
How I am doing what i am doing while i do it...
(updated: 6 April 2000)

10 February 2000:   The Beginning...some thoughts that seemed to make sense.

17 February 2000: Some thoughts on how accountability becomes a non-issue.

17 March 2000: Where did the previous entry go? I forgot to save it.  More on issues of storage.

20 March 2000:  Storage:  how we all become museum curators.

3 April 2000:  What it means to be afraid...though, at the same time think about being afraid.

4 april 2000: Mondrian dreams turn into forms of rationalization that are solipsistic

5 april 2000: How the really real becomes something other than what you thought it was.

6 april 2000: Problems in the contact-zone: where the moistness of life meets the dry blandness of academia

8 sept. 2001 : tired, always already
