Exercise 4.19

How to Get Good Grades

There are several steps you can take as a student to get good grades. The following are five actions you can immediately take to get you started.

  1. Ask your teacher questions. Don’t be scared to ask a teacher to clarify information you are learning in class. Never leave a class with questions. Fellow classmates often have the same questions. Clarifications make completing assignments easier, and help when studying for tests.
  2. Start on homework right after school. The information you learned in class is still fresh in your mind. If you stay up too late to finish homework, your brain is not working at its best.
  3. Always do your assigned readings. Reading may seem boring and even pointless if the teacher talks about the information in class. However, teachers often pull more detailed information from your readings to put in their tests.
  4. Do not procrastinate when studying. When you know you have an upcoming test, start to prepare a study plan. Organize your materials ahead of time. Never wait until the last minute to study. It will cause too much stress on your brain and body.
  5. Stay healthy! Eat nutritious food, get plenty of rest and make time to exercise. If you are healthy it is easier to learn and do well in school.


Chapter 4