families and alternative life styles
Dr. Jack Vazzana, Ext 77455
         e-mail jvazzana@kent.edu, jveav@aol.com
        Office Hours;  Class Objectives, Spring 2018
MW 11-12:15, Rm 118, Purinton

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Text: Newman, David M. and Grauerholz, Liz. Sociology of Families. 2ed.. (Pine Forge: Thousand Oaks) 2002. ISBN 978-07619-8749-9.

Upon completion of this course the student will be able to explain and understand the discipline's terms, knowledge of theories, methods and vocabulary of the Family in contemporary and past terms.  In addition, fundamental principles of family life will include impact of the socialization process on the family collectivity, functions and meanings of the family in conjunction with the origins and especially rituals and family goals in regard to the greater social order. There will be an emphasis on those aspects of the family and alternate life styles that will add to and increase the student's understanding of themselves in relation to the/ir family. Learning Objectives

Four Exams demonstrating an applied knowledge of class and text material with the average of the four being the final grade. (See Grading Standards) Topics for exams are announced ahead of time with the option to submit paper early for comments. Failure to attend four classes will result in final grade being lowered by 1/3. Miss 1/2 the classes - Fail. Upper level courses require consistent, active participation often with lively, adult participation. Extra credit is not offered in any of Dr Jack's classes because: 1. It is not an equitable procedure and 2. It may be considered  academic blackmail. Passwords and addresses will not be accepted after second week of classes. And any other exams so deamed appropriate by the instructor.

Examination Dates: 7 Feb, 14 Mar, 11 Apr, Final 10AM, my office,  7      May. Spring Recess 26 Mar. to 1 April  University Calendar

Dr Jack's Diversity Policy: Each student is respected as an adult and individual.

In accordance with university policy, if one has a documented disability, please contact the University SDS representative to whom documentation should be submitted for consideration. (see Disabilities)

Plan of Studies: There is no formal week-by-week plan of studies. Each weeks work is predicated on what was done the past week and announced in the "Assignments" section of the course's main page as well as where we plan to go next time.

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