
Dressing the Stepsisters for the Ball by Clark

Cinderella meets the prince by Clark


Cinderella translations
From D.L. Ashliman, University of Pittsburgh, 19 versions of the tale, including several Grimms' translations, Perrault, Norwegian, Italian, Indian, Vietnamese, and more.
Don't Cry for Me, Cinderella
A song parody, to be sung to the tune of "Don't cry for me Argentina."
Out of Sleep
A Cinderella poem by Corey-Ellen Nadel.
China: Dim Sum: Comparing Cinderella and Yeh-Shen
Classroom lesson plan for comparing the American and Chinese Cinderella, with a useful Venn diagram and a bibliography of Cinderella variations.
Cinderella and Prince Charming go on trial
Classroom exercise to increase student interaction in a foreign language classroom.
Cinderella Around the  World and Stories
From the Bowdoin Central School in Bowdoin, Maine, a grammar school study of the tale from around the world and written versions of their own.
Cinderella, Cinderella, Cinderella
Another teaching page with an "original" version of the tale.
International Cinderella
From Gloria Crite, a lesson plan discussing the various versions of the tale, thematic issues, basic fairy tale plot elements, with resources.