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  • Atlanta Task Force for the Homeless

    The mission of the Task Force for the Homeless shall be advocating for and representing the dignity and rights of the homeless in our society toward the goal of preventing homelessness and seeking appropriate and affordable housing for all.

  • Greater Cincinnati Coalition for the Homeless

    The Greater Cincinnati Coalition for the Homeless is working to end homelessness in the Cincinnati area. We use coordination of services, public education and grassroots organizing to meet our goal. We believe that everyone has the right to decent, safe and affordable housing. We direct our energies toward both meeting the immediate need for emergency shelter and transitional housing and toward providing permanent housing, jobs and health care for all.

  • Housing and Urban Development, U.S. Department of,

    HUD's Mission: A decent, safe, and sanitary home and suitable living environment for every American: Fighting for fair housing; Increasing affordable housing & home ownership; Reducing homelessness; Promoting jobs and economic opportunity; Empowering people and communities; Restoring the public trust .

  • National Coalition for the Homeless

    The National Coalition for the Homeless is a national advocacy network of homeless persons, activists, service providers, and others committed to ending homelessness through public education, policy advocacy, grassroots organizing and technical assistance.

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  • National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty

    The mission of the Law Center is to advocate effectively to protect the rights of homeless people and to implement solutions to end homelessness in America. To achieve its mission, the Law Center pursues three main strategies: impact litigation, policy advocacy, and public education. To amplify the work of its small staff, the Law Center relies on interns, volunteers, and the pro bono assistance of the private bar.

  • National Housing Institute

    The National Housing Institute is an independent nonprofit organization that examines the issues causing the crisis in housing and community in America. These issues include poverty and racism, disinvestment and lack of employment, safety, education, and breakdown of the social fabric. NHI examines how these and other factors effect people as they try to build safe and viable neighborhoods. NHI has performed original research on such topics as saving subsidized housing, homelessness prevention, and creating jobs as a component of affordable housing construction.

  • North American Street Newspaper Association

    The mission of the North American Street Newspaper Association is to build a more united movement of street newspapers, provide technical assistance to start-up projects, and create a news service for papers serving the poor and homeless.

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  • Project ACT

    The Cleveland Public Schools', Project ACT, in the office of Adult and Continuing Education provides direct instructional and support services to children and youth residing in temporary emergency shelters. A comprehensive holistic approach is used to deliver direct instructional and support services necessary to facilitate the homeless child's transition into school and to ensure the childs success and ongoing participation in the educational system. Support services include all that is necessary to accomplish this goal of meeting physical, social and emotional needs and empowering parents to support their children in this endeavor. All appropriate resources from the Cleveland Public Schools are employed to achieve this goal.

  • Real Change

    Real Change, Puget Sound's newspaper of the streets, provides work, dignity, and a voice to the poor and homeless.

  • Spare Change

    Spare Change is a publication for and by the homeless community of Boston. We are sponsored by the Homeless Empowerment Project (HEP), a grassroots organization founded in 1993 to work toward "a just economy in a just world." We at Spare Change seek to present by our own example that homeless and economically disadvantaged people can, with the proper resources, empowerment, opportunities, and encouragement, create change for ourselves in society. By being a voice for the voiceless, we hope to create a stepping stone for independence and motivate people to break the cycle of inequality and disempowerment.

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  • Streetwise

    STREETWISE is a nonprofit, independent newspaper published twice a month and sold by the homeless, formerly homeless, and economically disadvantaged men and women of Chicago. Its purpose: to empower people through self-employment.

  • U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

    HUD's Mission: A decent, safe, and sanitary home and suitable living environment for every American: Fighting for fair housing; Increasing affordable housing & home ownership; Reducing homelessness; Promoting jobs and economic opportunity; Empowering people and communities; Restoring the public trust .

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Updated 12/14/98
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