Health Counseling

HED 4/52041

Fall 2004


Instructor: Ms. Laurie M. Wagner, M.Ed., CHES            Office: 328 White Hall

Class Time: Tuesdays & Thursdays 10:45-12:00                  Phone:  (O) 330-672-7977

Room:  105 White Hall                                                                (H) 330-677-5410




Office Hours: Tuesdays & Thursdays 10:00-10:30, 12:00-1:30, & 4:30-5:00, or by appointment.


I. Description:

One class will not make you a counselor. However, one class can offer assistance in developing skills for an individual to use to better help others. The intent of this course is to help you develop skills that will help those in need regarding health issues such as alcohol and other drugs, nutrition, exercise, tobacco, stress, pregnancy, sexuality, coping with disease, and death and dying.


II. Course Readings:

          Health Counseling: Application and Theory, Joseph Donnelly, 2003.

          Additional readings will be made available in class, on the internet or in the curriculum

          lab on the second floor of White Hall.


III. Course Objectives:

On successful completion of this course, the student will:


1. Identify lifestyle practices that most significantly promote good health; 


2. Be able to compare/contrast selected health counseling models and their applications to selected health concerns in a variety of settings;


3. Develop skills in human relations and apply them to selected counseling situations;


4. Increase appreciation of their own values, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors in relation to persons of different cultures, races, ages, class, sex, sexual orientation, health status, and exceptionality;


5. Attend a minimum of five counseling sessions at an approved counseling center to

          gain insight and skills regarding helping others; and


6. Increase their awareness of the special needs related to selected health concerns

           and apply appropriate health counseling interventions.





IV. Instructional Topics:


1.       The role of health behaviors as they influence health status will be examined through readings, lecture, and class activities;


2.       The nature of the helping relationship including definitions, limitations, and opportunities. The format is primarily lecture and discussion;


3.       Counseling models and their application will be addressed through lecture and discussion;


4.       Exploration of modes of human interaction. A variety of one-on-one and group exercises will provide experiences in improving the quality of human communication. These exercises will occur both in and out of class. Included are exercises aimed at developing a therapeutic relationship between client and counselor, improving listening skills, and use of helpful words;


5.       Counseling approaches for selected health problems will be studied through readings, class discussion, student presentations and practice in class simulations;


6.       Crisis interventions including applications and referrals will be accomplished through simulation and class discussion;


7.       Ethical issues including confidentiality, ethics, standards, and conflicts will be dealt with through reading and class discussion.


V. Class Management


Grades will be kept on an on-line gradebook. You will receive a password via e-mail the second      

          week of class that will allow you access to your grades at any time. The link to this page         

          can be found on my web page, or can be accessed directly from the initial e-mail. I do  

not keep copies of your passwords, so it is very important that you keep a copy of your          

password in a safe place. If you lose your password you need to go to the gradebook   

web page and request it be sent to you. You will receive e-mails throughout the

semester announcing extra credit opportunities, gradebook updates, exam grades, and

other materials relevant to this class. It is VERY important that you periodically check the        

gradebook to be sure that your grade is accurate. If at any time you find an error, please        

submit to me in writing your name, the assignment, what the gradebook reports for the         

assignment, and finally what you have recorded for the assignment. Attach this to the   

assignment and turn it in to me. As of December 10th your grades are as they are      

reported in the gradebook.


Cell Phones and Pagers are extremely disruptive to class discussions and interactions and  

therefore will not be tolerated in this classroom. If you are expecting an important call  

please stay home to receive it. If you absolutely must leave your phone on for    

emergency situations, please set it to vibrate and excuse yourself from class before     

answering. Students who choose to ignore this policy will be asked to leave the  

classroom and attendance and participation points for that day will be deducted.


VI. Special Arrangements

University policy 3342-3-18 requires that students with disabilities be provided reasonable accommodations to ensure their equal access to course content. If you have a documented disability and require accommodations, please contact the instructor at the beginning of the semester to make arrangements for necessary classroom adjustments. Please note, you must first verify your eligibility for these through Student Disability Services (contact 330-672-3391 or visit for more information on registration procedures).

For all students, this is a student-centered classroom. If you are having difficulty at any time with any aspect of class work or class management please let me know as soon as possible.


VII. Student Responsibilities and Evaluation:


1. Attendance & Class Participation (50 Points)-- I expect your attendance to each       

class as well as your active participation while in class. Attendance will be taken every   

class meeting by way of a sheet circulated throughout the room. It is your responsibility         

to make sure that you sign this sheet. Point(s) will be deducted for leaving early or       

lateness that is not excused.  I will allow for 2 unexcused absences, after which points  

will be deducted accordingly.


