Lesson 7 Words



ANIM- mind, feeling, life

animadversions, criticisms, adverse comments
animadvert, to make critique/criticism, usually with disapproval
animal, a multicellular organism of the kingdom Animalia
animated, having life; filled with activity, vigor, or spirit; lively
animosity, bitter hostility; active hatred
inanimate, not animate; not animated or energetic
magnanimous, noble in mind and heart; generous in forgiving
unanimous, sharing the same opinions or views; being in complete

ANN(U)-, ENNI- year

annals, a chronicle, history
anniversary, yearly return to a date
annual, happening every year
annuity, investment from which one receives yearly payments; annual payment of allowance or income
biannual, happening twice each year; semiannual
biennial, happening every two years
centennial, 100 year anniversary
millennium, 1000 year period, hoped-for age of joy, serenity and justice
perennial, lasting a long time
semiannual, happening twice each year; biannual

BENE-, BON- well, good

benediction, a blessing
benefactor, one that gives aid, especially financial aid
beneficial, producing or promoting a favorable result; advantageous
beneficiary, one that receives a benefit
benefit, something that promotes or enhances well-being
benevolent, characterized by or suggestive of doing good
benign, kindly, favorable
bonbon, candy that often has a center of fondant, fruit, or nuts and is coated with chocolate or fondant
bonus, something given or paid in addition to what is usual or expected

CANT-, CAN- sing

canorous, melodious
canticle, a song or chant, especially a non-metrical hymn with words taken from a biblical text
cantor, the person who leads a synagogue or church choir or congregation in singing
chant, a short, simple melody in which a number of syllables or words are sung on or intoned to the same note
enchant, (magic) to cast a spell over; bewitch
incantation, (magic) ritual recitation of verbal charms or spells to produce a magic effect
incentive, something that induces action or motivates effort

CUR- cure, care

accurate, conforming exactly to fact; errorless
curator, one that manages or oversees (a museum collection or a library)
curious, eager to learn more
procure, to get by special effort; obtain or acquire
secure, free from risk of loss; safe; to make firm or tight; fasten
sinecure, a position that requires little or no work but provides a salary

EQU-, (IQU-) equal

equable, unvarying; steady; free from extremes; not easily disturbed; serene
equal, having the same quantity, measure, or value as another
equanimity, the quality of being calm and even-tempered; composure
equator, the imaginary great circle around the earth's surface, equidistant from the poles and perpendicular to the earth's axis of rotation
equidistant, equally distant
equilateral, having sides of the same length
equilibrium, a condition in which all acting influences are canceled by others, resulting in a stable, balanced, or unchanging system (libra. "scale, balance")
equinox, either of the two times during a year when the length of day and night are approximately equal
equitable, fair, just (settlement)
equity, the state, quality, or ideal of being just, impartial, and fair
equivocate, doubletalk, speak ambiguously, avoid making an explicit statement
inequity, Injustice; unfairness
iniquity, gross immorality or injustice; wickedness

FER- bear, carry

afferent, carrying inward to a central organ or section
efferent, directed away from a central organ or section
confer, to bestow (an honor, for example); to meet in order to deliberate together or compare views
conference, a meeting for consultation or discussion
differ, to be unlike in nature, quality, amount, or form; to be of a different opinion; disagree
infer, conclude by reasoning
inference, the act of reasoning from factual knowledge or evidence
offer, to present for acceptance or rejection
prefer, to be in a habit of choosing as more desirable; Archaic. To recommend for advancement or appointment; promote
refer, to direct to a source for help or information
transfer, to convey from one place, person, or thing to another
fertile, rearing or producing vegetation abundantly; fruitful; capable of reproducing
carboniferous, a geologic division of the Paleozoic Era
conifer, chiefly needle-leaved, evergreen, cone-bearing gymnosperm trees or shrubs

LAT- bear, carry

dilate, To make or become wider or larger; (cause to) expand
elated, overjoyed: "he was elated when he heard..."
elation, joy
prelate, a high-ranking member of the clergy, especially a bishop
relate, to link in logical or natural association; to narrate or tell
relation, a logical or natural association between two or more things; relevance of one to another; connection
translate, to change from one form, function, or state to another
translation, conversion from one type (language) to another
oblation, offering to a god
collate, put in proper order

MAGN- great

magnitude, greatness, degree of brightness
magnify, to make larger
magnificent, splendid, exalted
magnate, influential person

MAL(E)- bad

maladjusted, unable to adjust to the stresses of daily living
malady, illness
malaise, a vague feeling of bodily discomfort
malapropism, ludicrous misuse of a word, especially by confusion with one of similar sound
malaria, "bad air", a kind of infectious disease
malcontent, a chronically dissatisfied person
malediction, a curse
malevolent, having or exhibiting ill will; wishing harm to others
malfeasance, misconduct or wrongdoing, especially by a public official
malice, a desire to harm others or to see others suffer; extreme ill will or spite
malicious, spiteful (intention); desiring to see others suffer
malignant, having an evil influence (result); threatening to life
malinger, to feign illness or other incapacity in order to avoid work
malpractice, improper or negligent treatment of a patient

MULT- many

multitude, a large number
multiply, find product of two numbers
multilateral, involving more than two nations or parties
multimedia, combined use of several media

OPTIM- best

optimum, the point at which the condition or amount of something is the most favorable
optimism, a tendency to expect the best possible outcome; hopefulness
optimal, most favorable or desirable

PLIC-, fold, tangle,
PLEX-, interweave

apply, to bring into nearness or contact with something; put into action
complex, consisting of many related parts
complicate, to make difficult
comply, to act in accordance with another's command, request
duplicate, identically copied from an original (triplicate, etc.)
explicate, to make clear the meaning of; explain
explicit, clearly stated
implicate, show to be party to a crime
implicit, suggested
imply, hint at
multiplex, having, or consisting of multiple elements or parts; A building, especially a movie theater or dwelling, with multiple separate units
multiplication, the act or process of multiplying
multiply, to increase the amount, number, or degree of
perplex, to confuse or trouble with uncertainty or doubt


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Suffixes: word element at the end of word
function is to make the base form different parts of speech
popul ar (adj. forming)
popul arity (noun forming)
popul ate (verb forming)
verb al (adj. forming)
con vent ion (noun forming)
tog./come/act of
magn ify (verb forming)
official, holding authority
officious, meddlesome
aquatic, living in water
aqueous, like water
equal, even, the same
equable, even tempered
continuous, going on without interruption
continual, repeated often
urban, having to do with cities
urbane, suave, sophisticated
imperial, of empire, emperor
imperious, overbearing, arrogant
funeral, ceremony of burial, commem.
funereal, sad, solemn, dismal
human, characteristic of mankind
humane, kind, tender, merciful
military, having to do with soldiers, armies
militant, fighting, ready to fight, hostile
