Latin 3 Words



CED-, CESS- go, yield

abscess, infected tissue in the body, filled with pus
accede, to give consent, come into an office
access, act or means of entry or approach
antecedent, the noun to which a pronoun refers
concede, to yield, give way
concession, a yielding
excess, extra, part that is too much; he drinks to excess
incessant, continuing without interruption; unceasing
precede, go before in time, rank, place
precedent, an act or incident that can be used as an example in subsequent cases; a convention
proceed, go forth
process, set of actions
procession, people marching
recede, to retreat, move back
recess, to set back; inner section, something set back

DUC-, DUCT- lead

adduce, to give as reason or proof
conducive, contributing or leading to a specific result
conduct, to lead, guide; behavior
deduce, to arrive at answer
deduct, to subtract
ductile, able to be drawn or hammered thin or into a wire
induce, cause, bring on or about
introduction, informing of something for the first time
produce, to make, create
reduce, to make less, decrease
reproduce, to generate offspring, make a copy
seduce, to lure into improper behavior

JUR-, JUST- right, swear

abjure, to renounce, give up
conjure, to practice magic, summon a demon
injure, to do harm or damage to
jurisdiction, legal authority
jurisprudence, the science or philosophy of law
justice, administration of the law
justify, prove something to be right, lawful
perjury, the telling of a lie under oath

LEV- light

alleviate, lessen or decrease pain, etc.
elevate, lift up
lever, a bar used to pry
leverage, the action of a lever (to move something otherwise too heavy); positional advantage
levitation, illusion of raising a body in the air without support
levity, frivolity, improper merrymaking
relevant, pertinent, relating to the matter under consideration

LOQU-, LOCUT- speak

circumlocution, roundabout way of speaking
colloquial, informal speech
colloquium, conference
elocution, art of public speaking
eloquent, expressing thoughts with ease, clearness and force; meaningful, expressive
grandiloquent, pompous
interlocutor, one taking part in a conversation
loquacious, very talkative
obloquy, widespread censure/criticism
soliloquy, monologue, usually in poetry

LUD-, LUS-, play, mock

allude, to make an indirect reference
allusion, an indirect reference
collude, to conspire, o act together secretly to achieve a fraudulent, illegal, or deceitful purpose
collusion, an agreement to perform together an illegal, wrongful, or subversive act; conspiracy
delude, to mislead, deceive
delusion, a false belief
elude, to escape from, as by daring, cleverness, or skill; to escape the understanding or grasp of
elusive, fleeting, difficult to capture or find; tending to escape capture, perception, comprehension, or memory
illusion, an unreal appearance
interlude, period which fills the time between events
ludicrous, ridiculous
prelude, preliminary section, esp. in music

PREC- request, beg, prayer (cf. PRECI-, price)

deprecate, to express disapproval of
imprecate, to invoke (e.g., evil, curse, etc.)
precarious, dangerous, risky, uncertain

TRUD-, TRUS- push, thrust

abstruse, difficult to understand
extrude, to push out, esp. through a small opening
intrude, to come in rudely or inappropriately; enter as an improper or unwanted element
intrusion, forcing oneself on others
obtrusive, forced in where not wanted
protrude, to stick out
protrusion, a projection
unobtrusive, not noticeable

VEN-, VENT- to come

advent, coming, arrival
adventitious, not inherent; accidental
adventure, daring undertaking; an unusual experience
avenue (that's ad) street, drive, esp. wide one; a way of approaching
circumvent, to get the better of or prevent by cleverness
contravene, to violate, go against
convene, to come together
convenient, adding to one's comfort
convent, residence of a religious community
convention, a periodic assembly
conventional, customary
covenant, an agreement, pact
event, something that happens
eventual, expected to happen
intervene, come between (to settle, hinder action)
invention, creation
parvenu, a newly rich person who has not yet gained social acceptance by others in that class
prevent, keep or hinder from happening
revenue, all the income produced by a particular source; a return, as from an investment
venture, a risky undertaking; to expose to possible danger
venturesome, daring, disposed to taking risks
venue, locality, scene of large gathering

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