/* traverse.c * The original parse tree is traversed by ValProgramOp() in preorder using * codes similar to those in checktree(). A symbol table is built for all * identifiers and static semantics are checked while traversing. All IDNodes * in the parse tree are changed to either type nodes (integer, char, boolean) * or STNodes. */ #include #include "tree.h" #include "seman.h" /* the following type trees are built in seman.c when ST is initialized */ extern tree intTypeT, charTypeT, booleanTypeT, stringTypeT; extern int traceST; /* flag -- trace semantic analysis, set in driver3.c */ /* function prototypes */ extern tree DupTree(); /* imported from tree.c */ extern tree MakeLeaf(); extern tree LeftChild(); extern tree RightChild(); extern tree NullExp(); extern int NodeKind(); extern void error_msg(); /* from seman.c */ extern int InsertEntry(); extern void SetAttr(); extern int GetAttr(); extern int LookUp(); tree ValType(); /* from this program */ tree ValSpecOp(); tree ValFieldOp(); tree searchField(); /*****************************************************************************/ /* V a l P r o g r a m O p ( ) */ /* ValProgramOp() : start to process the syntax tree from the root */ /* Tree will be checked on a top down fashion, looking for IDNode leaves to */ /* do the appropriate symbol table insertions. */ /*****************************************************************************/ void ValProgramOp(T) tree T; { OpenBlock(); if (!IsNull(LeftChild(T))) ValBodyOp(LeftChild(T)); if (!IsNull(RightChild(T))) ValStmtOp(RightChild(T)); CloseBlock(); if (traceST) outp("exiting ProgramOp\n"); } /****************************************************/ /* V a l B o d y O p ( ) */ /* recursively inorder traverses a BodyOp node */ /****************************************************/ ValBodyOp(T) tree T; { if (!IsNull(LeftChild(T))) ValBodyOp(LeftChild(T)); ValDef(RightChild(T)); if (traceST) outp("exiting BodyOp\n"); } /******************************************************/ /* V a l D e f ( ) */ /* traverses in order a definition subtree */ /******************************************************/ ValDef(T) tree T; { int op; op = NodeOp1(T); if ((op == ProceOp) || (op == FuncOp)) ValRoutineOp(T); else if (op == ConstantIdOp) ValConstantIdOp(T); else if (op == TypeIdOp) ValTypeIdOp(T); else if (op == DeclOp) ValDeclOp(T); if (traceST) outp("exiting Def\n"); } /***************************************************************/ /* V a l T y p e I d O P( ) */ /* Process a type declaration subtree . IDNode is to the */ /* child of T. The IDNode type is to the right of T */ /***************************************************************/ ValTypeIdOp(T) tree T; { tree left,right; int entry, dim; left = LeftChild(T); right = RightChild(T); entry = InsertEntry(left->IntVal); /* change IDNode to STNode, but we can't do these: * left->NodeKind = STNode; * left->IntVal = entry; * because some single type IDNode serves as many leaves in the tree. * So a new leaf has to be created like this: */ SetLeftChild(T, MakeLeaf(STNode, entry)); if (entry) { SetAttr(entry, TREE_ATTR, left); SetAttr(entry, PREDE_ATTR, false); SetAttr(entry, KIND_ATTR, TYPE); SetAttr(entry, TYPE_ATTR, ValType(right,&dim)); } if (NodeKind(right) == IDNode) SetRightChild(T, MakeLeaf(STNode, LookUp(right->IntVal))); if (entry && dim) SetAttr(entry, DIM_ATTR, dim); if (traceST) outp("exiting TypeIdOp\n"); } /****************************************************************/ /* V a l D e c l O p ( ) */ /* Inorder traverses a variable declaration subtree */ /****************************************************************/ ValDeclOp(T) tree T; { tree p; p = T; while (!IsNull(p)) { ValCommaOp(RightChild(p),VARIABLE, NullExp()); p = LeftChild(p); } if (traceST) outp("exiting DeclOp\n"); } /*****************************************************************************/ /* V a l C o m m a O p ( ) */ /* A new entry is created in the symbol table for the variable stored as the */ /* the left child of the CommaOp node. 