The Second Three Months


Ava's second trip to Grammy and Opa's apartment.  And like last time, she's a hit even when she just sits there in her car seat.  Opa didn't have to get on all fours to sing to her this time, as I put her car seat at the center of their sturdy table and locked it firmly place.  Still, the car seat was certainly not going anywhere thanks to Grammy's insurance grip!


Opa gets some quiet time with Ava on his couch.




Tummy Time!  She did a nice job of lifting that heavy head of hers at Grammy and Opa's the same day.



And at three months, Ava gets to see her Great Grandma Stella (Grampa John's Mom, at top right) in Cleveland, where she was a big hit, once again.



Once again, that picture of Ava on my lap at about three weeks, and on my lap again ten weeks later.  She's about doubled in weight, as you can probably tell.


A very nice picture of Ava on Mommy's lap at 3½ months.


Carter Bean works endlessly to ensure that Ava's clothes are warm each morning when we reach for a new outfit from this basket.  It's hard work, but he's always up to the task.


Dodger's also quite good at her self-appointed job of protecting Ava's clothes, which are now stored in the no-longer-used bassinet.


In her special Jane-Austen-quote tee shirt from Cousin Peggy.  This was taken a split second before she launched herself on her side, something that's become routine. 


Coming up on four months...



Ava's vitals at Christmas:

15 lbs. 2 oz.

26 inches




We tried and tried, but this was the happiest look that we could get from our Christmas elf on this day!


Ava made it from her back to her stomach on her own at the four month mark.  Here, Mommy joins her at Christmastime.


Although not sold for that specific purpose, this is an excellent device for keeping infants from getting into trouble when you're not looking.  Ava didn't (couldn't!) move from this position as we took several pictures of her over the course of a minute or so.  This device also meets the minimum requirements for warmth (as mandated by Grammy Reischuck) when venturing outside in the Ohio wintertime.



And another great achievement around Christmastime...solid foods!  She's very easy to photograph at times...a natural.



Uncle Mark and Family gave Ava a wonderful hand-me-down....the crib that Megan (L) and Morgan (R) used when they were little.  Now she has some space to keep up with her rapid growth for awhile.


Another new accomplishment--standing all by herself for a minute or so at a time using the corner of the couch for some support.  This allows her to check out what's going on outside...She must have learned that from the cats.


I see a dupie.


Making sure that Daddy's there when she falls backwards....and I am.  She's about a month or two early for such behavior, which suggests that she won't be a late one when it comes to walking.



While Daddy sleeps in, Mommy captures a very happy Morning Baby.


Later that morning, Ava studies something green on the bed.  What is it?


It makes her laugh.  What is it?


Why it's Jr. Asparagus from the Veggie Tales, singing the one song he knows...again.


And my favorite picture of the last few weeks...When she eats, the eyebrows go up...a Reischuck trait that probably goes back centuries.


Our current personalized sign-in screen for MSN... I like this better than the default picture (a rubber duck, as I recall).  This one means much more to me.



In her nice French Bear high chair, waiting for the lunch that was promised.  I picked up a camera instead of her cereal bowl, and she is rightfully concerned., glorious food!  Well, squash at least.


 On to the Third Three Months