
Horace 4.07

Spring is returning; the seasons replace each other in turn; for us, though, the seasons cycle but once.

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Diffugere nives, redeunt iam gramina campis
........arboribusque comae;
mutat terra vices et decrescentia ripas
........flumina praetereunt;

Gratia cum nymphis geminisque sororibus audet ...rbl.......rbl..5
........ducere nuda choros.
immortalia ne speres, monet annus et almum
........quae rapit hora diem.

frigora mitescunt zephyris, ver proterit aestas,
........interitura simul ...rbl.......rbl........rbl........rbl.......rbl........10
pomifer autumnus fruges effuderit, et mox
........bruma recurrit iners.

damna tamen celeres reparant caelestia lunae;
.rbl...nos ubi decidimus
quo pius Aeneas, quo Tullus dives et Ancus, ...rbl.......rbl.......15
.rbl...pulvis et umbra sumus.

quis scit an adiciant hodiernae crastina summae
.rbl...tempora di superi?
cuncta manus avidas fugient heredis, amico
.rbl...quae dederis animo. ...rbl.......rbl........rbl........rbl.......rb.20

Cum semel occideris et de te splendida Minos
........fecerit arbitria,
non, Torquate, genus, non te facundia, non te
........restituet pietas;

infernis neque enim tenebris Diana pudicum ...rbl.......rbl.........25
........liberat Hippolytum,
nec Lethaea valet Theseus abrumpere caro
........vincula Pirithoö.

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Meter: First Archilochian
2. comae: Nominative plural.
7. monet: sc. te as Direct Object;
annus and hora are both subjects of monet.
15. Aeneas: sc. decidit; likewise with Tullus and Ancus.
19f. amico... animo: probably Dative, "to your happy soul", as opposed to Ablative, "in a friendly spirit".
21. splendida: transferred epithet, modifying arbitria, but referring to Minos.
26. liberat: Historical Present; likewise for valet.
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last updated October 17, 2003
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