Publications of Richard M. Berrong

"Berrong on Quella-Villéger (2019)." Review of Alain Quella-Villéger, Pierre Loti: Une vie de roman. (Paris: Calmann-Lévy, 2019), in Nineteenth-Century French Studies 50.1-2 (2021): online at

"Claude Cahun and Marcel Moore in Exile." Review of Paper Bullets: Two Artists Who Risked Their Lives to Defy the Nazis (Algonquin Books, 2020) in The Gay and Lesbian Review/Worldwide 27.6 (November-December 2020): 37-8.

“The Glorification of Paris, 1850s Style.” Review of Andrew Israel Ross, Public City/Public Sex: Homosexuality, Prostitution, and Urban Culture in Nineteenth-Century Paris (Temple U.P., 2019) in The Gay and Lesbian Review/Worldwide 27.2 (March-April 2020): 35-6.

"The Great Secret." Review of In the Closet of the Vatican: Power, Homosexuality, Hypocrisy (Bloomsbury, 2019) in The Gay and Lesbian Review/Worldwide 26.4 (July-August 2019): 39.

"The Great Sarah's Rival." Review of Playing to the Gods: Sarah Bernhardt, Eleonora Duse, and the Rivalry that Changed Acting Forever (Simon and Schuster, 2018) in The Gay and Lesbian Review/Worldwide 26.1 (January-February 2019): 11-12.

Pierre Loti. London: Reaktion, 2018.

Review of Pierre Loti, Journal 1903-1913, Vol. V, ed. Alain Quella-Villéger, Bruno Vercier (Paris: Les Indes savantes, 2017), in Nineteenth-Century French Studies 46.3-4 (Spring-Summer 2018): online at

"Les Illustrations de Lucien Simon pour Pêcheur d'Islande: dialogues avec une tradition naissante," Bulletin de l'Association internationale des amis de Pierre Loti 35 (décembre 2016): 7-16.

"Eccentrics Abroad." Review of The Glamour of Strangeness: Artists and the Last Age of the Exotic, by Jamie James (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2016) in The Gay and Lesbian Review/Worldwide 23.6 (November-December 2016): 41-42.

Review of Pêcheur d'Islande, by Pierre Loti, ed. Alain Quella-Villéger and Bruno Vercier (Paris: Bleu autour, 2015) in Nineteenth-Century French Studies 44.3-4 (Spring-Summer 2016):. online at

"Creating a Contemplation Space for Artistic Creation: Pierre Loti’s Essays on Japanese Temple Art as a Key to Claude Monet’s Water Garden," Zeteo: The Journal of Interdisciplinary Writing (Winter 2015): online at

"A Pioneer's Other Discoveries." Review of The Obelisk and the Englishman: The Pioneering Discoveries of Egyptologist William Bankes, by Dorothy U. Seyler (Prometheus Books), 2015), in The Gay and Lesbian Review/Worldwide 23.1 (January-February 2016): 36-37.

"Baldwin the Shape-Shifter." Review of All Those Strangers: The Art and Lives of James Baldwin, by Douglas Field (Oxford University Press, 2015), in The Gay and Lesbian Review/Worldwide 22.6 (November-December 2015): 41-42.

"Louis Hémon's Intertextual Use of Pêcheur d'Islande in Maria Chapdelaine: Making a Novel Set in Canada Speak about Problems in Pre-World War I France," Journal of Canadian Studies 48.3 (Fall 2014): 133-161.

"Tableau de cathédrale = tableau de la nation et du peuple français: Pierre Loti, Victor Hugo, et Claude Monet : la basilique fantôme de Reims," Le Bulletin de l'Association internationale des amis de Pierre Loti 32 (juin 2015): 2-10.

"Oil Paintings of Word Paintings of Nature's Paintings: Gauguin's Early Tahitian Canvases and Pierre Loti's The Marriage of Loti," Zeteo: The Journal of Interdisciplinary Writing (sampler issue 2015): 18-34. Reprint of 2013 article.

"Captains Courageous: The Importance of (Impressionist) Art in Life," Kipling Journal 88:354 (June 2014): 25-39.

"Willa Cather's Intertextualization of Pierre Loti's Iceland Fisherman in O Pioneers!," Willa Cather Newsletter & Review 57.1 (Spring 2014): 8-13.

"The Miracle of Me." Review of Returning to Reims, by Didier Eribon (Semiotexte, 2014) in The Gay and Lesbian Review/Worldwide 21.3 (May-June 2014): 41-42.

