Pretest to Test 4


Pretest for Test Four -- Greek Lessons 3-7

Part One: Word Dissection
1. agonist, _____________ + ist ; a) one involved in a struggle or competition; b) a person about to be executed; c) the main character; d) an especially cruel person

2. amphibious, _____________ + _____________ + us ; a) salamanders; b) able to live both on land and in water; c) having a slimy skin; d) egg-laying

3. anachronism, _____________ + _____________ + ism ; a) something that is occurring at the same time; b) something that is moved forward; c) something that is out of its proper order; d) something that is beyond measure

4. epitaph, _____________ + _____________ ; a) a sacrifice of 100 animals; b) a monument to honor a dead person; c) an inscription in stone; d) an impossible request

5. cryptic, _____________ + ic ; a) having hidden meaning; b) for funerals; c) decayed; d) diabolical

6. diatom, _____________ + _____________ ; a) divided in half; b) the dissection of living animals; c) a type of microscopic algae; d) two atoms

7. dialogue, _____________ + _____________ + ue ; a) epistolary; b) the body of a poem; c) a summation; d) a conversation

8. iconography, _____________ + _____________ + y ; a) the study of religious art; b) conventional symbols associated with a subject; c) graffiti; d) a revolutionary

9. iatrogenic, _____________ + _____________ + ic ; a) caused by the doctor; b) technical; c) pertaining to medicine; d) very expensive

10. pyrotechnics, _____________ + _____________ + ics ; a) involving the industrial arts; b) very loud; c) childish activity; d) the art of fireworks


Part Two
1. ____________________ -- "change" + "road, way" ; a means or manner of procedure; She perfected her **** of writing lectures over many years of practice.

2. ____________________ -- "all" + "god"; all the gods of a people; The Greek **** has its home on Mount Olympus.

3. ____________________ -- "beside" + "loose, break"; loss or impairment of the ability to move a body; He suffered partial **** as a result of the accident.

4. ____________________ -- "foot"; a speaker's platform; He used the **** to shield himself from the volleys of rotten tomatoes thrown by the audience.

5. ____________________ -- "down" + "whole"; of broad scope; comprehensive; Looking at her book collection, it is apparent her taste in subject matter is ****; there is a book on every imaginable subject.

6. ____________________ -- "on" + "send"; carried on in letters; The action in **** novels is carried on completely in the correspondence between the characters.

7. ____________________ -- "away, from, off" + "earth"; the point in orbit most distant from the earth, the climax, highest point; This conversation we are having seems to be the **** of bad taste.

8. ____________________ -- "over" + "throw", figure of speech in which exaggeration is used for emphasis or effect; Oh, that is just **** . You couldn't really eat a horse.

9. ____________________ -- "not, without" + "know"; one who is uncertain or noncommital about the existence of God; On religious matters, she prefers to remain ****.

10. ____________________ -- "after, change" + "shape, form"; a marked change in appearance, character, condition, or function; At the high school reunion, Bill looked so different from his former self that his classmates thought he underwent a **** during college.

11. ____________________ -- "around" + "bear, go"; a line that forms the boundary of an area; There is alarm and insecurity in the countries along Kosovo's ****.

12. ____________________ -- "not, without" + "feel, perceive"; an agent that causes loss of sensation; Dentists have become much less feared since the development of modern ****.

13. ____________________ -- "ancient, primitive" + "word"; study of material evidence remaining from past human life and culture; Not all people who study **** become like Indiana Jones.
