About Me

I have received my Ph.D. in Business Administration with concentration in Economics from the University of Memphis. Before joining Kent State University, I served as a tenure track faculty at Waldorf College, Iowa for two years. I have received prestigious Barbara Tuckman Fellowship award, the best student award at the College of Business, while working on my Ph.D. in business administration at the University of Memphis. I was also awarded national scholarship of merit by the Government of India.
The guiding principle of my teaching philosophy is to create a classroom environment that stimulates interest in business and economics, and help students envision important factors that influence today’s economics.

My areas of specializations are International Trade and Developement . I have published peer reviewed articles in Journals like Applied Economics Letters, Global Economy Journal, Review of Development Economics, Journal of Entreprenuership and Public Policy, Management Decision, and European Business Review among others. My papers regularly get accepted at prestigious international and national conferences like International Atlantic Economic Conference, Southern Economic Association, Midwest Economic Association, and Academy of International Business. I have also contributed often as a reviewer in journals like Economic Change and Restructuring, Kyklos, SageOpen and International Journal of Emerging Markets to name a few.

Deepraj Mukherjee

Curriculum Vitae
Click here to view my CV