"A Significant Source for the madeleine and Other Major Episodes in Combray: Proust's Intertextual Use of Pierre Loti's My Brother Yves," Studies in 20th & 21st Century Literature: Vol. 38: Iss. 1, Article 3. (17 pages)

"A Conjectural Romp across Art History." Review of A Little Gay History: Desire and Diversity across the World, by R. B. Parkinson (Columbia University Press, 2013) in The Gay and Lesbian Review/Worldwide 21.2 (March-April 2014): 42.

Review of Higher Education in America, by Derek Bok (Princeton University Press, 2013) in The Key Reporter

"The Trials of Love for an Impressionist Painter: Gaud Mével in Pierre Loti's Iceland Fisherman," Nineteenth-Century Contexts, 35.4 (September 2013): 343-362.

"Les tribulations d'un peintre impressionniste : Gaud Mével dans Pêcheur d'Islande," Revue des sciences humaines 311 (juillet-septembre 2013): 67-80.

Putting Monet and Rembrandt into Words: Pierre Loti's Recreation and Theorization of Claude Monet's Impressionism and Rembrandt's Landscapes in Literature. Chapel Hill: North Carolina Studies in Romance Language and Literature, 2013. vol 301.

"Pêcheur d'Islande : Une lecture de la Bretagne, une leçon de lecture," Le Bulletin de l'Association internationale des amis de Pierre Loti 28 (juin 2013): 8-13.

"Art, Transformation, Liberation: Balzac's Eugénie Grandet," Romance Quarterly 60.3 (2013): 173-183.

"Oil Paintings of Word Paintings of Nature's Paintings: Gauguin's Early Tahitian Canvases and Pierre Loti's The Marriage of Loti," Zeteo: The Journal of Interdisciplinary Writing (Spring 2013): online at

"'Three Dabs and Two Scratches': Painterly Impressionism in The Light That Failed," Kipling Journal 87:349 (March 2013): 25-38.

"Pierre Loti the Anti-Colonialist: Pêcheur d'Islande," Cincinnati Romance Review 34 (Fall 2012): 34-46.

Review of Dreaming in French: The Paris Years of Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy, Susan Sontag, and Angela Davis, by Alice Kaplan (University of Chicago Press, 2012) in The Key Reporter

"La Fille du ciel à New York," Bulletin de l'Association pour la Maison Pierre Loti 24 (mai 2012): 14-19.

Review of Unlikely Collaboration: Gertrude Stein, Bernard Faÿ, and the Vichy Dilemma, by Barbara Will (Columbia University Press, 2011) in The Gay and Lesbian Review/Worldwide 19.2 (March-April 2012): 34.

"Pierre Loti's Dialogue with Germinal and Naturalism: Pêcheur d'Islande," Dalhousie French Review 94 (Spring 2011): 77-92.

"At Home with Artists Looking On." Review of Seeing Gertrude Stein: Five Stories (catalog), ed. Wanda M. Corn and Tirza True Latimer. In The Gay and Lesbian Review/Worldwide 18.6 (Nov.-Dec. 2011): 40.

"Le meilleur art, c'est celui qui sert à la découverte de soi," Bulletin de l'Association Pierre Loti à Paimpol 1 (septembre 2011): 32-41.

Review of Napoleonic Friendship, by Brian Joseph Martin (University of New Hampshire Press, 2011), in The Gay and Lesbian Review/Worldwide 18.5 (September-October 2011): 34-35.

"A French Reaction to the Wilde Affair and Increasing Homophobia in Late-Nineteenth-Century France: Pierre Loti's Judith Renaudin," Neophilologus 95.2 (2011): 177-189.

Baker, Stanley, Alexandros: The Lifelong Love Story of Alexander the Great and Hephæstion, Son of Amyntor (New York: iUniverse, 2010), reviewed in The Gay and Lesbian Review/Worldwide 18.1 (January-February 2011): 42.

"The Revenge of the Raped Woman: "The Idiots" and Charles Le Goffic's Le Crucifié de Keraliès," The Conradian 35.2 (Autumn 2010): 117-120.

"Mâtho and Masculinity: Illustrating Gender Ambiguity in Relationship to One's Time," Interfaces 29 (2010): 167-194.

Biblier, Michael P, Cotton's Queer Relations: Same-Sex Intimacy and the Literature of the Southern Plantation, 1936-1968 (Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2010), reviewed in The Gay and Lesbian Review/Worldwide 17.4 (July-August 2010): 40.

