Human Sexuality

HED 32544-001

Fall 2004


Instructor: Ms. Laurie M. Wagner, M.Ed., CHES            Office: 328 White Hall

Class Time: 3:15-4:30 Tuesday & Thursday                 Phone:  (O) 330-672-7977

Room:  110 White Hall                                                                 (H) 330-677-5410



Office Hours: Tuesdays & Thursdays 10:00-10:30, 12:00-1:30, & 4:30-5:00, or by appointment.


I. Text: Human Sexuality: Diversity in Contemporary America, Fifth Edition; Bryan Strong, Christine DeVault, Barbara Werner Sayad, & William Yarber; Mayfield Publishing Co., 2004.        


II. Learning Objectives:

On successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:


1. describe the social/psychological role of human sexuality in relation to self and in interpersonal relationships with others,  


2. describe the anatomy and physiology of the reproductive system in terms of human sexual response, conception, and contraception,


3. identify the dysfunctions and diseases which affect the reproductive system,


4. explain the interaction of sexuality and various social systems: family, law, entertainment, community, advertising, and religion,


5. describe the significance of and tolerance for the sexual mores of others.


6. be aware of personal attitudes about sexual behaviors and issues,


7. be able to consider the concept of human sexuality in its totality,


8. demonstrate an increase in capacity to think critically about current issues and topics related to

          sexuality, and,


9. demonstrate technological ability to use e-mail and internet for class interaction and



III. Grading:

1. Attendance & Participation                          50 Points (2 per class)

2. Exams                                                     150 Points (50 Points Each)

3. Personal Investigation                                 60 Points

          4. Projects & Assignments                              40 Points (5 Points Each)


A= 300-269,          B=268-239,           C=238-209,           D=208-179


V. Special Arrangements:

University policy 3342-3-18 requires that students with disabilities be provided reasonable accommodations to ensure their equal access to course content. If you have a documented disability and require accommodations, please contact the instructor at the beginning of the semester to make arrangements for necessary classroom adjustments. Please note, you must first verify your eligibility for these through Student Disability Services (contact 330-672-3391 or visit for more information on registration procedures).


For all students, this is a student-centered classroom. If you are having difficulty at any time with any aspect of class work or class management please let me know as soon as possible.


VI. Class Management


1. Attendance will be taken every class meeting by way of a sheet circulated throughout the room. It is the student's responsibility to be sure to sign this sheet.  Point(s) will be deducted for leaving early or lateness that is not excused. I allow for two absences, after that, barring university excuse, attendance points will be deducted accordingly.


2. Missed assignments or exams due to excused absence have one week to be completed upon return to class. It is the student’s responsibility to be aware of missed assignments or exams and to contact the instructor for make-up. Please check your student handbook for absences that are officially accepted by the university and provide appropriate documentation. Any assignments or exams not made up after one week will receive zero credit. If you fail to appear to make-up an exam at the agreed upon time, you will also receive zero credit for that exam. Make-up exams will be created from the same subject matter, but will be different from the original exam.


3. Exam protocol is designed to reduce disruptions and promote fairness. On the day of an exam please arrive on time and ready to sit for your exam through its entirety.  Lateness will be tolerated only until the first student has finished his or her exam. Once a student has left the room, no other students will be permitted to arrive late to sit for the exam. During the exam the use of phones, calculators, palms, laptops, watches, or any other electronic or manual aid (including books, notes, friends, baseball hats, forearms, etc…) is strictly prohibited. Students found in violation of this policy will have chosen to forfeit their exam grade and will receive an F on that particular exam. Further university disciplinary action may also be taken.


4. Projects & Assignments will be assigned on the day they appear on the syllabus. It is the student's responsibility to be aware of these assignments, as they are not included in the syllabus. This means if you miss class the day an assignment is given, it is your responsibility to contact someone in the class or my website for this information. No make-up or late assignments will be accepted without excused absence documentation. It is very important that you fulfill the requirements of the assignments as they are due.


5. Personal Investigation assignment will be given with plenty of time before it is due. I also will be collecting it in pieces, to make sure you’re on the right track. For this & other reasons absolutely no late papers will be accepted. Please make sure to follow instructions as given on the assignment sheet for the investigation.



6. Extra Credit assignments will be made available as they arise & credit determined by the  

          instructor. If you are aware of a possible extra credit opportunity, please talk to me prior to    

          the event so I can announce it to the entire class. Unannounced activities will not be     

          accepted for extra credit.


7. Cell Phones and Pagers are extremely disruptive to class discussions and interactions and        

          therefore will not be tolerated in this classroom. If you are expecting an important call  

          please stay home to receive it. If you absolutely must leave your phone on for emergency       

          situations, please set it to vibrate and excuse yourself from class before answering.       

