engl 580: Technology in Composition


(updated: 27 April 2000)

This page will serve as my page to present my work for Prof. David Stacey's Engl 580- class.

Annotated Links:
This is where i will be updating and adding useful links (weekly) for use by educators, students, and people interested in some academic topics pertaining to culture, critical theory, sociology, philosophy, teaching of writing, literature, media critiques, and "postmodern" relativisms...

"New Essay" assignment a la Vielstimmig:
This assigment has asked us to prepare and "old essay" prompt or exercise within the "new" media paradigm of "coherence" within the framework of true simultaneous and multi-medial virtual environments. I don't quite agree with Vielstimmig on all points, especially that this "new" method is actually really that "new".  So i do come at this with some skepticism, but i do enjoy her ideas and direction generally.

Thematic Project: My thematic project for the class was to build, maintain, and acquire as much information about philosopher Richard Rorty. This was inconjuction with a class that i co-taught with Mary Ann Creadon of the English Dept. The page was built for students, people interested in Rorty, and myself for this class. The first page is the syllabus from the class Mary Ann and i taught. At the bottom of the page are links to numerous Rorty resources: his page at Stanford, primary and secondary texts of Rorty's on-line (free) along with a brief philosophical introduction, an index of roughly 60 philosophers and thinkers that were mentioned in Rorty's book Philosophy and Social Hope --each thinker has their own page that i built with relevant information about them--and also a page of translated words that might be difficult for the average reader to understand from Rorty's book--these were defined and discussed in terms of relevance. Also there is a page of relevant philosophical links that will broaden one's philosophical "horizon" so to speak. Thus this was my thematic project...very time consuming and laborious, but very fruitful in the end.

This website is also in partial fulfillment of the requirements for this class as well.  So along with this page, please do check out the rest of my website, as it has links to very interesting outside sites, as well as links to my own writings and other things that interest me.  The class journal will be something that will be going on throughout the semester, and the annotated links will eventually be moved to another page after the class has been completed (May 2000).  More than likely, i will add them to the list of links for students, educators, and interested folks.
