Compose a song with lyrics. The song will be performed during the final exam period


1.       NOT in BLUES FORM

2.       choose either:

a.        AABA, American song form, with some type of expansion. For example:

                                                   i.       AABA BA

                                                  ii.       intro AABA coda

                                                iii.      Some other combination

b.       Verse Chorus with a bridge. For example

                                                   i.      VVCVCBC

3.       Lyrics can be original or borrowed. If they are borrowed they should be in the public domain.

4.       Minimum orchestration: Voice, Piano, guitar, bass and drums

5.       Form bust be clearly indicated and all sections labeled

6.       Include chord symbols (C7, Am, Dm7b5 ect) and Roman Numerals/modulations

7.       Notated - Create a score and a set of parts for each performer.  For the minimum orchestration you would need to create:

a.        Piano/vocal score for the pianist and singer

b.       Guitar/vocal part

c.        Bass/vocal part

d.       Drum/Vocal part

8.       Notate rhythm section with chord symbols and melody with lyrics

9.       The piece will be performed during the Final Exam Period

10.    Grade will be based upon:

a.        Quality and effectiveness of composition

b.       Following the requirements

c.        Quality of the performance