© 2008    Larry E.Taylor


    This progressive, 32-bar, two-hand dance is danced around the perimeter of the dance
              floor in the line of dance (anticlockwise).
    Any quantity of couples stand side-by-side (gent on the left) and hold hands with the
              dancer on either side (a hand-holding circle).
    The music should have distinctive eight-bar phrasing;  the introduction may or may
              not be eight bars long.
    Gents begin forward on the left foot and ladies begin forward on the right foot.
    Bar counts (quantities of measures) for patterns are shown in bold.
    Documentation is based upon a workshop taught by Gerard Butler in Chicago,
              Illinois USA on January 14, 2006.
    Edition of January 16, 2007 Contact 
All: REPEAT "MARKER"  while in the hand-holding circle, dance in-two-three, out-two-three2;
gents release partner’s hand only and all ladies dance, turning in front of the gent
          on her right, taking hands with a new gent, again forming a hand-holding
          circle of all dancers; each lady dances-across the gent making a full-turn;
          the lady and the new gent look at one another as the lady passes in front of
          the gent; gents dance in-place as the ladies move in the line-of-dance;
          gents guide the ladies forward/around with the left hand only until the lady
          reaches her new position where inside hands are taken by all of the circle2;
the hand-holding circle dances in-two-three, out-two-three2;
ladies dance-on to the next gent on the right2;
the hand-holding circle dances in-two-three, out-two-three2;
ladies dance-on to the next gent on the right2;
the hand-holding circle dances in-two-three, out-two-three2;
ladies dance-on to the next gent on the right and the new couples take waltz hold;
          each lady will have moved four positions from her original partner2;
All couples: couples in waltz hold slide toward the center one-two, one-two2;
gents turn-the-lady-under anticlockwise2;
couples in waltz hold slide outward from the center one-two, one-two2;
gents turn-the-lady-under anticlockwise2 (see Alternative below);

couples house forward* in the line-of-dance making two revolutions;

          open-up to a hand-holding circle on the final two bars8;

repeat from   REPEAT "MARKER"   as desired.
* At some sites, dancers dance at home instead of dancing forward.
Alternative :   In Dublin, Ohio USA on August 6, 2000, the eight bars before
          the house of the partner-dancing were danced as recorded below.
All couples: face, take uncrossed-hands and slide to the center and back one-two, one-two2;
release hands and dance one full turn (gents anticlockwise, ladies clockwise)2;
face, take uncrossed-hands and slide away from the center and back one-two,
dance another complete turn as above2.