
Cinderella in the Language Arts

Cinderella Vs. Cinderella
3rd - 6th grade (for younger students this exercise can be made an out-loud activity and for older students a comparison between more than two stories or the genre of Cinderella stories).
Objectives: The learner will write a compare/contrast paper.

On-Line Resources:

Children's Literature Web Guide's Cinderella

Contains a number of links to other Cinderella sites, including a number of teaching ideas.

Fairy Tale Encyclopedia - Cinderella

A brief overview of the story, along with a little history and discussion of variations. There are a number of good links from this site, as well.

Shen's Books

This site describes the elements of a Cinderella story, and contains a link called "In Search of Cinderella," which offers a list of countries, leading to Cinderella versions from those countries.

Cinderella Books from Around the World

A list of various Cinderella books, although this list is not categorized by country.

Other Resources: various versions of Cinderella, Cinderella: Oryx Multicultural Folktale Series by Judy Sierra (optional, but very useful!).
Procedures: Use the on-line resources to identify and obtain various versions of Cinderella. As a class, decide on the characteristics to compare. As the students read the books, have them identify major characteristics of the story on a database (or on a graph on paper, if no database is accessible). Possible fields are listed below - use whichever items are appropriate for your students.


The Brothers Grimm's Cinderella

Main Character



father, cruel step-mother, two wicked step-sisters

Main Character's Wish

to go to the ball

Impossible Tasks

pick out lentils from ashes

How She Attains Wish

birds do as Cinderella bids, magic bird (spirit of her mother?) gives her gowns and slippers

Where They Meet

3-day festival


birds who help Cinderella

Proof of Identity

the golden slipper fits


birds help Cinderella & speak to the Prince

Important Person

Prince (some discussion may be necessary here)

What Happens to Evil Characters

step-sisters are blinded by birds (plus they ALREADY cut off part of their feet, so they have to live with that, too!)

After the information is gathered, go over the format for a compare/contrast paper. A  four paragraph format is easiest:
Information about Cinderella in general
Information about the first Cinderella story to be compared
Information about the second Cinderella story to be compared
Similarity number one
Detail, elaboration, or additional discussion of similarity
Similarity number two
Detail, elaboration, or additional discussion of similarity
Similarity number three
Detail, elaboration, or additional discussion of similarity
Difference number one
Detail, elaboration, or additional discussion of difference
Difference number two
Detail, elaboration, or additional discussion of difference
Difference number three
Detail, elaboration, or additional discussion of difference
 General overview of similarities and differences