Publications of Richard M. Berrong

"Painting with Words as Painters Paint: Pierre Loti's Concern with Perspective," Studi francesi 155 (May-August 2008):

Loti, Pierre, Journal 1868-1878, ed. Alain Quella-Villéger and Bruno Vercier (Paris: Les Indes Savantes, 2006), reviewed in Nineteenth-Century French Studies 36.3-4 (2007) or 37.1-2 (2008):

Willy, The Third Sex, trans. Lawrence R Schehr (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2007), reviewed in The Gay and Lesbian Review/Worldwide 15.2 (March-April 2008):

"Modes of Literary Impressionism," Genre 39.2 (Summer 2006): 203-228.

"Paimpol, Proust et l'Impressionnisme," Paimpol à La Hune 25 (oct.-déc. 2007): 18-19.

"Photographies d'hier et d'aujourd'hui," Le Bulletin de l'Association internationale des amis de Pierre Loti 17 (décembre 2007): 24-27.

Halperin, David M., What Do Gay Men Want? (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2007), reviewed in The Gay and Lesbian Review/Worldwide 15.1 (January-February 2008): 44-45.

"When Art and Literature Unite: Illustrations That Create a New Art Form," Word & Image 23.3 (July-September 2007): 347-360.

Quella-Villéger, Alain , et Bruno Vercier, eds., Journal de Pierre Loti I (Paris: Les Indes savantes, 2006), reviewed in Le Bulletin de l'Association internationale des amis de Pierre Loti 16 (juin 2007): 26-27..

"Les Editions illustrées des récits de voyage de Pierre Loti," Le Bulletin de l'Association internationale des amis de Pierre Loti 16 (juin 2007): 2-5.

Lucey, Michael, Never Say I: Sexuality and the First Person in Colette, Gide, and Proust (Raleigh: Duke University Press, 2006), reviewed in The Gay and Lesbian Review/Worldwide 14.3 (May-June 2007): 44-45.

"A French Response to the Wilde Affair," The Gay and Lesbian Review/Worldwide 14.2 (March-April 2007): 28-30.

Gwénaëlle Loaëc, "Richard Berrong: Le plus Amoricain des Américains," Bretons 18 (February 2007): 14-15.

"Les Editions illustrées des romans de Pierre Loti," Le Bulletin de l'Association internationale des amis de Pierre Loti 15 (December 2006): 2-13; "Addendum" 16 (June 2007): 6-8.

"Beyond Same-sex Desire: Pierre Loti's Iceland Fisherman as an Example of Other Ways of Reeading Literature as Gay," Journal of Homosexuality 50.4 (2006): 77-96.

"Pêcheur d'Islande au théâtre lyrique: Vita brettona de Leopoldo Mugnone," Le Bulletin de l'Association internationale des amis de Pierre Loti 11 (December 2004): 2-9, 12 (June 2005): 8-15.

Savatier, Thierry, ed., Théophile Gautier, Lettres à la Présidente & Poésies érotiques (Paris: Champion, 2002), reviewed in Nineteenth-Century French Studies 33.1-2 (2004): 202-203.

"A Literary Form of Love: Yves' Navarre's My Friends Are Gone with the Wind," Studies in Twentieth Century Literature 28.2 (2004): 352-78.

"Winning over the Reader to Compassion for the Homosexual in Julien Green's Le Malfaiteur," Dalhousie French Studies 66 (2004): 63-71.

Bristow, Joseph, ed., Wilde Writings: Contextual Conditions (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2003), and Jeff Nunokawa, Tame Passions of Wilde: The Styles of Manageable Desire (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2003), reviewed in The Gay and Lesbian Review/Worldwide 11.1 (Jan-Feb 2004): 39-40.

Slide, Anthony, Lost Gay Novels: Reference Guide to Fifty Works from the First Half of the 20th Century (New York: Haworth Press, 2003), reviewed in The Gay and Lesbian Review/Worldwide 11.1 (Jan-Feb 2004): 47.