'kind' is used to differenciate */ /* among variables, record fields, and formal parameters. */ /*****************************************************************************/ ValCommaOp(T,kind, dup) tree T, dup; int kind; { tree left, right, typeT, newNode; int entry, dim; left = LeftChild(T); right = RightChild(T); entry = InsertEntry(left->IntVal); newNode = MakeLeaf(STNode, entry); SetLeftChild(T, newNode); if (!IsNull(dup)) SetLeftChild(dup, newNode); typeT = ValType(right, &dim); if (!IsNull(dup)) SetRightChild(dup,typeT); if (entry) { SetAttr(entry, TREE_ATTR, left); SetAttr(entry, PREDE_ATTR, false); SetAttr(entry, KIND_ATTR, kind); SetAttr(entry, TYPE_ATTR, typeT); } right = RightChild(T); if (NodeKind(right) == IDNode) SetRightChild(T, MakeLeaf(STNode, LookUp(right->IntVal))); if (entry && dim) SetAttr(entry, DIM_ATTR, dim); if (traceST) outp("exiting CommaOp\n"); } /****************************************************************/ /* V a l T y p e ( ) */ /* Process a type subtree and add the appropriate information */ /* to the symbol table. If the caller request setAttr, caller's */ /* TYPE_ATTR is set to the type tree. */ /****************************************************************/ tree ValType(T,dimension) tree T; int *dimension; { tree typeT; int op, stid; *dimension = 0; typeT = NullExp(); op = NodeOp1(T); if (op == ArrayTypeOp) { typeT = DupTree(T); *dimension = ValArrayTypeOp(T, typeT); } else if (op == RecompOp) { OpenBlock(); typeT = DupTree(T); ValRecompOp(T, typeT); CloseBlock(); } else if (op == SubrangeOp) { ValSubrangeOp(T); typeT = T; } else { if (NodeKind(T) == IDNode) stid = LookUp(T->IntVal); else if (NodeKind(T) == STNode) stid = T->IntVal; else stid = 0; if (stid) { /* found in symbol table */ if (GetAttr(stid,KIND_ATTR) != TYPE) error_msg(NOT_TYPE, CONTINUE, T->IntVal); typeT = (tree) GetAttr(stid,TYPE_ATTR); if (NodeOp1(typeT) == ArrayTypeOp) *dimension = GetAttr(stid,DIM_ATTR); } } if (traceST) outp("exiting Type\n"); return typeT; } /*****************************************************************************/ /* V a l A r r a y T y p e O p ( ) */ /* Process an array type subtree and return the number of dimensions of the */ /* array */ /*****************************************************************************/ int ValArrayTypeOp(T,typeTree) tree T, typeTree; { tree right; int dimensions, dummy; dimensions = ValBoundOp(LeftChild(T)); right = RightChild(T); SetRightChild(typeTree, ValType(right,&dummy)); if (NodeKind(right) == IDNode) SetRightChild(T, MakeLeaf(STNode, LookUp(right->IntVal))); if (traceST) outp("exiting ArrayTypeOp\n"); return dimensions; } /*****************************************************************************/ /* V a l B o u n d O p ( ) */ /* Semantic Check: Identifiers used as array bounds must be already in the */ /* symbol table */ /*****************************************************************************/ int ValBoundOp(T) tree T; { int dimensions; tree left; left = LeftChild(T); if (!IsNull(left)) dimensions = (ValBoundOp(left) + 1); else dimensions = 1; ValSubrangeOp(RightChild(T)); if (traceST) outp("exiting BoundOp\n"); return dimensions; } /***************************************************/ /* V a l R e c o m p O p ( ) */ /* Process a record type subtree */ /***************************************************/ ValRecompOp(T, typeTree) tree T, typeTree; { tree p, q; p = T; q = typeTree; while (!IsNull(p)) { ValCommaOp(RightChild(p),FIELD, RightChild(q)); p = LeftChild(p); q = LeftChild(q); } if (traceST) outp("exiting RecompOp\n"); } /*****************************************************************************/ /* V a l S u b r a n g e O p ( ) */ /* ValSubrangeOp: process a subrange type subtree */ /*****************************************************************************/ ValSubrangeOp(T) tree T; { tree left, right; int entry; left = LeftChild(T); if (NodeKind(left) == IDNode ) if (entry = LookUp(left->IntVal)) { /* found in ST */ if (GetAttr(entry,KIND_ATTR) != CONSTANT || GetAttr(entry,TYPE_ATTR) != (int)intTypeT) error_msg(NOT_INT_CONSTANT, CONTINUE, left->IntVal); SetLeftChild(T, MakeLeaf(STNode, entry)); } right = RightChild(T); if (NodeKind(right) == IDNode ) if (entry = LookUp(right->IntVal)) { /* found in ST */ if (GetAttr(entry,KIND_ATTR) != CONSTANT || GetAttr(entry,TYPE_ATTR) != (int)intTypeT) error_msg(NOT_INT_CONSTANT, CONTINUE, right->IntVal); SetRightChild(T, MakeLeaf(STNode, entry)); } if (traceST) outp("exiting SubrangeOp\n"); } /*****************************************************************************/ /* V a l C o n s t a n t I d O p ( ) */ /* Creates a new symbol table entry for the constant */ /*****************************************************************************/ ValConstantIdOp(T) tree T; { int entry, kind; tree left, right, typeT; left = LeftChild(T); right = RightChild(T); entry = InsertEntry(left->IntVal); SetLeftChild(T, MakeLeaf(STNode, entry)); kind = NodeKind(right); if (kind == NUMNode) typeT = intTypeT; else if (kind == CHARNode) typeT = charTypeT; else if (kind == STRINGNode) typeT = stringTypeT; else printf("Something is wrong in const def. Not const nodes.\n"); if (entry) { SetAttr(entry, TREE_ATTR, left); SetAttr(entry, PREDE_ATTR, false); SetAttr(entry, TYPE_ATTR, typeT); SetAttr(entry, KIND_ATTR, CONSTANT); SetAttr(entry, VALUE_ATTR, right->IntVal); if (typeT == stringTypeT) SetAttr(entry, DIM_ATTR, 1); } if (traceST) outp("exiting ConstantIdOp\n"); } /*****************************************************************************/ /* V a l R o u t i n e O p ( ) */ /* Process a function or procedure declaration subtree */ /*****************************************************************************/ ValRoutineOp(T) tree T; { tree right; bool isForward; right = RightChild(T); if (IsNull(right)) isForward = true; else isForward = false; ValHeadOp(LeftChild(T), T, isForward); right = RightChild(T); if (NodeOp1(right) == BodyOp) { if(!IsNull(LeftChild(right))) ValBodyOp(LeftChild(right)); if (NodeOp1(RightChild(right)) == StmtOp) ValStmtOp(RightChild(right)); } CloseBlock(); if (traceST) outp("exiting RoutineOp\n"); } /**********************************************************************/ /* V a l H e a d O p( ) */ /* Inserts the function in the symbol table and process the formal */ /* parameter list */ /**********************************************************************/ ValHeadOp(T,root,forward) tree T, root; bool forward; /* true if the RoutineOp is a forward declaration */ { tree left, right, typeT, oriRoot, oriSpecT; int entry, kind; bool reDefForward = false; /* true if real def for a previous forward */ left = LeftChild(T); right = RightChild(T); /* check to see if a forward declaration existed */ if ((entry = LookUpHere(left->IntVal)) && ((kind = GetAttr(entry, KIND_ATTR)) == PROCE || kind == FUNC) && GetAttr(entry, FORWD_ATTR)) /* forward existed */ reDefForward = true; else if (entry = InsertEntry(left->IntVal)) { if (NodeOp1(root) == ProceOp) kind = PROCE; else if (NodeOp1(root) == FuncOp) kind = FUNC; else printf("Something is wrong with routine declaration\n"); SetAttr(entry, TREE_ATTR, root); SetAttr(entry, PREDE_ATTR, false); SetAttr(entry, KIND_ATTR, kind); if (forward) SetAttr(entry, FORWD_ATTR, true); else SetAttr(entry, FORWD_ATTR, false); } SetLeftChild(T, MakeLeaf(STNode, entry)); OpenBlock(); typeT = ValSpecOp(right); if (entry && (typeT != NullExp()) && !reDefForward) SetAttr(entry, TYPE_ATTR, typeT); if (reDefForward) { oriRoot = (tree)GetAttr(entry, TREE_ATTR); oriSpecT = RightChild(LeftChild(oriRoot)); if (NodeOp1(oriRoot) != NodeOp1(root) || !IsSameTree(right, oriSpecT)) { error_msg(FORWD_MISMATCH, CONTINUE, GetAttr(entry, NAME_ATTR)); return; } SetAttr(entry, FORWD_ATTR, false); /* no longer forward */ SetAttr(entry, TREE_ATTR, root); /* set to new tree root */ } if (traceST) outp("exiting HeadOp\n"); } /**********************************************************************/ /* V a l S p e c O p ( ) */ /**********************************************************************/ tree ValSpecOp(T) tree T; { tree left, right, typeT; int dummy; left = LeftChild(T); right = RightChild(T); if(!IsNull(left)) ValArgs(left); if(!IsNull(right)) { typeT = ValType(right, &dummy); if (NodeKind(right) == IDNode) SetRightChild(T, MakeLeaf(STNode, LookUp(right->IntVal))); } else typeT = NullExp(); if (traceST) outp("exiting SpecOp\n"); return typeT; } /******************************************************************************/ /* V a l A r g s ( ) */ /* Processes the formal parameter list for a procedure or function */ /******************************************************************************/ ValArgs(T) tree T; { tree p, leftright; int op; p = T; while (!IsNull(p)) { if (NodeOp1(p) == VArgTypeOp) ValCommaOp(LeftChild(p),VALUE_ARG, NullExp()); else ValCommaOp(LeftChild(p),REF_ARG, NullExp()); p = RightChild(p); } if (traceST) outp("exiting Args\n"); } /****************************************************************************/ /* V a l S t m t O p ( ) */ /* process a sequence of statements subtree */ /****************************************************************************/ ValStmtOp(T) tree T; { if (!IsNull(LeftChild(T))) ValStmtOp(LeftChild(T)); ValStmt(RightChild(T)); if (traceST) outp("exiting StmtOp\n"); } /****************************************************************************/ /* V a l S t m t ( ) */ /* Process a statement subtree. which can be either an IfStmtOp */ /* Statement subtrees can be ifStmtOP,LoopStmtOP, AssignStmtOp, StmtOp */ /* ExitOp, ReturnOp */ /****************************************************************************/ ValStmt(T) tree T; { int op; /* no need to process exit stmt */ op = NodeOp1(T); if (op == LoopOp) ValLoopOp(T); else if (op == IfElseOp) ValIfElseOp(T); else if (op == RoutineCallOp) ValRoutineCallOp(T); else if (op == AssignOp) ValAssignOp(T); else if (op == ReturnOp) ValReturnOp(T); else if (op == StmtOp) ValStmtOp(T); if (traceST) outp("exiting Stmt\n"); } /****************************************************************************/ /* V a l I f E l s e O P ( ) */ /* Process an ifelse statement subtree */ /****************************************************************************/ ValIfElseOp(T) tree T; { tree temp; temp = LeftChild(T); ValIfElse(temp); temp = RightChild(T); if(!IsNull(temp)) ValStmtOp(temp); if (traceST) outp("exiting IfElseOp\n"); } /****************************************************************************/ /* V a l I f E l s e ( ) */ /* Process an ifelse statement subtree */ /****************************************************************************/ ValIfElse(T) tree T; { tree temp; temp = LeftChild(T); if(!IsNull(temp)) ValIfElse(temp); temp = RightChild(T); ValExp(LeftChild(temp)); ValStmtOp(RightChild(temp)); if (traceST) outp("exiting IfElse\n"); } /**********************************************************************/ /* V a l L o o p O p ( ) */ /* cases */ /* o for loops */ /* o repeat loops */ /* o while loops */ /**********************************************************************/ ValLoopOp(T) tree T; { tree left, leftleft, typeT; int entry, op, kind; left = LeftChild(T); op = NodeOp1(left); if (op == CommaOp) { /* for loop */ leftleft = LeftChild(left); entry = LookUp(leftleft->IntVal); if (entry) { SetLeftChild(left, MakeLeaf(STNode, entry)); typeT = (tree)GetAttr(entry, TYPE_ATTR); kind = GetAttr(entry, KIND_ATTR); if (kind != VARIABLE && kind != REF_ARG && kind != VALUE_ARG || typeT != intTypeT && typeT != charTypeT) error_msg(LOOP_VAR, CONTINUE, GetAttr(entry, NAME_ATTR)); } ValIterOp(RightChild(left)); ValStmtOp(RightChild(T)); } else if (op == StmtOp) { /* repeat loop */ ValStmtOp(left); ValExp(RightChild(T)); } else { /* while loop */ ValExp(left); ValStmtOp(RightChild(T)); } if (traceST) outp("exiting LoopOp\n"); } /**********************************************************************/ /* V a l I t e r O p ( ) */ /* Processes an iteractor subtree */ /**********************************************************************/ ValIterOp(T) tree T; { ValExp(LeftChild(T)); ValExp(RightChild(T)); if (traceST) outp("exiting IterOp\n"); } /**********************************************************************/ /* V