Lesson 13 Words



CERN-, CRET-, separate,
CERT- distinguish

ascertain, find out for sure
certain, definite; having or showing confidence; assured
certificate, a document testifying to the truth of something
certify, declare officially
concern, interest in/worry/care for (something)
concert, (?) performance given by singers or instrumentalists or both; agreement in purpose, feeling, or action
discern, perceive or recognize clearly
discernment, clear perception
discreet, careful, prudent
discrete, separate, individual
excrete, to separate and discharge (waste matter)
secret, kept hidden from knowledge or view; concealed
secrete, to generate and separate (a substance) from cells or bodily fluids
(not concrete, existing in reality or in real experience; perceptible by the senses; real)

DUR- hard, to last

durable, long lasting
duration, time something lasts
duress, imprisonment, coercion
during, while
durum, hard wheat
endurable, able to be borne
endure, to carry on through, despite hardships; undergo; to continue in existence; last; to suffer patiently without yielding.
obdurate, stubborn

FUND-, FUS- pour, melt

confuse, cause to be unable to act with intelligence; to mistake (one thing for another)
confound, to make (someone) perplexed; to make (something bad) worse
diffuse, to become widely dispersed, spread out; widely spread or scattered; not concentrated
foundry, An establishment in which metal is melted and poured into molds
fuse, to mix (constituent elements) together by or as if by melting; blend
fusion, the merging of different elements into a union
infuse, to put into or introduce as if by pouring; to fill or cause to be filled with something; to steep or soak without boiling in order to extract soluble elements (e.g., tea)
profuse, plentiful, copious, abundant
profusion, abundance
refund, to give back, especially money
refuse, garbage, trash; to indicate unwillingness (to do something)
suffuse, overspread, so as to fill w/ a glow
transfuse, to pour (something) out of one vessel into another
transfusion, the transfer of blood from one individual to another
fuse, n. < fusus, spindle
fusilage, < fusus, spindle

NASC-, NAT- be born

cognate, having a common ancestor
denature, to make unfit to drink
innate, inborn
nascent, beginning to form
nation, people united under one govt.
native, originating in a certain place, inborn,
nativity, birth of Jesus
nature, the forces that control all the phenomena of the material world; the world of living things and the outdoors; essential characteristics
prenatal, prior to birth
renaissance/renascence, rebirth or revival
natural, not acquired; inherent
preternatural, out of or being beyond the normal course of nature
supernatural, attributed to a power that seems to go beyond natural forces
unnatural, abnormal, deviant

PEL(L)-, drive, push

compel, to pressure by force; to exert a strong, irresistible force on
compelling, urgently requiring attention; drivingly forceful
compulsion, an irresistible impulse to act
dispel, to rid one's mind of
impel, to urge to action through moral pressure; drive
impulse, a sudden wish that prompts an unpremeditated act or feeling; abrupt inclination
impulsive, inclined to act on impulse rather than thought
propel, cause to move forward
propulsion, power which provides motion
repel, to ward off or keep away; drive back
repulsive, causing repugnance or aversion; disgusting

PON-, POSIT- put, place

component, a constituent element or part, as of a system
compose, to make or create by putting together parts or elements
composite, made up of distinct components; compound
compost, a mixture of decaying organic matter
composure, calm or tranquil state of mind
compound, to combine, mix (so as to form a whole); add to, increase
depose, to remove from office
deposit, to give over or entrust for safekeeping; to settle
dispose of, to get rid of; throw out
dispose, to place or set in a particular order; arrange; to put (business affairs) into correct, definitive, or conclusive form
disposition, one's usual mood; temperament; a habitual inclination; a tendency
expose, to reveal, make visible, make known
impose, to force (something) on another
indisposed, mildly ill; averse; disinclined
oppose, to be resistant to
opposite, placed directly across from something else, altogether different
position, location, placement
positive, characterized by or displaying certainty, acceptance, or affirmation
proponent, one who argues in support of something
propose, to recommend for consideration, discussion, or adoption; suggest
propound, propose
repose, the state of being at rest
repository, a place where things may be put for safekeeping
suppose, to assume to be true or real for the sake of argument; consider to be likely
suppository, small plug of medication designed to melt at body temperature within a body cavity other than the mouth
not from this base
pound - weight < L., pondus
pound -- hit < OE
(dog) pound -- < OE enclosure ; pond, impound

TORT- twist

contort, to twist, wrench, or bend severely out of shape
distort, to twist out of a proper or natural relation of parts; misshape; to misrepresent
extort, to obtain from another by coercion or intimidation
retort, sharp, witty reply
torque, force that acts to produce rotation
tort, damage, injury, or a wrongful act done willfully, negligently, or in circumstances involving strict liability, but not involving breach of contract, for which a civil suit can be brought
tortuous, winding or twisting; 2. Not straightforward, devious; 3. highly involved, complex
torture, Infliction of severe physical pain as a means of punishment or coercion
torturous, of, relating to, or causing torture