Letter in the Forum section of PMLA 118.5 (October 2003): 1338-9.

Nata Minor, La partie de dames (Paris: Reflet, 2001), reviewed in Le Bulletin de l'Association internationale des amis de Pierre Loti 8 (June 2003): 41-2.

In Love with a Handsome Sailor: The Novels of Pierre Loti and the Emergence of Gay Male Identity. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2003.

"Vautrin and Same-Sex Desire in Le Père Goriot," Nineteenth-Century French Studies 31.1-2 (Fall-Winter 2002): 53-65.

"Portraying Male Same-Sex Desire in Nineteenth Century French Literature: Pierre Loti's Aziyadé," College Literature 25.3 (Fall 1998): 91-108.

"Different Contexts, Different Sexualities: A Gay Reading of Loti's Pêcheur d'Islande," Dalhousie French Studies 44 (1998): 65-80.

Grammar and Translation for the Italian Libretto. New York: Excalibur Publishing Inc., 1996.

"Turandot as Political Fable," The Opera Quarterly 11, 3 (1995): 65-75.

"Reading the readers of the "Gargantua" prologue: a debate on the nature and purpose of literature," Studi francesi 38, 1 (Jan-April 1994): 1-10.

The Politics of Opera in Turn-of-the-Century Italy, as seen through the letters of Alfredo Catalani (Lewiston: Edwin Mellen Press, 1992)

"Changing Attitudes Toward Material Wealth in Sidney's Arcadias," Sixteenth Century Journal 22, 2 (Summer 1991): 331-49.

"Changing Attitudes Toward Popular Culture in Aretino's Sei giornate," in: Essays in European Literature, for Walter Strauss, ed. Alice N. Benston and Marshall C. Olds, Studies in Twentieth Century Literature, I (1990): 1-12.

A New History of French Literature, ed. Denis Hollier (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1989), reviewed in: Literature and Philosophy 14, 2 (October 1990): 398-99.

"Changing Depictions of Popular Revolt in Sixteenth-Century England: The Case of Sidney's Two Arcadias," The Journal of Medieval and Renaissance Studies 19, 1 (Spring 1989): 15-33.

François Rigolot, Les Métamorphoses de Montaigne (Paris: PUF, 1988), reviewed in: MLN 104, 4 (September 1989): 953-56.

"Non est solum Sophista quis loquitur: Further Thoughts on Rabelais's Presentation of Linguistic Mastery in Gargantua," Etudes Rabelaisiennes 22 (1988): 27-42.

Rabelais and Bakhtin: Popular Culture in "Gargantua and Pantagruel" (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1986)

"Sapho: Les maladies de la volonté", Nineteenth-Century French Studies 14, 3-4 (Spring-Summer 1986): 303-311.

Every Man for Himself: Social Order and Its Dissolution in Rabelais, Stanford French and Italian Studies, 38 (Saratoga: Anma Libri, 1985)

"The Presence and Exclusion of Popular Culture in Pantagruel and Gargantua (or, Bakhtin's Rabelais Revisited)," Etudes Rabelaisiennes 18 (1985): 19-56.

"The Evolving Attitude Toward Material Wealth in Rabelais's Oeuvres," Stanford French Review 9, 3 (Winter 1985): 301-19.

"Salammbô: A Myth of the Origin of Language," Modern Language Studies 15, 4 (Fall 1985): 261-69.

"Finding Antifeminism in Rabelais: or, A Response to Wayne Booth's Call for an Ethical Criticism," Critical Inquiry 11, 4 (June 1985): 687-96.

"L'Embriologie de l'illusion: le processus de la création littéraire d'après la correspondence de Gustave Flaubert," Les Amis de Flaubert 66 (May 1985): 15-17.

"Gargantua and the New Historiography," University of Dayton Review 16, 3 (Winter 1983-1984): 47-54.

"The Secularization of Reason," The USF Language Quarterly 22, 1-2 (Fall-Winter 1983): 20-21.

"The Image of the Hero and the Function of the Poet in Heredia's Les Trophées," Nineteenth-Century French Studies 11, 3-4 (Spring-Summer 1983): 278-84.

