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This page contains images from a filter assignment in my visual design class.



troll troll+ mezzotint
This first picture is a picture of a sculpture of a bridge troll.  This is in Seattle, WA.  The VW Bug in the sculpture is an actual VW Bug.  This sculpture is very large.  I chose the mezzotint filter for this photo.  I chose this filter because I felt that it enhanced the ominous-ness of the troll.  This filter increased the contrast greatly making the darks darker and the lights lighter.  It also has a grainy appearance which increases the other-worldly sense.


Before After
stream stream + drybrush
This is a picture of a stream leading to a waterfall at Mt. Rainier. The filter I chose for this picture was the dry brush effect.  As you can see it makes the picture look like an impressionist painting. 


Before After
sign sign + glowing edge, plasticwrap

This is a picture of a street sign that I saw while walking.  The pictures of the people and the flying books combined with the text caught me as mildly hilarious.  The filter that I chose for this picture was glowing edges.  This transformed the photo into a neon sign.  I thought that this effect was striking and made the image pop.  I added a second filter, plastic wrap, to this image.  This gave the sign a sense of depth and substance.  After applying the filter the sign felt like a large block of plastic


Before After
space needle space needle + posterize
This is a picture of the downtown Seattle shoreline.  This was taken from a ship running tours around Puget Sound.  I like this picture with the Space Needle.  The filter that I chose was "posterize".  This filter gave the picture a gritty urban feel.  A similar effect was used in the introduction for a television show called, “Becker”. 


Before After
trees trees + crosshatch
This unfortunately is not a picture of the Mt. Rainier summit, but is from that mountain range.  It was clouded over the day that I went.  The filter I chose for this picture was the crosshatch filter.  I like this filter because it makes the picture look like a painting.  It has a sense of the romantic and is a bit impressionistic.



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© by Jedidiah Rex 2009