The Porta Marina Columbarium

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Plan of the Burial Niches in the Porta Romana Columbarium

The Porta Laurentina Columbarium is a cremation burial site for a communal burial site.  The entrance is at the bottom of the plan.  There are two chambers.  The niches in the upper left hand corner are for individual urns only.  The other niches would be used by couples (or close friends).  Each urn would have a small epitaph giving the name of the deceased and perhaps an occupation on the wall below the niche. 

On your paperwork, be sure to indicate which niche you are purchasing.  Also, reserve your niche on the paperwork in class.  If you choose a niche that has already been claimed, you will be given the next closest niche that matches your criteria (individual or couple).

Each niche costs 200,000 sestertii.  It is the cheapest communal columbarium. 

Click here to view the Porta Laurentina Necropolis

The Necropolis at Isola Sacra in Modern Times