Bowl of Fire, Live at the Side Door St. Louis, MO 8/28/99

Review by Larissa Dalle

first of, the sidedoor is the best place to play and hear live music.  
it's a small intimate club which the world's nicest soundguys.

my band (larissa dalle) started off the evening with the premiere of 
"theme song" whose chorus goes "let us depress you, that's what we're 
here for.  give us an hour and you'll wish you've never been born."  
rumour has it that my mother was in the audience tell her friends that 
"it wasn't (her) fault." !!!  it was also one of our first shows with 
our amazing guitarist chuck hestand.  

the blacks went on next.  this was back when nora o'connor was still in 
the band singing back up and playing guitar.  the blacks put on there usual 
bawdy and energetic show.  with gina black howling and thumping the bass.  
danny black crooning and playing guitar.  and james emmenegger pounding 
away on drums with his blond hair flapping in his wake.  

and then andrew bird's bowl of fire took the stage.  here's a set list:

candy shop
tea & thorizine
dora goes to town
wishing for contentment
fatal flower
coney island shuffle
50 pieces
minor stab
after you've gone

the band put on a stellar performance.  and came back for an encore 
with 2 songs in spanish.  one of them was "besme mucho" (sp?).  which 
had the audience dancing away.  

one of my favourite songs from the set was "greenland" in which andrew 
called gina & nora up to sing with him.  the girls added a cool andrew 
sisters/patty page type back-up which was beautiful.

in the end, a good time was had by all!!!!

See a poster from the show!

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