify the actors:
   a. innovator
   b. advocate
   c. true believer
   d. resistor

 Nota Bonum "Problems" is an adult class which attacks adult subjects.  It is important that many issues are discussed honestly and frankly for the student to receive a proper understanding of the difficulties with social issues in the contemporary scenario. Additionally, the class demonstrates the rigor that we will go through to investigate these issues. Above and beyond this point, the student should take careful note to decide for themselves and mentally solidify their thinking concerning which issue was the strongest. ("Winning" here would be a bad word and a more appropriate way to consider the reading would be who had the strongest argument using data and pragmatic discussion.) This orientation will be the main issue in judging your four exam papers and will be emphasized throughout the following days in class. Another note. Social Problems as a class looks at the process of the problem, not who is "right" or "wrong". The class is not to solve, but to study problems. If a student enrolls in the class to prove or propagate an agenda, then they should seriously consider taking another class. "Arguments based on opinion are meaningless."

"...cultures are filled with contradictory potential. ...Americans, for instance, hold contradictory beliefs about individualism, inequality, education and adolescence. Americans believe that the individual is more powerful than society, yet we as individuals are dependent on community. Inequality is considered to be both a social problem and a social necessity. Education is treated as both oppressive and emancipatory. Adolescence is treated as both threatening and promising."  (Bulman 2005)

Some students do not like the text because it gives both sides of social issues. This is the problem mentioned above that students are looking for answers to problems which is a mistake. The class studies, not solves. Social problems are always bifurcated. There are always two sides to the problem, rarely a third or fourth. Each side tries to "win" as opposed to deviance which has no side just the greater social order telling an issue that it is wrong and something must be done to correct and/or eliminate it. Social problems can and sometimes do lead to deviance, but deviance always leads to a social problem. To illustrate the dual sides to a problem containing multiple issues, the following is an invocation that was presented at the 1996 Kansas State legislature. In the following "prayer" are most of the significant social issues this class will study along with several others, but it does show the duality of any social problem. There are ALWAYS sides to the issues that each is trying to emerge as the judgment everyone will accept. How do you feel on these issues? Can you argue for both sides?

     "Heavenly Father, we have lost our spiritual equilibrium and inverted our values. We have ridiculed the absolute truth of your Word and called it pluralism. We have worshipped other Gods and called it multiculturalism; we have endorsed perversion and called it an alternative lifestyle; we have exploited the poor and called it the lottery...we have rewarded laziness and called it welfare; we have killed our unborn and called it choice; we have polluted the air with profanity and pornography and called it freedom of expression." 
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette 19 July 2009 (p. A-14)


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