Weekly Assignment Page
(week of Monday, Sept 24th- Friday, Sept. 28th)

1.  Monday, Sept. 24th:

    1. go over Paraphrase exercise and student paper example
    2. answer any questions about papers so far.

Homework for Weds.:
    1. Rough Draft for Paper 1 is due in class in manila folder on Weds.

2.  Weds., Sept. 26th.:

    1.  group work on papers
    2.  introduction to Brian Eno.
    3.  Hand in rough Drafts of Paper 1

    1.  Begin reading Eno's "A Big Theory of Culture"
    2.  Reading Response to Eno:
        What is Eno trying to say when he says that "culture is everything we don't have to do?"  Do you disagree or do you agree?  Also, what, if any clues do you get to what type of person he is?  Does he seem "full of it"  (as some people have suggested?)?
    reading response should only be 2 full pages long, typed, and double spaced--DUE FRIDAY.

3.  Friday, Sept., 28th:

    1. Return rough drafts of paper #1.  Comments/questions/discussion.
    2.  reading resopnse to Eno interview
    3. Collect reading responses.

    1.  Work on papers:  revision them, fix mistakes, try moving things around and seeng how that works.  Papers are due on OCT. 5th.
    have a good weekend.
