Evaluation of Objective Rubric

" Objectively Speaking"

Instructional Design Document

Objective Evaluation Exercise Rubric



    Criterion Question              Unacceptable                          Fair                              

Does the objective clearly state desired end product or behavior?


No end product or behavior stated

End product or behavior is stated, but is not clear.

Desired end product or behavior is stated clearly.

Is the verb in the objective observable (can you see it) and learner-centered (focused on what the learner will do)?


Not observable

Not learner-centered

Observable, but not learner-centered


Learner-centered, but not observable

Verb is learner-centered and observable.

Is the criterion logical, realistic, appropriate, and clearly stated?

Criterion is not stated or implied

One or more of the following qualities is missing: 

a)       logical

b)       realistic

c)       appropriate

d)       clearly  stated.


Criterion is logical, realistic, appropriate and clearly stated.

Are conditions clearly stated and consistent with desired outcome?

No condition stated

Statement of conditions is either unclear or inconsistent with desired outcome.


Conditions are clearly stated and consistent with desired outcome.

* Is objective congruent (in harmony) with learner and context analysis?

Not congruent with either learner or context analysis

Congruent with either learner or context analysis, but not both

Congruent with learner and context analysis



As a final step, read over the objective to be sure that the overall objective is clear, grammatically correct, and written in a logical order.

* Note: For the purposes of this exercise, you have made up the learner and context scenario. In a real classroom, objectives should be based on knowledge of the learners as well as the environment in which they will be learning and performing

© 2003 Lisbeth K. Justice