The homepage of Jeffrey Wattles

    Welcome!  Let's conspire for personal growth and planetary progress!

March, 2011


Dear friends,

    Due to new hardware and software, I can no longer maintain this website normally, and I am gradually migrating to  Please enjoy this website for any good you may receive here.  Come visit the new site, and, most of all, enjoy increasing truth, beauty, and goodness day by day.

      Your brother,


     Explore the golden rule's multicultural and interdisciplinary richness, and see excerpts from my first book.

    For experiential learning in religion, see my Comparative Religious Thought course, and enjoy a thorough look at the Projects--Hinduism section.

    My next book shows how to construct a philosophy of living out of concepts of truth, beauty, and goodness.  

    Here are materials for my classes.

    Here are some articles I've written.

    My office is in the Department of Philosophy at Kent State University.  Here is a brief resume.  If you would like be informed about the publication of my next book, whose working title is Living in Truth, Beauty, and Goodness, or if you would like to interact for any reason, please e-mail me: the user name is jwattles and the domain name is (I write so as to frustrate the "spiders" used by spammers to collect e-mail addresses) thus: jwattles at