"Les premiers pas d'un peintre-écrivain impressionniste," Bulletin de l'Association pour la Maison Pierre Loti 20 (mai 2010): 18-19.

"'Heart of Darkness' and Pierre Loti's Ramuntcho: Fulcrum for a Masterpiece," The Conradian 35.1 (Spring 2010): 28-44.

The Paris Letters of Thomas Eakins, ed. William Innes Homer (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2010), reviewed in The Gay and Lesbian Review/Worldwide 17.3 (May-June 2010): 44.

Morris, Bonnie J., Revenge of the Women's Studies Professor (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2009), reviewed in The Gay and Lesbian Review/Worldwide 16.4 (July-August 2009): 39.

Thomas, Susan, Cuban Zarzuela: Performing Race and Gender on Havana's Lyric Stage (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2008), reviewed in The Gay and Lesbian Review/Worldwide 16.3 (May-June 2009): 44.

Turberfield, Peter James, Pierre Loti and the Theatricality of Desire (Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2008), reviewed in Nineteenth-Century French Studies 37:3-4 (Spring-Summer 2009): 326-327.

Loti, Pierre, Journal 1879-1886, ed. Alain Quella-Villéger and Bruno Vercier (Paris: Les Indes Savantes, 2008), reviewed in Nineteenth-Century French Studies 37:3-4 (Spring-Summer 2009): 321-322.

"Pierre Loti's Response to Maurice Barrès and France's Growing Nationalist Movement: Ramuntcho," Modern & Contemporary France 17.1 (February 2009): 35-50.

"Ramuntcho au théâtre lyrique," Bulletin de l'Association pour la Maison de Pierre Loti 17 (décembre 2008): 20-29.

"Painting with Words as Painters Paint: Pierre Loti's Concern with Perspective," Studi francesi 52.2 (May-August 2008): 383-391.

Loti, Pierre, Journal 1868-1878, ed. Alain Quella-Villéger and Bruno Vercier (Paris: Les Indes Savantes, 2006), reviewed in Nineteenth-Century French Studies 35.3-4 (Spring-Summer 2007): 682-683.

James S. Williams, Jean Cocteau (London: Reaktion Press, 2008), reviewed in The Gay and Lesbian Review/Worldwide 15.4 (July-August 2008): 32-33.

"Pêcheur d'Islande et Eugénie Grandet: Comment Loti se servit d'un classique de la littérature française pour parler à ses lecteurs avisés," Le Bulletin de l'Association internationale des amis de Pierre Loti 18 (juin 2008): 7-12.

Queer Lives, trans. and ed. William A. Peniston, Nancy Erber (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2007), reviewed in The Gay and Lesbian Review/Worldwide 15.3 (May-June 2008): 40.

"Modes of Literary Impressionism," Genre 39.2 (Summer 2006): 203-228.

Willy, The Third Sex, trans. and ed. Lawrence R Schehr (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2007), reviewed in The Gay and Lesbian Review/Worldwide 15.2 (March-April 2008): 41-42.

"Paimpol, Proust et l'Impressionnisme," Paimpol à La Hune 25 (oct.-déc. 2007): 18-19.

"Photographies d'hier et d'aujourd'hui," Le Bulletin de l'Association internationale des amis de Pierre Loti 17 (décembre 2007): 24-27.

Halperin, David M., What Do Gay Men Want? (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2007), reviewed in The Gay and Lesbian Review/Worldwide 15.1 (January-February 2008): 44-45.

"When Art and Literature Unite: Illustrations That Create a New Art Form," Word & Image 23.3 (July-September 2007): 347-360.

Quella-Villéger, Alain , et Bruno Vercier, eds., Journal de Pierre Loti I (Paris: Les Indes savantes, 2006), reviewed in Le Bulletin de l'Association internationale des amis de Pierre Loti 16 (juin 2007): 26-27..

"Les Editions illustrées des récits de voyage de Pierre Loti," Le Bulletin de l'Association internationale des amis de Pierre Loti 16 (juin 2007): 2-5.

Lucey, Michael, Never Say I: Sexuality and the First Person in Colette, Gide, and Proust (Raleigh: Duke University Press, 2006), reviewed in The Gay and Lesbian Review/Worldwide 14.3 (May-June 2007): 44-45.

"A French Response to the Wilde Affair," The Gay and Lesbian Review/Worldwide 14.2 (March-April 2007): 28-30.

