
Catullus 96

Calvus' wife Quintilia has died, and while she will be mourned, Catullus assures Calvus that she was happy in her husband's love for her.

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Si quicquam mutis gratum acceptumve sepulcris
accidere a nostro, Calve, dolore potest,
quo desiderio veteres renovamus amores
atque olim missas flemus amicitias,
certe non tanto mors immatura dolori est...................5
Quintiliae, quantum gaudet amore tuo.

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Meter: elegiacs.
1. sepulcris: modified by mutis; Dative with accidere (line 2).
2. Calve: Vocative for Calvus, a friend of Catullus. Cf. poem 50.
3. quo desiderio: "by which longing".
5f. dolori and Quintiliae are Double Dative.
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last updated October 17, 2003
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