
Erin Hollenbaugh in the classroomCampus clock tower

Campus, Department, University Service

I serve the Stark campus in multiple capacities, including as program coordinator of communication studies. I am also the regional campus representative to the School of Communication Studies Faculty Advisory Committee.

As university service, I am the point person on articulation agreements that allow a Stark State College student graduating with an AAS in technical communications or AA in communication to come to Kent State to complete the bachelor’s degree in communication studies. Click here to learn more.

Service to the Discipline

I recently served the Ohio Communication Association as its Executive Director, and now work to secure sponsorships for its annual conference. Connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn to learn more.

At the national level, I am also involved in the Human Communication and Technology Division of the National Communication Association and I review for a number of communication journals.

Service to the Community

I serve on the advisory boards of the English and communication degrees at Stark State College. My connection to the community is also facilitated through service-learning projects.