Gwénaëlle Loaëc, "Richard Berrong: Le plus Amoricain des Américains," Bretons 18 (February 2007): 14-15.

"Les Editions illustrées des romans de Pierre Loti," Le Bulletin de l'Association internationale des amis de Pierre Loti 15 (December 2006): 2-13; "Addendum" 16 (June 2007): 6-8.

"Beyond Same-sex Desire: Pierre Loti's Iceland Fisherman as an Example of Other Ways of Reeading Literature as Gay," Journal of Homosexuality 50.4 (2006): 77-96.

Reprinted: "Vautrin and Same-Sex Desire in Le Père Goriot," (2002). Reprinted in: Nineteenth-Century Literature Criticism, ed. Jessica Bomarito, Russel Whitaker (Detroit: Thomson, 2005) 153: 158-165.

"Pêcheur d'Islande au théâtre lyrique: Vita brettona de Leopoldo Mugnone," Le Bulletin de l'Association internationale des amis de Pierre Loti 11 (December 2004): 2-9, 12 (June 2005): 8-15.

Savatier, Thierry, ed., Théophile Gautier, Lettres à la Présidente & Poésies érotiques (Paris: Champion, 2002), reviewed in Nineteenth-Century French Studies 33.1-2 (2004): 202-203.

"A Literary Form of Love: Yves' Navarre's My Friends Are Gone with the Wind," Studies in Twentieth Century Literature 28.2 (2004): 352-78.

"Winning over the Reader to Compassion for the Homosexual in Julien Green's Le Malfaiteur," Dalhousie French Studies 66 (2004): 63-71.

Bristow, Joseph, ed., Wilde Writings: Contextual Conditions (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2003), and Jeff Nunokawa, Tame Passions of Wilde: The Styles of Manageable Desire (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2003), reviewed in The Gay and Lesbian Review/Worldwide 11.1 (Jan-Feb 2004): 39-40.

Slide, Anthony, Lost Gay Novels: Reference Guide to Fifty Works from the First Half of the 20th Century (New York: Haworth Press, 2003), reviewed in The Gay and Lesbian Review/Worldwide 11.1 (Jan-Feb 2004): 47.

Letter in the Forum section of PMLA 118.5 (October 2003): 1338-9.

Nata Minor, La partie de dames (Paris: Reflet, 2001), reviewed in Le Bulletin de l'Association internationale des amis de Pierre Loti 8 (June 2003): 41-2.

In Love with a Handsome Sailor: The Novels of Pierre Loti and the Emergence of Gay Male Identity. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2003.

"Vautrin and Same-Sex Desire in Le Père Goriot," Nineteenth-Century French Studies 31.1-2 (Fall-Winter 2002): 53-65.

"Portraying Male Same-Sex Desire in Nineteenth Century French Literature: Pierre Loti's Aziyadé," College Literature 25.3 (Fall 1998): 91-108.

"Different Contexts, Different Sexualities: A Gay Reading of Loti's Pêcheur d'Islande," Dalhousie French Studies 44 (1998): 65-80.

Grammar and Translation for the Italian Libretto. New York: Excalibur Publishing Inc., 1996.

"Turandot as Political Fable," The Opera Quarterly 11, 3 (1995): 65-75.

"Reading the readers of the "Gargantua" prologue: a debate on the nature and purpose of literature," Studi francesi 38, 1 (Jan-April 1994): 1-10.

The Politics of Opera in Turn-of-the-Century Italy, as seen through the letters of Alfredo Catalani(Lewiston: Edwin Mellen Press, 1992)

"Changing Attitudes Toward Material Wealth in Sidney's Arcadias," Sixteenth Century Journal 22, 2 (Summer 1991): 331-49.

"Changing Attitudes Toward Popular Culture in Aretino's Sei giornate," in: Essays in European Literature, for Walter Strauss, ed. Alice N. Benston and Marshall C. Olds, Studies in Twentieth Century Literature, I (1990): 1-12.

A New History of French Literature, ed. Denis Hollier (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1989), reviewed in: Literature and Philosophy 14, 2 (October 1990): 398-99.

"Changing Depictions of Popular Revolt in Sixteenth-Century England: The Case of Sidney's Two Arcadias," The Journal of Medieval and Renaissance Studies 19, 1 (Spring 1989): 15-33.

François Rigolot, Les Métamorphoses de Montaigne (Paris: PUF, 1988), reviewed in: MLN 104, 4 (September 1989): 953-56.