a l R e t u r n O p ( ) */ /* Process a return subtree */ /**********************************************************************/ ValReturnOp(T) tree T; { if(!IsNull(LeftChild(T))) ValExp(LeftChild(T)); if (traceST) outp("exiting ReturnOp\n"); } /**********************************************************************/ /* V a l A s s i g n O p ( ) */ /*Process an assignment subtree */ /**********************************************************************/ ValAssignOp(T) tree T; { tree temp; int func; ValAssign(LeftChild(T)); ValExp(RightChild(T)); if (traceST) outp("exiting AssignOp\n"); } /**********************************************************************/ /* V a l A s s i g n ( ) */ /*Process an assignment subtree; left var shouldn't be a constant */ /**********************************************************************/ ValAssign(T) tree T; { int entry,kind; if(!IsNull(LeftChild(T))) ValAssign(LeftChild(T)); entry = ValVarOp(RightChild(T)); if (entry) { kind = GetAttr(entry, KIND_ATTR); if (kind != VARIABLE && kind != REF_ARG && kind != VALUE_ARG) error_msg(ASSIGN_ERR, CONTINUE, GetAttr(entry, NAME_ATTR)); } if (traceST) outp("exiting Assign\n"); } /**********************************************************************/ /* V a l R o u t i n e C a l l O p ( ) */ /* Process a routine call subtree */ /**********************************************************************/ ValRoutineCallOp(T) tree T; { tree left,specT,paraT; int entry; bool paraCheck=true; left = LeftChild(T); entry = LookUp(left->IntVal); if (entry) { SetLeftChild(T, MakeLeaf(STNode, entry)); specT = RightChild(LeftChild(GetAttr(entry,TREE_ATTR))); if (IsNull(specT) && GetAttr(entry, PREDE_ATTR)) paraCheck = false; /* no parameter check for read() and write() */ else if (IsNull(specT)) paraT = NullExp(); else paraT = LeftChild(specT); } ValCommaInCall(RightChild(T), paraT, left->IntVal, paraCheck); if (traceST) outp("exiting RoutineCallOp\n"); } /**********************************************************************/ /* V a l C o m m a I n C a l l( ) */ /* Process the list of actual parameters in a function or procedure */ /* Semantic Check : Formal and actual number of parameters should be */ /* the same; variables are expected for reference */ /* parameters. If check is false, no check is done. */ /**********************************************************************/ ValCommaInCall(T, paraT, id, check) tree T, paraT; int id; bool check; { tree left; if (check && (IsNull(T) && !IsNull(paraT) || !IsNull(T) && IsNull(paraT))) { error_msg(PARA_MISMATCH, CONTINUE, id); check = false; /* turn off checking to avoid multiple error msgs */ } if (!IsNull(T)) { left = LeftChild(T); ValExp(left); if (check && !IsNull(paraT)) { if (NodeOp1(paraT) == RArgTypeOp && NodeOp1(left) != VarOp) { error_msg(REF_ARG_MISMATCH, CONTINUE, id); check = false; } paraT = RightChild(paraT); } if(!IsNull(RightChild(T))) ValCommaInCall(RightChild(T), paraT, id, check); } if (traceST) outp("exiting CommaInCall\n"); } /**********************************************************************/ /* V a l E x p ( ) */ /* Process an expression subtree */ /**********************************************************************/ ValExp(T) tree T; { int op; switch (NodeKind(T)) { case STRINGNode: case CHARNode: case NUMNode: break; case EXPRNode: op = NodeOp1(T); if ((op ==AddOp) || (op== SubOp) || (op==MultOp) || (op==DivOp) || (op==LTOp) || (op==GTOp) || (op==EQOp) || (op==AndOp) || (op==OrOp) || (op==LEOp) || (op==NEOp) || (op==GEOp)) { ValExp(LeftChild(T)); ValExp(RightChild(T)); } else if ((op==UnaryNegOp) || (op==NotOp)) ValExp(LeftChild(T)); else if (op == RoutineCallOp) ValRoutineCallOp(T); else if (op == VarOp) ValVarOp(T); break; } if (traceST) outp("exiting Exp\n"); } /**********************************************************************/ /* V a l V a r O p ( ) */ /* process a variable reference subtree, change it to routine call */ /* and process it as a routine call if it is the case */ /**********************************************************************/ int