The Political Landscape

Chapter 1

O’Connor and Sabato

American Government:

Continuity and Change

The Political Landscape

•             In this chapter we will cover…

–         The Roots of American Government:  Where Did the Ideas Come From?

–         Characteristics of American Democracy

–         The Changing Political Culture and Characteristics of the American People

–         Political Culture and Views of Government



•                 The Roots of American Government:  Where Did the Ideas Come From?

•     Aristotle and the Greeks articulated the idea of natural law.

•     Society should be governed by ethical principles that are part of nature and can be understood through reason.

•     Government before had been by “divine right,” but these philosophical changes put humans on the road toward self government.

Popular Consent

Social Contract Theory

•   People are source of power

•   People give consent to government to rule

•   Government provides protection of natural rights

Devising a National Government

At the time of the founding of our nation several forms of governments existed…

–   Monarchy

–   Oligarchy

–   Aristocracy

The Theory of
Democratic Government

•    Direct democracy

•    Indirect democracy

•    Republic

Direct Democracy

•    A system in which all come together periodically to discuss policy and abide by majority rule.

– New England town meeting

Indirect Democracy

A system of government that allows citizens to vote for representatives who will work on their behalf.


A government rooted in the consent of the governed.

Why a Capitalist System?

•   private ownership of property

•   free market economy (laissez-faire) vs. mercantile systems

Other Economic Systems

•    Socialism

•    Communism

•    Totalitarianism

2.  Characteristics of American Democracy

Œ    popular consent

    popular sovereignty

Ž    majority rule

    individualism

    equality

    personal liberty

    civil society

•                   The Changing Political Culture and Characteristics of the American People

Population of the United States:

–  July 1, 1900 there were 76,094,000

–  Today there are over 284,203,717

•   One birth every.................................. 8 seconds

•   One death every.................................. 13 seconds

•   One international migrant (net) every............ 36 seconds

•   One Federal U.S. citizen (net) returning every...2891 seconds

•   Net gain of one person every..................... 13 seconds

–   Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Population Division


Changing Demographics

•      Not only are we bigger we are also more diverse.

•      In colonial times most Americans were Anglo-Saxon.

•      In 2000, the U.S. population was made up of…

–    whites 69.1%

–    African Americans 12.1%

–    Hispanics 12.5%

–    Asian 3.6%



Graying of America

•      The growth of the population age 65 and older will affect every aspect of our society, presenting challenges as well as opportunities to policymakers, families, businesses, and health care providers.

Ideology of Americans

Ideology of Americans

•    Conservativism – thought to believe that a government is best that governs least and that big government can only infringe on individual, personal, and economic rights.

Ideology of Americans

•    Liberalism – thought to favor government involvement in the economy and the provision of social services and to take an activist role in protecting women, the elderly, minorities, and the environment.

Ideology of Americans

•    Libertarianism – thought to favor a free market economy and no governmental interference in personal liberties.


•                 Political Culture and
Views of Government

•     High Expectations

•     A Missing Appreciation of the Good

•     Mistrust of Politicians

•     Voter Apathy

•     Redefining Our Expectations

High Expectations and No Appreciation of the Good

•      Americans expect more and more from their government.

•      Many Americans do not know what government actually does for them.

–   Regulation of airwaves for television and radio

–   Clean water

–   FDA inspections

–   Air traffic control