
20 March 2000:

When dealing with issues of storage, we as writers and organizers of ideas, find ourselves in an interesting position:  not only do we deal with information that we negotiate with and through, but we also catalog this information in things like "history" files, or bookmarks, which are nothing more than places in the ether where we have said "we want to come back here and explore more because we like what we see."  this sounds suspiciously like a museum, where, by coincidence things are catalogued, stored, and saved for future reference because we:

1.  Need to remember

2.  enjoy places of now extinct notions of who we once were at one time

3.  these places of storage are places where we can refer to information's "power", it's relation to what it can do for us.

Information reponds to us by being with us on the journey we take through it.  Information reminds us that though we might "know" alot, information will, in its thingness, always have a one up on us.  there is always more information that we can every possibly imagine--just like there are more stars that we can imagine, more cells than we can conceive, more ideas in human minds than imaginable.

more later.