"Non est solum Sophista quis loquitur: Further Thoughts on Rabelais's Presentation of Linguistic Mastery in Gargantua," Etudes Rabelaisiennes 22 (1988): 27-42.

Rabelais and Bakhtin: Popular Culture in "Gargantua and Pantagruel" (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1986)

"Sapho: Les maladies de la volonté", Nineteenth-Century French Studies 14, 3-4 (Spring-Summer 1986): 303-311.

Every Man for Himself: Social Order and Its Dissolution in Rabelais, Stanford French and Italian Studies, 38 (Saratoga: Anma Libri, 1985)

"The Presence and Exclusion of Popular Culture in Pantagruel and Gargantua (or, Bakhtin's Rabelais Revisited)," Etudes Rabelaisiennes 18 (1985): 19-56.

"The Evolving Attitude Toward Material Wealth in Rabelais's Oeuvres," Stanford French Review 9, 3 (Winter 1985): 301-19.

"Salammbô: A Myth of the Origin of Language," Modern Language Studies 15, 4 (Fall 1985): 261-69.

"Finding Antifeminism in Rabelais: or, A Response to Wayne Booth's Call for an Ethical Criticism," Critical Inquiry 11, 4 (June 1985): 687-96.

"L'Embriologie de l'illusion: le processus de la création littéraire d'après la correspondence de Gustave Flaubert," Les Amis de Flaubert 66 (May 1985): 15-17.

"Gargantua and the New Historiography," University of Dayton Review 16, 3 (Winter 1983-1984): 47-54.

"The Secularization of Reason," The USF Language Quarterly 22, 1-2 (Fall-Winter 1983): 20-21.

"The Image of the Hero and the Function of the Poet in Heredia's Les Trophées," Nineteenth-Century French Studies 11, 3-4 (Spring-Summer 1983): 278-84.

Gérard Defaux, Le Curieux, le glorieux et la sagesse du monde dans la première moitié du XVIe siècle (Lexington: French Forum, 1982), reviewed in: MLN 98, 4 (May 1983): 807-09.

"Jean Le Maire de Belges, Dictys of Crete, and Giovanni Boccaccio: Possible Sources for Gargantua, Ch. 1," Etudes Rabelaisiennes 17 (1983): 89-92.

"On the Possible Origin of the Name 'Nephelibates' (Quart Livre, Ch. 56)," Etudes Rabelaisiennes 17 (1983): 93-94.

"An Exposition of Disorder: From Pantagruel to Gargantua," Studies in Philology 79, 1 (Late Winter 1982): 12-29.

"Les Illustrations de Gaule et singularitez de Troye: Jean Lemaire de Belges' Ambivalent View of 'Eloquence'," Studi francesi 78 (September-December 1982): 399-407.

Mireille Huchon, Rabelais grammairien (Geneva: Droz, 1981) and Raymond C. La Charité, Recreation, Reflection and Re-Creation: Perspectives on Rabelais's "Pantagruel" (Lexington: French Forum, 1980), reviewed in: MLN 97, 4 (May 1982): 1010-12.

"The Nature and Function of the 'Sauvage' in Jacques Cartier's Récits de voyage," Romance Notes 22, 2 (1981): 1-5.

"Rabelais's Quart Livre: The Nature and Decline of Social Structure," Kentucky Romance Quarterly 28, 2 (March 1981): 139-54.

"The Cinquième Livre and the `Querelle de la Deffence'," Etudes Rabelaisiennes 15 (1980): 145-59.

"The Significance of rabelaisian Echos in the Cinquième Livre," Studi francesi 68 (May-August 1979): 299-308.

"From Pantagruel to Gargantua: Developing a Definition of Narrative Prose Fiction," Degré Second 3 (July 1979): 39-60.

"Note for the Commentary on the Cinquième Livre: 'Un pot aux roses' (Ch. 4)," Romance Notes 19, 1 (1978): 1-5.

Alfred Glauser, Le Faux Rabelais (Paris: Nizet, 1975), reviewed in: Romanic Review 68, 4 (November 1977): 300-01.

"Genealogies and the Search for an Origin in the Oeuvres of Rabelais," South Atlantic Bulletin 42, 4 (November 1977): 75-83.

Tzvetan Todorov, "The Origin of Genres," New Literary History 8, 1 (Autumn 1976): 159-70 [translated].

Floyd Gray, Rabelais et l'écriture (Paris: Nizet, 1974), reviewed in: Romanic Review 67, 3 (May 1976): 239-41.