Gérard Defaux, Le Curieux, le glorieux et la sagesse du monde dans la première moitié du XVIe siècle (Lexington: French Forum, 1982), reviewed in: MLN 98, 4 (May 1983): 807-09.

"Jean Le Maire de Belges, Dictys of Crete, and Giovanni Boccaccio: Possible Sources for Gargantua, Ch. 1," Etudes Rabelaisiennes 17 (1983): 89-92.

"On the Possible Origin of the Name 'Nephelibates' (Quart Livre, Ch. 56)," Etudes Rabelaisiennes 17 (1983): 93-94.

"An Exposition of Disorder: From Pantagruel to Gargantua," Studies in Philology 79, 1 (Late Winter 1982): 12-29.

"Les Illustrations de Gaule et singularitez de Troye: Jean Lemaire de Belges' Ambivalent View of 'Eloquence'," Studi francesi 78 (September-December 1982): 399-407.

Mireille Huchon, Rabelais grammairien (Geneva: Droz, 1981) and Raymond C. La Charité, Recreation, Reflection and Re-Creation: Perspectives on Rabelais's "Pantagruel" (Lexington: French Forum, 1980), reviewed in: MLN 97, 4 (May 1982): 1010-12.

"The Nature and Function of the 'Sauvage' in Jacques Cartier's Récits de voyage," Romance Notes 22, 2 (1981): 1-5.

"Rabelais's Quart Livre: The Nature and Decline of Social Structure," Kentucky Romance Quarterly 28, 2 (March 1981): 139-54.

"The Cinquième Livre and the `Querelle de la Deffence'," Etudes Rabelaisiennes 15 (1980): 145-59.

"The Significance of rabelaisian Echos in the Cinquième Livre," Studi francesi 68 (May-August 1979): 299-308.

"From Pantagruel to Gargantua: Developing a Definition of Narrative Prose Fiction," Degré Second 3 (July 1979): 39-60.

"Note for the Commentary on the Cinquième Livre: 'Un pot aux roses' (Ch. 4)," Romance Notes 19, 1 (1978): 1-5.

Alfred Glauser, Le Faux Rabelais (Paris: Nizet, 1975), reviewed in: Romanic Review 68, 4 (November 1977): 300-01.

"Genealogies and the Search for an Origin in the Oeuvres of Rabelais," South Atlantic Bulletin 42, 4 (November 1977): 75-83.

Tzvetan Todorov, "The Origin of Genres," New Literary History 8, 1 (Autumn 1976): 159-70 [translated].

Floyd Gray, Rabelais et l'écriture (Paris: Nizet, 1974), reviewed in: Romanic Review 67, 3 (May 1976): 239-41.


"Mâtho and Masculinity: Illustrating Masculinity." Midwest Modern Language Association Convention, Cleveland, November 2007.

"Redefining Masculinity: Pierre Loti's Pêcheur d'Islande." Modern Language Association Convention, New Orleans, Dec. 2001

"Liberating Gender Constructions: Pierre Loti's Pêcheur d'Islande." Northeast Modern Language Association Convention, Buffalo, April 2000.


Catherine Ann Watson, KSU "Courtly Love Gone Awry" 1991

Robert Sicker, KSU "Massenet's Women" 2001

Magalie Frasier, KSU "Paris in Les Misérables" 2007


AY 2007-2008: A Semester in Provence

AY 2006-2007: The Dreyfus Affair and French Literature

AY 2005-2006: Criminals, Artists, and Barbarians: The Outsider in the 19th Century French Novel

AY 2004-2005: The Breton Novel in French

AY 2003-2004: French Romantic Theater

AY 2002-2003: Paradise Found: Tahiti in the French Literary Imagination

AY 2001-2002: La Belle Epoque

AY 2000-2001: The Dreyfus Affair and French Literature

AY 1999-2000: Twentieth-Century French Theater; The French Gay Novel

AY 1997-98: 19th Century French Novel