          Students who choose to ignore this policy will be asked to leave the classroom and       

          attendance and participation points for that day will be deducted.


8. Grades will be kept on an on-line gradebook. You will receive a password via e-mail the second   

          week of class that will allow you access to your grades at any time. The link to this page         

          can be found on my web page, or can be accessed directly from the initial e-mail. I do not      

          keep copies of your passwords, so it is very important that you keep a copy of your      

          password in a safe place. If you lose your password you need to go to the gradebook   

          web page and request it be sent to you. You will receive e-mails throughout the semester       

          announcing extra credit opportunities, gradebook updates, exam grades, and other      

          materials relevant to this class. It is VERY important that you periodically check the       

          gradebook to be sure that your grade is accurate. If at any time you find an error, please        

          submit to me in writing your name, the assignment, what the gradebook reports for the         

          assignment, and finally what you have recorded for the assignment. Attach this to the   

          assignment and turn it in to me. As of December 10th your grades are as they are

          reported in the gradebook.


9. Formats for all projects, assignments, and papers will be given at the appropriate time. Please     

          conduct your assignments in a professional matter even though the content may often be       

          of a casual nature. Handwritten projects and assignments are perfectly acceptable given          

          that they are legible and neat. ALL extra credit papers and personal investigations are to be     

          typed and double spaced in 10 or 12 point font.


10. Appropriate language is to be used at all times. Many of you may be accustomed to using      

          various slang or street terms for many of the topics covered. This terminology is to be left      

          outside of this class. While we will talk about these words in class, papers, extra credit  

          assignments, e-mails and class discussions are to be devoid of them. If you have difficulty      

          substituting an appropriate term for an inappropriate term, please see me for help. Any use    

          of inappropriate language or terminology will result in a deduction of points as appropriate     

          to context of misuse. Every single topic can be discussed in an educated, respectful, and

          thoughtful manner. Every effort will be made to support this.


Text Box: Warning:
	Due to the sensitive nature of the materials covered in this class it is highly 	advised that those students who are easily offended strongly reconsider the 	appropriateness of their taking this particular class.







VII. The Bottom Line


It is my opinion that this could be one of the most important and rewarding classes you will participate in here at Kent State University. We will spend a good deal of time on a variety of topics that will both directly and indirectly enhance your life. For this reason, there are a few additional “rules” which apply:


1. In order to further the objectives of this course, as well as to aid class discussions, we will often

          spend time in small groups. During this time, it is important that each group member share

          their thoughts and feelings, or lack there of. Please treat the members of your group with

          respect. Many times you will not agree with other members. This is strongly encouraged!!

          We can only learn if we can all be honest & investigate differences.


2. If at any time you are uncomfortable with the subject matter, you have the right to withdraw from the discussion. I also maintain the right to limit class discussions to educationally appropriate topics. Please note that this limitation will likely far succeed the boundaries of traditional college classrooms.


3. Every one of you is entitled and encouraged and even required to have or to form your own opinions concerning the various topics discussed in class. Please respect yourselves enough to share your opinions & respect the opinions of others.


4. At times when I feel the class is focused only on politically correct or socially acceptable beliefs or opinions I will act as a voice of “others”. Please do not assume that anything I say during a class discussion represents my actual opinion about the topic unless I explicitly state that it is. My own personal opinions regarding class topics are irrelevant. You are the focus of this class, and discovering and developing your own educated and thoughtful ideas and beliefs is among my top priorities.


5. Human Sexuality is an ever-changing and often controversial subject. I will do my best to provide you with the most complete, up-to-date, accurate, and representative information that I can. I also strongly encourage you to bring relevant sexuality-related current events with you to class.


6. Although this syllabus is very complete and may seem rather strict, this can be a very fun and educational class. I sincerely look forward to, and depend on, your attendance and participation.



I look forward to learning with you!!


Due to the inherent connection of public health issues and politics I am nudging you to participate in your civic duty to vote in the upcoming November election (11/2/2004). You can do this by absentee ballot or in person & still have time to register if you are not currently. If you need to go home to do so, I will even excuse your absence!! Proof of your participation is required for these points. We will be continually examining how the specific issues and candidates relate to this topic (and others), so you will have opportunity to form an opinion about them. I strongly ensure you that I have no judgment or concern about the nature of your vote (I won’t ever even ask) I simply ask that you participate.





              (How to register, where to vote, who the               candidates are, what the issues are, and almost anything else you need to know can be found here. No excuses!!!!)








