Aggregate Method

Aggregate Method Characteristics



Application 1: Stack operations

In the following pseudocode, the operation STACK-EMPTY returns TRUE if there are no object currently on the stack, and FALSE otherwise.

        while (.NOT. STACK-EMPTY(s) and k ≠ 0)
                do    pop(s)
                         k = k-1



  1. Worst-case cost for MULTIPOP is O(n). There are n successive calls to MULTIPOP would cost O(n2). We get unfair cost O(n2) because each item can be poped only once for each time it is pushed.
  2. In a sequence of n mixed operations the most times multipop can be called n/2.Since the cost of push and pop is O(1), the cost of n stack operations is O(n). Therefore, amortized cost of an operation is the average: O(n)/n = O(1).



Application 2: Binary Counter

We use an array A[0 . . k-1] of bits, where length [A] = k, as the counter. A binary number x that is stored in the counter has its lowest-order bit in A[0] and its highest-order bit is A[k-1], so that   k-1Si=0 2iA[i]. Initially, x = 0, and thus A[i] = 0 for i=0, 1, . . . , k-1.
To add 1 (modulus 2k ) to the value in the counter, use the following pseudocode.

i = 0
while i < length [A] and A[i] = 1
    do A[i] = 0
        i = i+1
if i < length [A]
    then A[i] = 1

A single execution of  INCREMENT takes O(k) in worst case when Array A contains all 1's. Thus, a sequence of n INCREMENT operation on an initially zero counter takes O(nk) in the worst case. This bound is correct but not tight.


Amortized Analysis

We can tighten the analysis to get a worst-case cost for a sequence of an INCREMENT's by observing that not all bits flip each time INCREMENT is called.

Bit A[0] is changed ceiling n times (every time)
Bit A[0] is changed ceiling [n/21] times (every other time)
Bit A[0] is changed ceiling [n/22] times (every other time)
Bit A[0] is changed ceiling [n/2i] times.

In general, for i = 0, 1, . . ., left floorlg nright floor, bit A[i] flips left floorn/2iright floor times in a sequence of n INCREMENT operations on an initially zero counter.
For i > left floor
lg(n)right floor, bit A left flooriright floor never flips at all. The total number of flips in a sequence is thus

        floor(log)Si=0  left floorn/2iright floor < n Si=0  1/2i  = 2n

Therefore, the worst-case time for a sequence of n INCREMENT operation on an initially zero counter is therefore O(n), so the amortized cost of each operation is O(n)/n = O(1).