Kent State maintains a wide variety of field and lab tools for measuring fluid flow, collecting sediment, and quantifying sediment parameters. These tools include a Sontek MicroADV and an Argonaut XR for measuring fluid flow (in addition to several Price AA meters and a Marsh-McBirney FlowMate), DH-48, DH-59, and DH-76 sediment samplers for suspended sediment, and several Helley-Smith bedload samplers.

Our sediment lab is equipped to handle foreign soil samples, and includes facilities for drying, peroxidizing, and weighing samples. We maintain a Retsch Camsizer for sizing sand and gravel, and a Malvern Mastersizer for silts and clays. The department owns a Sedigraph, although it is no longer in use. To compare Camsizer and Mastersizer results with those of settling tubes, we have an Accupyc 1330 to determine sediment bulk density.