2. Exams (150 points) –Exams will be a combination of multiple choice, short answer, and essay.

 Exam protocol is designed to reduce disruptions and promote fairness. On the day of an exam please arrive on time and ready to sit for your exam through its entirety. Lateness will be tolerated only until the first student has finished his or her exam. Once a student has left the room, no other students will be permitted to arrive late to sit for the exam. During the exam the use of phones, calculators, palms, laptops, watches, or any other electronic or manual aid (including books, notes, friends, baseball hats, forearms, etc…) is strictly prohibited. Students found in violation of this policy will have chosen to forfeit their exam grade and will receive an F on that particular exam. Further university disciplinary action may also be taken.       

Missed exams due to excused absence have one week to be completed upon return to class. It is the student’s responsibility to be aware of missed exams and to contact the instructor for make-up. Please check your student handbook for absences that are officially accepted by the university and provide appropriate documentation. Any exams not made up after one week will receive zero credit. If you fail to appear to make-up an exam at the agreed upon time, you will also receive zero credit for that exam. Make-up exams will be created from the same subject matter, but will be different from the original exam.



Exam #1 (50 Points) – September 30th


Exam #2 (50 Points) – November 4th


Exam #3 (50 Points)- December 14th 12:45-3:00




3. Personal Logs (15 Points) -- These are narrative pieces that are to be E-mailed to me on          a weekly basis. In each of your weekly log please address ALL of the following items:

                   a. critical incident of the week

                   b. burning question of the week            **please use “Health Counseling”

                   c. professional goal of the week                 as the topic for your e-mails**

                   d. fantasy of the week

                   e. personal goal of the week

                   f. self-feedback of the week

g. what did you learn this week? What does it mean to you? How will you use it?

                   h. personal reactions to class activities


****Please note that these logs will be held confidentially and will be returned to you with feedback, as needed. This exercise is designed to be helpful to you in your work on your "Who Am I" paper as well as your own personal growth. [In order to ensure the accuracy of your grade I strongly encourage you to save copies of your e-mails once I have returned them with comments.]


4. Agency Profile (20 points) -- This is a two-page review of an agency in the community.          

The review should contain information about the agency's services. Other pertinent      

information may include the agency's mission, funding sources, location, address, phone,       

cost of services, etc. Please secure a copy of the agency's annual report. This will be     

discussed in further detail in class. This is due October 28th .


5. Who Am I Paper (60 points) -- In this assignment you are asked to explore your own   

personality, behavior, skills, talents, strengths, weaknesses, etc., through self-    

examination and through thoughtful reflection. Who you have become is a product of   

your experiences, relationships, dreams, and circumstances. Speak of some of these in

this paper. Who or what has most impacted your life. Discuss your feelings, thoughts,  

emotions, with respect to those impactful people and events. Look to who you are today        

and its relation to where you want to go and/or do in life. Lastly, discuss in this paper   

specifically how your self-exploration will influence your ability to help others.


          To assist you in the writing of this paper, you are required to attend a minimum of five         

sessions with an individual counselor. I suggest the Counseling and Human Development       

Center in 325 White Hall (672-2208) because of its convenience and its cost (FREE!!!),   

though you may choose any other qualified mental health professional in the community.       

I can give you some suggestions for other options.




          In evaluating this paper, I will be looking at the following:

                   *your thoroughness with which you address who you are (35 pts.)

                   *the paper's coherency (5 pts.)

                   *proper grammar & sentence structure (5 pts.)

                    *the thoughtfulness in your analysis of how you may influence others (15 pts.)



VIII. Final grade determination


          Final Grade will be determined according to the following rubric:


                   Attendance   ð_________ð50

Exam #1      ð_________ð50             Undergraduate final grades:

                   Exam #2      ð_________ð50             A 300-269, B 268-239, C 238-209, D 208-179                        

                   Exam #3      ð_________ð50

                Agency Profile  ð_________ð20

                   Logs             ð_________ð15             Graduate final grades:

          Who Am I? Paper    ð_________ð60   A 400-358, B 357-318, C 317-278, D 277-238

*Voting in November Electionð_________ð5


Graduate Student Paper        ð_________ð100




Text Box: Warning:
	Due to the sensitive nature of the materials covered in this class it is highly 	advised that those students who are easily offended strongly reconsider the 	appropriateness of their taking this particular class.






* Due to the inherent connection of public health issues and politics I am nudging you to participate in your civic duty to vote in the upcoming November election (11/2/2004). You can do this by absentee ballot or in person & still have time to register if you are not currently. If you need to go home to do so, I will even excuse your absence!! Proof of your participation is required for these points. We will be continually examining how the specific issues and candidates relate to this topic (and others), so you will have opportunity to form an opinion about them. I strongly ensure you that I have no judgment or concern about the nature of your vote (I won’t ever even ask) I simply ask that you participate.







