Lesson 10 Words



CUMB-, CUB- lie down

concubine, a woman who cohabits with a man; a second wife
incubator, a place/situation that permits/encourages formation and devt.
incubus, an evil spirit believed to descend upon and have sexual intercourse with women as they sleep
incumbent, imposed as an obligation or a duty; obligatory; currently holding a specified office
recumbent, lying down, especially in a position of comfort or rest; reclining
succubus, an female spirit believed to descend upon and have sexual intercourse with men as they sleep
succumb, to give in, yield to (an overpowering force)


FEDER- league, treaty

confederate, united in alliance
federal, pertaining to central government
federalism, a situation where power is divided between central authority and constituents
federalist, advocates federalism
federate, to become united
federation, a union of states, groups

FID-, faith

affidavit, sworn statement in writing
confidant, a close friend
confident, assured
diffident, shy, lacking self-confidence
perfidious, treacherous
perfidy, treachery


FIDEL- faithful

fidelity, faithfulness
infidel, an unbeliever with respect to a particular religion
infidelity, unfaithfulness to a sexual partner, especially a spouse


HER-, HES- stick

adhere, to stick fast by or as if by suction or glue
adhesive, (a material) tending to adhere; sticky
coherent, orderly, connected; logically connected
cohesive, sticking together (~ group, unit)
incoherent, lacking connection or harmony; unable to express thoughts in a clear manner
inherent, existing in something as a natural quality


ORD(IN)- put in order, arrange

coordinate, bring into proper relationship; to work together harmoniously; to form a pleasing combination; match
extraordinary, not usual
inordinate, excessive
insubordinate, not submissive to authority
order, logical or comprehensible arrangement among the separate elements of a group; condition in which freedom from disorder or disruption is maintained
ordinal, being in a numbered series (as opposed to cardinal)
ordinance, a statute or regulation, especially one enacted by a city government
ordinary, commonly encountered; usual
ordination, investing w/ office
ordnance, military materiel
primordial, happening first in a sequence of time; original
subordinate, below in rank or importance


POT-, be able,
POSS- have power

impotent, lacking in power, as to act effectively; helpless; lacking sexual vigor
omnipotent, all powerful
possible, capable of happening or occurring
potent, powerful; capable of exerting a strong effect
potentate, one who has the power and position to rule over others; a monarch
potential, capable of being but not yet in existence


SAL-, (SIL-) leap

desultory, aimless, random; jumping from one thing to another
exult, "raise up" rejoice, be jubilant (not to be confused with exalt, to glorify, honor, praise)
insult, an offensive action or remark
resilient, marked by the ability to recover readily
result, outcome, effect
salient, significant, prominent; protruding or jutting beyond a line or surface
saltation, mutation or discontinuous variation
saltatorial, pertaining to leaping, dancing

SED-, (SID-), sit, settle

assiduous, persevering, unceasing, persistent; constantly at attention and effort
insidious ("ambush"), secret, treacherous
obsession, an idea which preoccupies
, the chief executive of a republic (cf. precedent)
resident, dwelling in a particular place; one who dwells...
sedate, calm, cool, quiet
sedentary, characterized by or requiring much sitting
sediment, material that settles to the bottom of a liquid
sessile, lacking the power of mobility
session, an assembly of people for a common purpose
subside, to sink, be less
supersede, override, take the place of


TERR- earth

Mediterranean, the lands surrounding and the water surrounded by southern Europe and northern Africa
terra firma, solid ground
terra incognita, an unexplored region
terrace, a patio; a raised bank of earth having vertical or sloping sides and a flat top
terrain, the surface features of an area of land
terrestrial, Living or growing on land; not aquatic
territory, the land and waters under the jurisdiction of a government

