Lesson 14 Words



AM love

amateur, one who engages in an activity as a pastime
amatory, relating to, especially sexual love
amiable, friendly, good natured, peaceful
amicable, friendly, peaceable
amity, peaceful relations, as between nations; friendship
amorous, strongly attracted or disposed to love, especially sexual love
enamored of, in love with
paramour, a lover, especially one in an adulterous relationship


DE, DIV god

deify, treat as a god
deism, a belief that a god created the universe, but does not interfere
deity, a god or goddess
divination, practice of foretelling future
divine, relating to, pertaining a deity, a god
diviner, one who practices divination
divinity, the state or quality of being divine; godlike character


[JOURN] day

diurnal, active during the day
adjourn, to suspend a meeting
journal, personal record of occurrences, experiences, and reflections; a diary, daybook
journalism, the collecting, writing, editing, and presentation of news
journey, act of traveling from one place to another; a trip
journeyman, a workman; one who has fully served an apprenticeship in a trade or craft and is a qualified worker in another's employ; an experienced and competent but undistinguished worker
(sub) sojourn, visit (v.) to reside temporarily; (n.) a temporary stay; a brief period of residence
ME journee, a day's work


OR speak formally, plead

adore, to worship as God or a god
inexorable, not capable of being persuaded by entreaty; relentless
oracle, place to ask gods
orate, to speak in a formal, pompous manner
oration, a formal speech, especially one given on a ceremonial occasion
orator, eloquent and skilled public speaker
oratorio, composition for voices and orchestra, telling a sacred story without costumes, scenery, or dramatic action
oratory, the art of public speaking; a place for prayer, such as a small private chapel
peroration, formal recapitulation at the conclusion of a speech


PROB, [PROV] good, test

approbation, approval
approve, to consider satisfactory, good
disprove, to show to be false
improve, to make better
probability, the likelihood that a given event will occur
probable, likely to occur or be so
probate, process of establishing that a will is genuine, valid
probation, period in which a person's fitness or worthiness is tested
probe, a searching, examination; to search, examine
probity, honesty
reprobate, a morally unprincipled person
reprove, to voice or convey disapproval of; rebuke


RAP, RAPT seize,
(REPT) rush

rapid, swift, moving with great speed
rape, forcing another person to submit to sexual intercourse
rapine, forcible seizure of another's property; plunder
rapture, joy, intense delight; the transporting of a person from one place to another, especially to heaven
rapt, enthralled, absorbed, full of joy
rapacious, violently greedy
surreptitious, acting secretly and stealthily, sly


STRING, draw tight

astringent, tending to draw together or constrict tissues; styptic
constrain, to compel, force; keep within close bounds; confine
constriction, squeezing
district, division of an area, as for administrative purposes
restrain, to hold back or keep in check; control
restrict, to keep or confine within limits
strict, exact, precise; kept within narrowly specific limits; rigorous in the imposition of discipline
stricture, restraint, limit, or restriction; criticism, censure
stringent, imposing rigorous standards of performance; severe


VER true

aver, to assert as a fact, declare; to affirm positively
veracity, adherence to the truth; truthfulness
verify, to prove the truth of something, back up with evidence "Do you have documents which verify your citizenship?"
verisimilitude, appearance of being true
veritable, being truly so called; real or genuine; true, actual
verity, something that is true, especially an enduring truth
very, truly

