
Horace 1.10

A hymn to Mercury, in which Horace describes the god's duties and famous exploits.

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Mercuri, facunde nepos Atlantis,
qui feros cultus hominum recentium
voce formasti catus et decorae
.......more palaestrae,

te canam, magni Iovis et deorum ...................5
nuntium curvaeque lyrae parentem,
callidum quicquid placuit iocoso
.......condere furto.

te, boves olim nisi reddidisses
per dolum amotas, puerum minaci ...............10
voce dum terret, viduus pharetra
.......risit Apollo.

quin et Atridas duce te superbos
Ilio dives Priamus relicto
Thessalosque ignis et iniqua Troiae ...............15
.......castra fefellit.

tu pias laetis animas reponis
sedibus virgaque levem coerces
aurea turbam, superis deorum
.......gratus et imis..........................................20

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Meter: Sapphic Strophe
3. formasti: formavisti;
  catus: adverbial.
6. nuntium, parentem: in apposition to te (line 5).
7. quicquid placuit: sc. tibi.
  callidum: modifies te.
8. condere: complementary infinitive of callidum.
9. te: object of terret.
10. puerum: "when you were a boy".
12. Apollo: subject of both terret and risit;
13. Atridas: Agamemnon and Menalaus;
  te: Ablative with duce.
15. Troiae: Dative of Reference.
19. deorum: Partitive Genitive with superis and imis.
20. gratus: in apposition to tu.
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last updated October 17, 2003
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