ValVarOp(T) tree T; { int entry, kind; tree left; left = LeftChild(T); entry = LookUp(left->IntVal); if (entry) { kind = GetAttr(entry, KIND_ATTR); switch (kind) { case PROCE: error_msg(PROC_AS_VAR, CONTINUE, GetAttr(entry, NAME_ATTR)); case FUNC: varOpToRoutineCallOp(T); ValRoutineCallOp(T); if (traceST) outp("exiting VarOp\n"); return entry; break; case TYPE: error_msg(TYPE_AS_VAR, CONTINUE, GetAttr(entry, NAME_ATTR)); break; } SetLeftChild(T, MakeLeaf(STNode, entry)); /* if it's a array or record, continue to process the rest of the tree */ if (!IsNull(RightChild(T))) ValSelectOp(RightChild(T), entry, GetAttr(entry, TYPE_ATTR)); } if (traceST) outp("exiting VarOp\n"); return entry; } /**********************************************************************/ /* V a l S e l e c t O p ( ) */ /* process indexing and field operations */ /**********************************************************************/ ValSelectOp(T,entry, currentType) tree T, currentType; int entry; { tree left, typeT; int dimensions, op; typeT = NullExp(); left = LeftChild(T); op = NodeOp1(left); if (op == IndexOp) { if (NodeOp1(currentType) == ArrayTypeOp) { dimensions = ValIndexOp(left); if (dimensions != countArrayDim(currentType)) error_msg(DIM_MISMATCH, CONTINUE, GetAttr(entry, NAME_ATTR)); typeT = RightChild(currentType); } else error_msg(NOT_ARRAY, CONTINUE, GetAttr(entry, NAME_ATTR)); } else if(op == FieldOp) { if (NodeOp1(currentType) == RecompOp) typeT = ValFieldOp(left, currentType); else error_msg(NOT_RECORD, CONTINUE, GetAttr(entry, NAME_ATTR)); } else printf("Something is wrong with SelectOp\n"); if(!IsNull(RightChild(T))) ValSelectOp(RightChild(T),entry, typeT); if (traceST) outp("exiting SelectOp\n"); } /**********************************************************************/ /* V a l I n d e x ( ) */ /**********************************************************************/ int ValIndexOp(T) tree T; { int dimensions; ValExp(LeftChild(T)); if (!IsNull(RightChild(T))) dimensions = ValIndexOp(RightChild(T)) + 1; else dimensions = 1; if (traceST) outp("exiting IndexOp\n"); return dimensions; } /**********************************************************************/ /* V a l F i e l d O p ( ) */ /* process a record accesing operation */ /**********************************************************************/ tree ValFieldOp(T,recType) tree T,recType; { tree left, nextType, commaOpTree; int entry; nextType = NullExp(); left = LeftChild(T); commaOpTree = searchField(recType, left->IntVal); if (!IsNull(commaOpTree)) { /* valid field name */ entry = IntVal(LeftChild(commaOpTree)); SetLeftChild(T, MakeLeaf(STNode, entry)); nextType = RightChild(commaOpTree); } else error_msg(NOT_FIELD, CONTINUE, left->IntVal); if (traceST) outp("exiting FieldOp\n"); return nextType; } outp(s) char s[]; { printf(s); } /****************************************************************/ /* v a r O p T o R o u t i n e C a l l O p ( ) */ /* change a varOp to RoutineCallOp */ /****************************************************************/ varOpToRoutineCallOp(T) tree T; { tree right; if (NodeOp1(T) == VarOp) { if (!IsNull(right = RightChild(T))) { SetRightChild(T, LeftChild(right)); SetRightTreeOp(RightChild(T), CommaOp); if (!IsNull(RightChild(right))) error_msg(ROUTINE_CALL_ERR, CONTINUE, IntVal(LeftChild(T))); } SetNodeOp(T, RoutineCallOp); } else printf("varOpToRoutineCallOp() can only be called on VarOp node\n"); } int countArrayDim(arrayType) tree arrayType; { tree p; int count = 0; if (NodeOp1(arrayType) == ArrayTypeOp) { p = LeftChild(arrayType); while (!IsNull(p)) { count++; p = LeftChild(p); } } else printf("countArrayDim() can only be called on ArrayTypeOp\n"); if (!count) printf("Something is wrong, array has zero dimension\n"); return count; } tree searchField(recType, id) tree recType; int id; { tree p, commaOpT; p = recType; while (NodeOp1(p) == RecompOp) { commaOpT = RightChild(p); /* if (id == IntVal(LeftChild(commaOpT)))*/ if (id == GetAttr(IntVal(LeftChild(commaOpT)), NAME_ATTR)) return commaOpT; p = LeftChild(p); } return NullExp(); }